JLC / P–2
Getting Started
Create a comfortable space for Learning at Home. This may consist of a range of learning area options like our typical classrooms including; desk / table and chair, a soft area (like a beanbag) for reading and a peaceful space where you can have some quiet time.
View a message from Mr. Davis
Learning Timetable
Getting Started
Morning Routine
Morning Routine
Gather all of your belongings for the day. Connect in with school via Seesaw and do a family devotion or online Seesaw devotion.
Session 1
Check in with your teacher and watch the daily video. Work on the Literacy activities in your ‘Daily Plan’.
Morning Tea
Morning Tea
Choose a healthy food choice from your lunch box. Connect with your family, have some time outside, play a game.
Session 2
Work on your daily Numeracy activities. Include some time for hands-on Maths at home – Uno, Yahtzee, cooking, planning a budget/dinner/celebrations, sorting the washing etc.
Make a healthy food choice from your lunch box. Connect in with your family and have some time outside, play a game.
Session 3
Other Learning
Other Key Learning Areas
Have some fun with Science / HaSS / Christian Living / SECRET Skills challenge.
Remember to have fun too with SMILE / PE, Music and Art.
Get ready
Do you have your uniform on?
Good lighting
Is your area well lit?
Everything on hand
Do you have the resources you need? (pencil, sharpener, glue, scissors, paper)
Safety first
Do you have your device charged and extension leads safely set up?
Energy levels
Do you have a drink bottle, morning tea and lunch to keep your energy levels up and your brain thinking throughout the day?