The latest information, updates and resources.
Community Updates
Friday, 20 August 2021 (latest)
The following notes have been extracted from the Community Update, if you did not receive the communication please email the College Office to confirm your email address.
Dear Parents/Carers
Thank you for your support for the College over the last few weeks of COVID lockdown and restriction. It has been very frustrating at times and we continue to pray for the members of the Hillcrest community who remain in lockdown in NSW.
While the lockdown in NSW has been extended for another week, the Queensland restrictions have eased and the following information is important for our families:
- All at school programs (sport and music) return to normal operations next week.
- Interschool sport and excursions are permitted. Each activity will continue to be reviewed against COVID safety and wellbeing criteria to confirm if it occurs.
- Year 7-12 students must continue to wear a mask at school except when they are seated and eating or drinking (can I please ask parents to ensure their children leave home with a mask rather than relying on school supplies).
- Visitors and external providers, including providers of extracurricular activities, can be on campus.
- Year 12 students will be undertaking their Mock Exams next week.
- Assemblies and large group activities may return to normal where social distancing and COVID requirements are safely met.
- Drop off and pick up procedures return to normal next week.
- Parents who drop off their children in the morning are welcome on campus, however, we ask that that you check-in with your QR App and wear a mask at all times.
For families located in NSW the following information applies:
- Students in lockdown in NSW will continue to learn online.
- All students will be contacted to determine ways in which their learning experiences can be enhanced next week.
- Staff located in NSW will continue to work remotely and online for their students.
There are a number of exceptions to wearing face masks, including for children under 12 (unless they are in Year 7) and people with particular medical conditions or disabilities. Some of these exceptions include:
- Anyone who has a medical condition or disability that may be made worse by wearing a mask, including problems with their breathing, a serious skin condition on their face, a mental health condition or experienced trauma.
- Anyone who is communicating with those who are deaf or hard of hearing, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
We recognise that this situation is not ideal and thank everyone for their voiced support and encouragement. Even as I write this information I am hearing of possible changes to arrangements from the start of next week, so please be aware that further updates may provide additional information that is important to our school community. Decisions on future events will be considered early next week and by mid-week, a more detailed announcement will be made in regards to the end of term arrangements.
Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College
Previous Community Updates
- Past Community Updates
- Monday, 16 August, 2021
- Sunday, 15 August, 2021
- Saturday, 14 August, 2021
- Sunday, 8 August, 2021
- Friday 6 August, 2021
Click through the Tabs to view previous relevant posts.
Monday, 16 August 2021 (latest)
The following notes have been extracted from the Community Update, if you did not receive the communication please email the College Office to confirm your email address.
Dear Parents/Carers
Thank you for your patience as we navigate these changing times. The College is pleased to advise that all onsite Cocurricular activities including Choral and Band rehearsals, CAPA Dance and all Sparks, Flames & Explosions programs will recommence from tomorrow, Tuesday 17 August 2021.
During our Sparks, Flames and Explosions programs parents are kindly asked to stay in their cars until 4pm. Pick up entry will be located at the Prep deck and we are asking for one parent to pick up per family. Parents are reminded to sign in using the QR code on arrival and please note that all students must be signed out with the convenor. Staff will be present and signage visible to ensure pick up procedures run smoothly. If your child is going to be absent from a Sparks, Flames and Explosions activity please email
We thank you for your patience as we implement these new guidelines and adjustments.
Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College
Sunday, 15 August 2021
The following notes have been extracted from the Community Update, if you did not receive the communication please email the College Office to confirm your email address.
Dear Parent/Carers,
The Executive Team have been working throughout the last 24 hours, since the announcement that NSW has entered into lockdown, to determine the best way of managing the Hillcrest teaching and learning platform in the coming week.
I am pleased to inform the community that for those students who live in Queensland there will be very few changes and most students will not be affected in the quality of their learning experiences. Alternative high-quality arrangements have also been made to ensure those students in NSW are also able to continue their learning with quality Learning at Home options. The decisions that have been made so far all align with the Queensland Government and Health authority guidelines and include;
- Hillcrest Christian College will continue to operate as normal throughout the coming week
- All classes on the campus will continue as normal in every year level
- Year 12 classes and exams have been prioritised and will continue as scheduled for the entire week as many final assessments are due this coming week prior to the start of Mock Exams
- Sporting activities, excluding Sparks and Flames, will be allowed where these activities are played on site, and against Hillcrest students only
- Sparks and Flames will not resume sporting options this week
- Band and Choral rehearsals will be held as normal this week
- All Excursions for the week ahead have been cancelled, except if you are directly notified otherwise
- All incursions have been cancelled, except the Year 5 “Real Talk” presentation which will be held in a Covid safe environment
- As previously indicated, the Gold Coast Eisteddfod competitions scheduled for this week have been cancelled
- Students in Years 7-12 are expected to wear masks at all times except when they are seated and eating
- All staff will continue to wear masks throughout each school day
- There are a small number of staff and students who reside in NSW who will be unable to attend the Hillcrest campus this week. The affected staff have all been briefed on how they can continue to work from home while unable to attend the College campus. This includes a very small number of teachers. Arrangements have been made to resolve their teaching component at school for the week ahead. The Executive Team have developed some proactive approaches to this situation and do not believe that students will be adversely affected with the ideas that will be implemented over the next 48 hours. Students who are also unable to attend the Hillcrest campus will be provided with Learning at Home experiences that will be explained to these families and students directly.
All NSW lockdown affected families will receive a Zoom meeting link shortly inviting them to join with the College Executive at 4pm this afternoon to discuss the plans that will be implemented and to resolve any issues forthcoming from these changes.
I would like to once again thank the Hillcrest Christian College community for your continued support and understanding. Situations such as these are almost impossible to predict, and we are trying to develop ways of ensuring that every student is given the best possible learning experience on a daily basis. We believe that we have resolved the issues that we have identified, however, should you feel there are others we need to consider, please contact the College directly.
Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College
Saturday, 14 August 2021
The following notes have been extracted from the Community Update, if you did not receive the communication please email the College Office to confirm your email address.
Dear Parent/Carer,
This afternoon the NSW Government announced that the whole state has been placed in an immediate 7-day lockdown. As part of this lockdown, all NSW schools have been closed and leaving home to attend education is no longer a valid reason to leave home. We are expecting the Queensland Government to make a further announcement later on this issue.
As such, all staff and students who reside in NSW will not be able to physically attend school at Hillcrest during this lockdown. This affects around 14 staff members and almost 50 students. For all QLD residents school will continue to operate as normal in line with QLD Government guidelines.
The College Executive Team have been meeting today and will continue to do so tomorrow to define and then implement solutions to this situation. We remain confident that by midday tomorrow we will have a comprehensive teaching and learning at home solution for all NSW staff and students. In the early afternoon you will receive an email outlining the responses we will be implementing for this new lockdown scenario. Currently, that solution will most likely include Learning at Home classes and resources for students throughout each day. Learning outlines are currently being prepared for students to access through their internet connections.
We understand this situation is not ideal, but rest assured we are doing all we can to ensure each and every member of our community is cared for each day. We continue to pray for everyone’s health and safety.
Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College
Sunday, 8 August 2021
The following notes have been extracted from the Community Update, if you did not receive the communication please email the College Office to confirm your email address.
(The below information is a summary from the Community Update, please refer to the link for the full version)
This morning (Sunday 8 August, 2021) the Queensland Government announced that the lockdown will end at 4:00pm today so that schools are free to return to learning at school, although there are some restrictions that will need to implemented for schooling for the next two weeks.
Hillcrest Christian College will therefore return to normal scheduled classes as of tomorrow morning. We do acknowledge that some families for personal or medical reasons may choose to not send their children back to school tomorrow. Can I ask that these families please contact their relevant Heads of Community to discuss their needs for the upcoming week.
After early consideration of the Government directives that have been made, the following decisions have been put in place for the commencement of the week;
- All staff will be wearing masks at all times except when sitting and eating – this means all staff will
be wearing masks in classes. - All students in Years 7-12 must wear masks at all times except when they are seated and eating
- The College is looking at how we can implement a school wide approach for staff and students who have medical exemptions from wearing a mask.
- Year 12 students will be back at school in preparation for their final assessment tasks which will be held this coming Friday and the following Monday. Many Year 12 students are completing final assignments this week.
- Community sport has been cancelled as per Government mandate, so school based sport will not be held this week.
- Sparks and Flames will also not occur this week. (week 5)
- There will be no co-curricular activities this week (however individual private lessons for music and
choral will run as normal). - Parents will be allowed to access drop off zones on site and top pick up to drop off children but not allowed to leave their car with the exception of ELC or for students in distress (Parents will need to have masks on if they leave their vehicles).
- There will be no large gatherings of students, such as Gatherings or Assemblies, this week.
- As per my last communication, the events that were cancelled remain cancelled.
- The College will continue to meet Covid safe practices with additional cleaning of areas, social distancing and hand sanitisers being utilised for all students and staff on site.
Friday, 6 August, 2021
The following notes have been extracted from the Community Update, if you did not receive the communication please email the College Office to confirm your email address.
(The below information is a summary from the Community Update, please refer to the link for the full version)
“…At the time of writing this letter, it appears that there is no definitive decision as to what will happen next week in regards to the current lockdown. This is expected to be made on Sunday morning (8 August, 2021). One train of thought would be that lockdown will be extended while another is that it will end with some restrictions, such as mask-wearing, still in place. As a school, we are catering for both possibilities with virtual experiences prepared for students to continue to learn online, but also having regular lessons ready from Monday morning if that is in line with the decision made by the Government moving forward.
Monday 9 August
- SLC Yr. 9-12 Spaghetti Bridge Challenge (Postponed)
- MLC/SLC Yr. 7-12 Interschool Chess Tournament (Postponed)
- JLC Yr. 1 Fire Safety Incursion (Postponed)
- JLC/MLC Eisteddfod – Choral (Cancelled)
Tuesday 10 August
- MLC/SLC Eisteddfod – Choral (Cancelled)
Wednesday 11 August
- JLC Sports Day (Postponed)
Thursday 12 August
- SLC Yr. 11-12 Academic Arts Showcase (Postponed)
- SLC Open Boys Development Basketball Game (Postponed)
- SLC Yr. 9 Personal Pathways Plan Interviews (Moving from face to face to Teams – A separate message from Mr Fernance will be sent to all parents whose children are currently in Year 9)
- MLC/SLC Thursday Activities (To Be Confirmed dependent on lock down)
Friday 13 August
- STAFF Injecting Creativity Workshop (Cancelled)
- SLC Yr. 9-10 Gold Coast E Sports (Postponed)
- MLC Year 6 Half point 2027 Dinner (Postponed)
- SLC Year 10 Immunisations? (Postponed)
Note: Sparks and Flames and in school time activities such as Thursday activities, assemblies and gatherings will not occur as face to face activities if in lock down. If we are out of lockdown next week, a decision will be made as soon as practical as to whether they go ahead and what the format will be.
This week coming is traditionally known for the 100 day celebration to the end of Year 12. This is normally marked with a sleepover and other events. We have refrained from making plans at this stage but would like families to know that the College has every intention of celebrating this event in whatever capacity we can in accordance with Covid regulations. More details will follow.