Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College
Executive Head of College, Jeff Davis shares an update from the last two weeks.
Culture and Wellbeing
Safer Parties
Teenage parties are situations that are full of questions for everyone and whilst we all try to do the ‘right’ thing, sometimes it is hard to know what that is, especially in the ‘heat of the moment’.
Safer Parties, held on Wednesday, 9 November, 7pm – 9pm, is an evening not to be missed that has brought together leaders in their field in parenting and social skills education, the Queensland Police Force and the Queensland Ambulance Service to give you practical, wise and incredibly helpful advice. Topics covered will include legal and ethical issues around parties for teenagers and parents, critical care considerations around drugs and alcohol and implementable strategies on how to talk to your teen about sensitive topics including how and when to talk to your teen if things haven’t gone well. The evening will conclude with the opportunity for audience members to ask questions of the Safer Parties team and we look forward to seeing you there!
The Well Coffee Hub is Open!
We are pleased to announce that The Well is now open weekdays, 7am to 8.45am to purchase coffee, pastries and hot foods. Drop by to grab some coffee, food and catch up with friends. We look forward to seeing you there.
From the ELC
Our Early Learning Community builds a strong foundation for spiritual, social and emotional development – sowing God’s word in each child’s heart and nurturing their unique spirit and creation. Our Kindy children have had the pleasure of recently joining the JLC Gatherings, enjoying new worship songs and hearing the testimonies of fellow Hillcrest friends. We have proudly brought these memory verses and songs to our ELC Gatherings, so that Pre-Kindy have the opportunity to enjoy them too. We have also begun to explore the nativity of Jesus, and have made meaning through meaningful small world play, songs and stories and art experiences.
Director, Early Learning Community
From JLC Leadership
Being Week 4 we are now in the rhythm of Term 4. It has been lovely to be part of the SLC and MLC Celebration nights and a delight to see students who were once in the JLC continue their journey through the College while showcasing their unique interests and strengths.
We are only a few weeks out now until we celebrate our JLC students in Week 6. Our P-2 students have been practising very hard to bring you a delightful concert this year ‘A King is Born’ that will be sure to put you in the Christmas spirit. Last week letters and invites were sent out in relation to the P-2 concert and Year 3-4 Awards Celebration, outlining important information for attendance on the day. Please ensure you book your tickets via the link provided and we look forward to seeing you there.
Our swim intensive program commenced last week for Year 3, Year 4 and Prep. These programs assist students in learning to swim, stroke correction, water confidence and safety. The lessons occur at Somerset College and children travel each day by bus to be part of the specialised program. The following Year levels will participate in Term 4:
- Week 3: Year 3 (Monday – Friday)
- Week 4: Year 4 (Monday-Thursday)
- Week 5: Prep (Monday – Friday)
The JLC this Christmas will continue to partner with ‘Walk with Us’, a local charity. Boxes have been placed in all JLC classrooms for collection of donations including new toys for children, gifts for teenagers, food items (non-perishable), toiletries (men and women) and or backpacks.
We look forward to sharing many of the highlights of Term 4 and partnering with you in your child’s learning.
Christy Gittins
Head Junior Learning Community
What’s been happening in the JLC
Design Centred Learning in the JLC
Learning in the JLC is underpinned by the Australian Curriculum, but we are aligned to the College mission to provide future-focused learning experiences, underpinned by a Biblical world view that equip our students with skills for life. A key element of this is design centred learning which connects real world problem-solving with classroom environments. Teachers guide students to engage in hands on design challenges that focus on developing each child’s creative confidence. This process built around our SECRET Skills of being a Self-Manager, Effective Participator, Creative Thinker, Enquirer and Team Worker is focused on:
- Promoting action
- Encouraging ideation
- Fostering active problem-solving
- Developing awareness of ‘how’ you think (metacognition) and
- Encouraging empathy
Throughout this iterative process students are encouraged to understand what they are ‘called to action’, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems.
In Term 4, our Design Centred Learning experiences provide students with an array of opportunities to challenge thinking, put their subject knowledge into action and get ‘hands on’ with their learning:
- In Prep, the students will learn about Christmas traditions and stories and create a character with moving parts to showcase their Science understanding. Preppies will open up their classrooms to other students to participate in the Prep Christmas Wonderland which will reflect our learning around our own Christmas traditions and how we celebrate today.
- Year 1 students will create a display in Minecraft of the Christmas traditions learned about this year. They post a video on SeeSaw explaining what they have created. Students also design an instrument to demonstrate knowledge of sound waves for the Science and Design component of learning. Learning is celebrated as the instruments are played for a “Christmas Concert” where the classes sing Christmas carols.
- In the first part of the term the Year 2 English, Science and HaSS learning areas are integrated as they learn about the precious resource of water. The culmination of this sees students encouraging others to save water, creating a poster to represent the water cycle and an exciting visit to Hinze Dam. During the last few weeks of term, the focus shifts to Christmas and the traditional Year 2 Christmas Markets. Children will utilise the skills they have learned in media arts, design and technology as well as their SECRET skills, to work in teams to create a Christmas stall that ‘sells’ a product or service. Using their maths knowledge of money, they will promote and ‘sell’ their wares to visiting classes at the Year 2 Annual Christmas Markets.
- The Year 3 students continue on their exploration of heat from last term, examining the way this changes and impacts things around them by designing and creating a working solar oven out of recyclable materials. Through this design centred learning, students will focus on scientific skills, including hypothesising, recording data through written descriptions and annotated diagrams, as well as making links between data gathered and their hypothesis.
- Our Year 4 students will investigate ways that they can demonstrate compassion, love and servant-heartedness by raising money to each purchase a gift that can be donated to others in need. They devise a plan to raise the money by working for it rather than it being given to them. Students will research organisations to donate their gifts to, plan how to deliver the gifts and research how they are to be packed. From a Safety perspective, students will make a safety plan, focusing on age-appropriateness, cultural sensitivities, value of the items purchased, and suitability of the products being bought.
Rich experiences such as these are a great way to bring our learning and classrooms to life!
Year 3 Swimming Week
Walk with Us – Christmas Donations
As part of our Christmas giving in the JLC this year, we are proud to support a charity called Walk with Us, which assists disadvantaged people from around the Gold Coast. Each Christmas Hillcrest families have assisted with donations, and it has been greatly appreciated. This year we are again honoured to be invited to help such a cause. We thought the JLC could spread joy to others by donating new toys for children, gifts for teenagers, food items (non-perishable), toiletries (men and women) and or Backpacks. There will be boxes in each year level for students to fill with lots of goodies.
We believe that Christmas is a time for giving and as Corinthians 9:7 states, “each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Thank you for your support. We pray that this Christmas is made a little brighter by the generosity of our Hillcrest families.
Year 3 Fishing Lure and Craft Club
Students in Year 3 have had the opportunity over the first half of this term to paint and decorate some fishing lures as part of a lunch time club that runs on Thursdays. This club has branched out into some craft activities including pompom and pipe cleaner creatures.
From the Head of the MLC
It is incredible to think that we are already halfway through the term and only weeks away from celebrating the end of our learning journey for 2022. There have been a number of events in the first four weeks of Term 4 highlighted by the MLC Celebration Evening in Week 3. It was a wonderful event that celebrated the many gifts and talents of our students and I appreciate the support of the many parents who attended the evening and joined in our recognition of student success. I would again like to acknowledge our wonderful creative team that helped organise the event, there are many hours that go in behind the scenes to make it such a successful event.
Below I have listed our MLC Shield recipients for 2022, these represent the highest honour awarded within the Community and I congratulate all of our Shield recipients for their dedication and commitment to our College Values throughout the year.
From Year 5
Jaxon Lowe
Micaiah Owolabi
Osella Yangzom
From Year 6
Kate Arden
Emma Lester
Oskar Molloy
From Year 7
Timothy Gregory
Emily Hook
Trisong Yangzom
From Year 8
Joel Luxton
Jayden Viljoen Full yon
Fleur Hammersley (also the overall MLC Shield Award recipient for 2022)
As part of our planning for 2023, we have already begun transition programs for our students so that we offer a seamless experience when moving between year levels. Over Term 4, classes from Year 4 have been visiting and working in the MLC spaces as preparation for their move in 2023. Both the students and teachers have been learning and experiencing the MLC Level 2 space on Friday afternoons. They have experienced a combination of guided tours of the MLC learning spaces, guest talks with the leadership team, discussion around the use of Secret Skills in the MLC and teachers have conducted lessons in the spaces to help facilitate the experience. Year 4 students have been able to have Q&A session with MLC staff and get to know “Who We Are” and the expectation in MLC.
We are offering a parent information evening on Monday, 14 November to assist and inform families in the transition process from JLC to MLC. To date, both the students from Year 4 and their teachers have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and are feeling more and more ready for the move in 2023. There will be a separate letter shared with all Year 4 families with further details about the parent information session.
Year 6 students have been transitioning downstairs to Level 1 during Term 4 and during this time they have heard from a range of leaders about what to expect in the new year. The students will continue to use the space through Thursday afternoons, so they again feel comfortable before returning in 2023.
Finally, the Year 8 students are now engaging in information sessions about both The Coolangatta Experience (TCE) and life in the SLC. Students will be attending SLC Gatherings and Life Groups at different times over the next four weeks and this will allow them to get to know their new Life Group Leaders and students that they will work with from Years 9-11. Further information about TCE has been shared with the community and some parent forums are also available to book into in the coming weeks.
Darren Rackemann
Head of Middle Learning Community
What’s been happening in the MLC
Year 7C Science
Year 7 are enjoying their unit on their Space Science unit.
Throughout the term we will explore the impact of the Earth’s tilt on Seasons, the role of the moon with tides and this week, students explored the phases of the moon. A great way to learn this is by using Oreos and the cream to show the different phases. Here are a few photos of 7C enjoying this activity.
November 8 will be a blood moon on the Gold Coast, starting at 6pm. We encourage all of Year 7 to use this as a chance to showcase their knowledge of the moon and share it with their families.
Year 8 Tara Mission Trip in Local News
Last term some of our Year 8 students went on a mission trip to Tara. It was an incredible trip for students to serve and partner with the local community. Tara Shire State College was so grateful for all that Hillcrest students contributed to their community and wrote an article on page 6 in their local Community News which you can view here.
Life Group Greene A
Recently in Life Group we have been discussing that we are EMPOWERED by Jesus to choose a different path. EMPOWERED to choose our OWN path. The students in GA have been discussing this openly, putting their skills into practice and reflecting on their successes. Our favourite Thursday activity this term has been the cereal box challenge with Cleo Hadi, Savannah Strid, Lucy Potts and May Remington reaching new heights! The chocolate game is on the agenda for next week as well as birthday celebrations for Darcy Elliott and Caitlin Orth.
From the Head of the SLC
Starting New
I like to spend time in my garden, planting new plants, watering plants, pruning branches, mulching, fertilising, mowing the lawn, removing weeds. I find being in the outdoors getting my hands dirty is great for my wellbeing. While I am a gardener and not a farmer, I strongly connect with The Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13: 3 – 8
Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
However, this parable not only speaks into my gardening, but also my everyday life. Let’s start at the beginning. I cannot have a garden if I do not sow seeds. While I may not always be successful (yes, I fail at things as well), if I do not give it a go, I cannot expect any success – I cannot expect to reap what I have not sown.
If I want my plants to survive and thrive, I must plant them in good soil, nurture and care for them. Similarly in life, if I wish to be successful at something, I need to ensure that I have a solid foundation and then invest time to practice or learn so I can improve my skills and understanding. I cannot get better by not investing time and effort.
There are numerous bible verses that reference reaping what you sow. Our Year 10 students have commenced Unit 1 and Year 11 students commenced Unit 3 this term. Their time at Hillcrest has provided them the fertile soil in which they can flourish. However, they cannot live in past successes (and failures). As they commence their studies this term, I encourage them to work hard and develop good knowledge and skills so they can reap the rewards of their diligence.
Our Year 12 students are currently completing their External Examinations. I ask that you continue to pray for them as they complete their examinations and finish their journey at Hillcrest. While they will not get their External Examination results for a while, it is great to see them confidently leave their examination room – reaping from the efforts they sowed earlier.
I wish to finish this week with 2 Corinthians 9:6. The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Until next time.
Jason Day
Head of Senior Learning Community
What’s been happening in the SLC
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child
During Year 9 Service Week earlier in the year, a group of students who were at Reedy Creek Baptist Church began preparations for Samaritan’s Purse Annual Operation Christmas Child appeal. Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on way for us to bless children in need across the world by filling shoeboxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and fun gifts. Samaritan’s Purse collect the boxes and distribute them in the name of Jesus Christ to children living in vulnerable situations. As part of our continued connection and engagement with RCBC, who are an Operation Christmas Child drop-off centre, each Life Group within the SLC contributed to the packing of over 50 shoeboxes during Life Group in Term 3. Well done to all Life Groups for contributing to this much-needed cause. If you would like to contribute to Operation Christmas Child as a family, please visit them here.
Year 11 Leadership Assembly
Last week Year 11 students were attended an Assembly where they were acknowledged as the new leaders for the College for 2023. All received badges and were encouraged in this important role they play.
Year 10 Semi Formal
Last nights out Year 10 students attended their highly anticipated Year 10 Semi Formal at Currumbin RSL. It was a fun and exciting night and our students looked stunning all dressed up. The full image gallery will be emailed home in Week 5.
Pathways News
New Courses and Application Updates
Semester 1, 2023
SHB20121 Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics Now Open!
This is an entry-level qualification in the beauty and cosmetic industry, this course will give students a feel for what it will be like to work in cosmetics sales, providing hands-on lessons and tasks.
- Day: Friday
- Start Date: 3 February 2023
- Start/Finish Time: 8:30am – 3pm
Location: Robina Campus
McDonalds Hospitality (Barista) Program
This course will be held at our new Robina campus, and give students the opportunity to undertake the McDonald’s* traineeship induction which may lead to potential employment.
- Day(s): Thursday or Friday
- Start Date: Group 1 – 27 October 2023 or Group 1 – 28 October 2023
- Start/Finish Time: 8:30am – 3pm
- Location: Robina Campus
Limited places – apply now! (Use code: TQGC2301 to apply)
Year 12 Departing Students
What happens next when you leave school?
Let the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) help you find your next! Simply register with them to receive job vacancies, training opportunities and career information.
• Scan the QR Code on the flyer to join the Connected to Jobs & Training school leavers service.
• Enter your personal email – not your school email.
DESBT will email local job opportunities, funded training opportunities and the 2023 School Leavers Resource with quick web access to local job boards, Government School Leaver Career Guides, and training.
*Register to receive the 2022 ‘School Leavers Resource’ to raise your awareness about post school services and assist you with career planning.
Try a Trade
Gold Coast Trades College will run a Try a Trade program again this term. The program is run over two days and the students will get to try six different trades. The course is run over two consecutive Mondays.
The next two program dates are:
- 31 Oct and 7 November
- 14 and 21 November
This is open to Year 9, 10 and 11 students.
Interested students can register by scanning the QR code on the flyer.
Inter School Netball
Last week we had the privilege to host a rugby league and netball game against Pacific Coast Christian College. It was great to see two schools come together in such a competitive way and see relationships form. Both teams played extremely well, particularly the senior netball girls who went home with a win.
I would like to give a special acknowledgment to our Year 12 student, Chelsea Geddes, who played her last netball game for Hillcrest. It is always amazing to see students continue their sport through their entire high school life. Chelsea has played netball at Hillcrest since Year 7 and has never missed a game. Her dedication to the sport and her team has been evident this year as she continued to juggle Year 12 life and the commitments of netball. I have loved watching her develop into the amazing player she is now and will miss her next year. Thank you, Chelsea, for always having such an amazing attitude and always putting your team first. We wish you all the best for next year and beyond. Mrs C
Interhouse Mountain Biking Relay
During morning tea and lunch on Wednesday, our mountain bikers headed down to the oval to compete in the third Annual Interhouse Mountain Biking Team Relay event. Riders from Years 7 – 12 nominated themselves to represent their Houses in a pedal-to-the-medal smash-fest to try and complete the most laps in 20 minutes. One rider from each House team lined up at the start and as soon as the clock started, raced off to complete the 500m track, heading up into the College MTB trail near to the Bus Library and then shooting out onto the oval a few minutes later. After a tight finish Greene came out winners with Carmichael and Flynn close behind with a tie for 2nd place, and Taylor finishing up in 4th. A massive well done to all riders who joined in the fun – especially great to see some Year 12s turning up to finish their year of inter-house competitions with one last crack at Gold!!
ANNOUNCING 2023 Musical!
We have all been eagerly awaiting the announcement of the 2023 Year 9-12 Musical. We are very proud to announce that Hillcrest Christian College will be staging:
Gilbert and Sullivan’s “The Pirates of Penzance”
“The Pirates of Penzance,” one of Gilbert & Sullivan’s most popular comic shows, is set to be staged in Term 2, the week of May 17-20, 2023. Featuring Hillcrest’s Year 9-12 students the updated production is a hilarious farce of gullible pirates, bumbling policemen, dim-witted young lovers and an eccentric Major-General. The story follows young Frederic, who has been mistakenly apprenticed to a raucous, but secretly soft-hearted band of pirates. When Frederic falls for the Major-General’s daughter, Mabel, he disavows the pirates’ way of life. However, the Pirate King uncovers an “ingenious paradox” to prevent Frederic from leaving his Pirate duty. With the cowardly police no match for the swashbuckling pirates, can love save them all?
Hillcrest students compete 2022 Track and Field State Championships
We had three students qualify and compete at the 2022 Track and Field State Championships. All had excellent results with Ben Vickery qualifying for the Nationals in the 800m and 1500m. Congratulations on performing so well at State Athletics.
- Vincent Churches (Year 9) came 6th in the 2000m steeplechase.
- Trinity Ransome (Year 8) came 8th in the 200m Hurdles and 11th in the javelin.
- Ben Vickery (Year 6) came 2nd in the 800m and 3rd in the 1500m.
Year 7-9 Girls win silver at AFLQ School Cup State Championships
Last weekend, our Year 7 – 9 girls competed in the finals of AFLQ Schools Cup. In the semi-final against Pacific Pines our girls won comfortably by nine goals to progress to the gold medal match against Palm Beach Currumbin State High. Led by Sunny Lappin and Ava Usher (Year 9) and against a very strong team our girls worked hard and were truly in the game up until half-way through the last quarter. Coach Matt Lappin could not have been more proud of how our girls competed throughout the competition, particularly in the final game.
Parents & Friends
Hillcrest Business Directory
The P&F are excited to announce the launch of our first Hillcrest Christian College Business Directory 2023, with a hard copy magazine and online version that will be given out to all our community to support each other in business.
Many of our talented parents have a lot of expertise in running their own businesses – whether it’s as a landscaper, accountant, solicitor, plumber, electrician, coffee shop owner… just to name a few!
Our parents and members of our broader school community want to support each other and ensure we are spending our money locally and helping businesses continue to operate and grow.
If you are a business owner, or want to promote the business you work for, then we would love to hear from you! This is your chance to promote your business in our Business Directory which will be distributed to every single Hillcrest family as well as all staff, alumni and the wider community. You don’t have to own a business to be onboard, promote the business you work within.
To advertise, or for further information, please contact Ben Ryan at ADV Collab on 0432545995 or email
Other News
Enrolments Now Open
Do you have a child 2, 3 or 4 years old due to commence Pre Kindy, Kindy or Prep in 2024? Please ensure you submit an enrolment application as enrolments are now open.
Applications for Pre Kindy, Kindy and Prep 2024 first round offers will close at midnight on Sunday 5 February 2023.
If you are not sure if you have already submitted an application and would like to check before submitting one, please email
If you did wish to complete an application for Enrolment here are the links to the forms:
Pre Kindy & Kindy Enrolment Application Form
Hillcrest Christian College Enrolment Application Form – On Campus – Prep to Yr 12
Can Your Business Help our Students
The Pathways Team is looking for opportunities for our students. Can you offer:
- Work experience?
- A school based
- Traineeship/apprenticeship?
- Other opportunities to
- Benefit our senior students?
Contact Lucinda Crews, Pathways Engagement Coordinator
Position Vacant: Office Administrator
Located on the Gold Coast, Reedy Creek Baptist Church is seeking an Office Administrator who has relevant experience and is able to work 24 hours over a 4-day week. Skills in such areas as bookkeeping, paying accounts, use of databases, reception, able to relate to people, ability to prioritise tasks on a daily basis, computer skills especially the Microsoft suite, and be able to work to a set of procedures would be well regarded. The successful applicant may wish to consider membership of our church. If you are interested, please email for a Position Description (PD) or provide your contact details should you have any questions. Applications to be submitted to stating experience against the PD and a CV by COB Friday, 4 November 2022.
New Speed Camera Technology in School Zones
In a world-first road safety initiative, new speed camera technology will soon target speeding drivers at selected school zones across Queensland.
Everyone has a role in keeping our roads safe. It is imperative drivers reduce their speed to the signed 40 km/h speed limit and be aware of activity by students on or near the road.
Speed cameras will only operate during school zone times at the selected schools.
Parents, and carers dropping off or picking up students are urged to comply with school zone speed limits. Those who slow down will not be penalised.