The College has developed practices so that we can continue our free private tutoring program. This will be done via Microsoft Teams. The College strives to provide the very best educational outcomes for all students.
Below are a few tips to maximising the online tutoring experience, as well as instruction on how to book the sessions.
Setting your child up for a great on-line tutoring experience
- Make sure devices are charged and updated before the session starts
- Have your stationery and study needs ready
- Make sure students have a stylus pen
- Devices should be placed in a stationary position at an appropriate height
- Ensure there is good lighting
- A quiet environment free from distractions and background noise
Students need to be prepared with specific questions to maximise time with their tutors.
Please note the following conditions Hillcrest has placed on staff and students to ensure a safe and secure environment.
- All private tutoring will only be organised and conducted through Microsoft Teams
- All lessons will be recorded by the tutor
- Tutors will use their Hillcrest email and student email addresses for communication purposes
- Private tutoring sessions at home are to undertaken in open living areas rather than a study or bedroom etc