O-DAY 2021
Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College
Dear Parent/Carers
I pray that your break has been full of great times and relaxation after a stressful and difficult 2020. It was a year that will be remembered for many reasons in history and as we move forward, we thank God for His protection over our College and our community at large. In reflecting over the year that has passed, there are many lessons that we can gain from our experiences, however the need for a strong and resilient community has been highlighted through many different situations. I am honoured to lead a school that is full of dedicated professionals serving our students and their families at Hillcrest Christian College.
Together with prayer and practical support of Reedy Creek Baptist Church members and the governance leadership and direction of Queensland Baptist, we form an incredible community that worked throughout 2020 to deliver a truly amazing learning experience for all students. We thank each member of our community for their support throughout the 2020 College year. The encouragement that we received in some very difficult times inspired us to be the best we could possibly be in every situation.
As we now start 2021, we are looking forward to this new year with a number of key milestones being reached. In no particular order of importance, these new innovations continue to allow our College to evolve and reach new standards in learning and experience for our students. These innovations include;
- The opening of the Middle Learning Community
- The development of the new Bus Library for students in P-2
- The purchase of new buses for our College Fleet
- The refurbishment of the Performing Arts area
- The artificial grass improvements to the P-2 area
- The refurbishment of the JLC and MLC toilet facilities
- The continued refurbishment of handrails around the College
- Significant ground and garden improvements
These changes have been made to ensure that our students have access to the best possible facilities and learning spaces possible and I am sure that you will be impressed with the quality of these improvements.
Each year, the College has a theme that signifies the intent of the year. Last year the theme was UNITY and throughout the year we established the new Strategic Plan that is now guiding our direction for the next five years (2021-2025). This year the theme is;
Know thy Impact
All members of our community play a role in the lives of other members of our community and often we have a unique opportunity to speak into those lives through positive words and actions. This year we are seeking to build into our community and especially our students, a consciousness of building each other up through positive communication and actions. As a staff we will be seeking to develop this into our lessons and programs throughout the year. It is certainly an aspirational goal that will further enhance the caring community that we have formed at Hillcrest.
We all pray that 2021 is a wonderfully successful year for you and your families. God has blessed us with further increases in enrolment in all year levels. This will further allow our community to grow and evolve in many different ways as we seek to honour God in all that we do.
Jeff Davis – Executive Head of College
Essential Information for O-Day

Park on Bridgman Drive or park at Reedy Creek Baptist Church located at 10 Gemvale Road, Reedy Creek. College Buses will shuttle families to and from Hillcrest Christian College.
Families will be dropped off at the main drop off point as part of the COVID safe plan. Maps and further details will be provided as you enter the College. If you require mobility support getting to one of the locations such as JLC or MLC this will be provided. Buses will return families to Reedy Creek Baptist Church from this location.
When: O-Day is Thursday 21 January 2021
Times: From 2:00pm – 6:30pm with repeat sessions throughout the day.
Where: Hillcrest Christian College – parking on Bridgman Drive or at Reedy Creek Baptist Church and take the College shuttle bus. (refer below)
Do I need to register to attend?
- You will only need to register for JLC to meet the teacher and pick up book packs. To attend a session please click here or visit the JLC section for further information. If you are visiting the College for the MLC, SLC, or other College Services you are not required to register.
How do I attend?
- As part of the COVID safe plan and to ensure access in and out of the College all families are required to either park on the streets near the College or take the College shuttle bus service departing from Reedy Creek Baptist Church. The free College Shuttle Bus will transport you to and from the College. For those with mobility concerns, the College will provide an internal shuttle service to take you to either the JLC or MLC. Please refer to the map for further details. For directions on how to get to Reedy Creek Baptist Church, which is located nearby at 10 Gemvale Road, Reedy Creek. Click the button below for Google Map.
Please ensure you allow at least 15min before any session to park and travel to Hillcrest on the Reedy Creek Shuttle Bus.
O-DAY 2021
Orientation Day (O-Day) is an important part of ensuring a positive transition at the start of a new school year. Once arrived on Campus from the Reedy Creek Baptist Shuttle Bus, you will find a range of resources and information available including:
- Parent Lounge and College communication information and sessions
- Bus services – purchase bus passes for 2021
- Tuition Payments and scheduled payments
- Uniform Shop
- Co-curricular
- Performing Arts
- one2one device pick-up
- Pick-up textbooks
- Enrolment questions
- View the College updates, new buildings and visit the various learning areas
Class lists and teachers will be announced via College email prior to O Day enabling you to;
- Meet your child/ren’s teacher
- Pickup your stationery and textbooks
- Learn more about OSHC and programs to assist working families
- Sparks and Flames information and registration
- See the new Bus Library / Resource Centre
- Enjoy a BBQ
- The LAUNCH of the new MLC (refer to the information below for times)
- Visit your teacher, Life Group leader and see your learning areas
- Learn more about your child/ren’s timetable, lessons and teachers
- Pick up your new device from one2one
- Uniforms
- Picking up one2one devices for Years 5&7
- Picking up textbooks for Years 7-8
- Meet your Community and Life Group Teachers
- Receive your locker location and padlock
- Discuss pathways
- Learn about electives and elective changes
- Co-Curricular Information
- Performing Arts Information
View your guide for the day with this updated program. Find where you need to go with our handy legend.
Christy Gittins
Head of Junior Learning Community
Our JLC 2021 preparations for the start of the year are well underway and we warmly invite you all to save the date for our ‘O Day’ next Thursday from 2.00pm – 6:30pm. Over the holidays the JLC has been a buzz of activity with many new and improved facilities and spaces for you to explore on the day. You will have an opportunity to visit our new Castle Library, enjoy walking along the astroturf now lining the Year 1 veranda and admin area, along with our new renovations to our Year 3/4 toilets and bubblers.
Teacher Meet & Greet
A letter outlining your child’s teacher for 2021 will be emailed prior to ‘O-DAY’. You can book a session to meet them and these sessions are a great opportunity to meet your classroom teacher, pick up book packs and gather important information for your child’s first day of school.
Session Times
- Session 1: 2.00pm – 3.00pm
- Session 2: 3.00pm – 4.00pm
- Session 3: 4.00pm – 5.00pm
- Session 4: 5.00pm – 6.00pm
To attend a session please click on the link below.
Between sessions please feel free to explore the College, catch up with staff and families and enjoy a FREE sausage sizzle available on the upper veranda of the Castle.
Year 1-2 Parking Permits
Parking permits will also be made available to P-2 parents to access parking on Chocolate Drive through classroom teachers at your Teacher Meet & Greet Session.
Year 4 One2One Device Collection
All Year 4 students will need to collect their new device from Room 80 at any time during the afternoon – please refer to College map or ask a staff member to direct you on the day.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Christy Gittins – Head of Junior Learning Community
Darren Rackemann
Head of Middle Learning Community
We are excited to invite you to the launch of the Middle Learning Community (MLC) and showcase the new Year 7&8 Learning Space for all to see and as we celebrate another milestone in Hillcrest’s educational journey.
We look forward to seeing you at O Day and sharing in the launch of the MLC.
Darren Rackemann – Head of Middle Learning Community
Jason Day
Head of Senior Learning Community
O Day in the Senior Learning Community is an opportunity for students to meet their Life Group teacher, begin preparation for the start of the academic year, and of course, catch up with friends if they have not seen them over the holidays.
Information Sessions
The Senior Learning Community will be conducting the following information sessions in the College Theatre during O Day.
Meet Life Group teacher and Head of House
Students and parents will be able to meet their Life Group teacher and Head of House. Houses and Life Groups will be in the following areas:
- Carmichael: Room 20/21
- Flynn: Room 23/24
- Greene: Room 26/27
- Taylor: Room 30/31
Thursday Afternoon Activities nominations
Students are required to nominate their Term 1 Thursday Afternoon activity with Mrs Geddes in Room 32 at any time during O Day.
One2One Devices
IT Support is willing to assist with any problems that have occurred with one2one devices over the holidays. Devices can be brought to IT Support on any day between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. Alternatively, they can be dropped off at Room 81 during O Day. Students will be notified once the device has been repaired.
Pathways Advice
Mrs McCully will be available to assist students with general pathways advice throughout O Day. Students and parents requiring more detailed information will be asked to make an appointment at a later date.
Textbook Collection
Year 9 and 10 students can collect their textbooks from the Resource Centre at any time during the afternoon. Students need to take a copy of their timetable with them to ensure that they collect all of the required textbooks.
Timetable Changes
Student timetables will be published in the Student Café and Parent Lounge on Wednesday 20 January. Students in Years 9-10 may initiate subject changes at any time during O Day in the SLC Administration Office. Interviews may be made with Ms Cox, Head of Senior Studies, to discuss subject changes. As always, subject changes can only be made if there is availability in the requested subject.
Year 10 One2One Device Collection
All Year 10 students will need to collect their new device from Room 81. Students must bring their completed paperwork with them.
We look forward to seeing you at O Day 2021.
Jason Day – Head of Senior Learning Community