JLC / 3–6
Student Connex
Getting Started
Create a comfortable space for Learning at Home. This may consist of a range of learning area options like our typical classrooms including; desk / table and chair, a soft area (like a beanbag) for reading and a peaceful space where you can have some quiet time.
View a message from Mr. Davis
Learning Timetable
Starting the Day
Before School
Before School
1. Get ready
2. Eat your breakfast
3. Prepare for the day
Session 1
Literacy Activities
Connect with your teacher: Family Devotion / Life Group.
Connect on: Teams, OneNote and/or Seesaw.
Morning Tea
Morning Tea
Make a healthy food choice from your lunch box. Connect with your family and enjoy some downtime.
Session 2
Numeracy Activities
Connect with your teacher. Connect on: Teams, OneNote and/or Seesaw.
Lunch Time
Make a healthy food choice from your lunch box. Connect with your family and enjoy some downtime.
Session 3
Other Learning
Other Learning Activities
Connect with your teacher to work on other daily activities: Science, HaSS, Health, Technologies, Christian Living, Projects. Connect on: Teams, OneNote, Seesaw.
Open area
Your learning space should be in plain sight, not in a bedroom.
Get setup
It should be a quiet space with access to power and a strong, stable internet signal.
Safety first
Check that the electrical equipment (power boards, extension cords and cables etc.) are in good working order.
Practical and comfortable
A proper desk and chair should be used. Students should not be lounging around on the floor or on other items such as bean bags while working online for long periods of time.
Be prepared
Other resources such as paper and pens should be in easy reach.
Good lighting
The learning space should be well lit.
Video call ready
Check what is behind you in case you are on a video call.
Sound on
Headphones may be necessary if you have siblings working from home so you can hear instructions from teachers online.