Hillcrest News

13 October 2023

"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."

Revelation 22:12-13

Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College

Executive Head of College, Jeff Davis shares an update from the first two weeks of Term 4.



Early Learning


Junior Years


Middle Years


Senior Years


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Other News

Other News & Key Dates

From the ELC

Welcome to Term 4. We hope that you have had a wonderful break and have had a blessed start to the term. During the past few weeks, we were buzzing with excitement as we unpacked some resources into our learning environment. The children have been loving our puppet theatre building on their communication with one another and being able to positively share a range of emotions and ideas together. We have also explored our natural environment in the lower garden with imaginary play with our fairy garden, trucks, and diggers.

We also had our screens in Pre Kindy, Kindy 1, and Kindy 2 updated, providing our children with innovative opportunities to develop their skills and abilities in various creative ways, whilst our teachers eagerly capture our children’s voices to extend and build on their interests and ideas.

It has been a wonderful and inspiring few weeks and we look forward to the remainder of the year with much hope and enthusiasm.

Romans 15:13 – may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. 

Kind Regards,

Di Gontier 
Director of the Early Learning Community

From JLC Leadership

Dear JLC Families,

It has been a fantastic start to Term 4 following the September holidays. We have experienced a smooth transition back into the classrooms, and the excitement among our students is palpable as they dive headfirst into their final term of learning for the year.

Term 4 always seems to fly by, with a flurry of learning activities and events along the way. This year, as you may already know, we have made some adjustments to our event schedule. We have decided to host both the P-2 Christmas Concert and the Year 3-4 Celebration Day in Week 8. Please take note of the following changes:

P-2 Christmas Concert

Thursday 23 November

8.45am  – 9.45am

Terrace Hall

Year 3-4 Celebration

Thursday 23 November

10.00am  – 11.00am

Terrace Hall

This week, we had the pleasure of hosting our first K-4 Gathering on Monday, and it was an extra special occasion as our Kindy children joined us for the first time. The sense of community and togetherness was heartwarming, and we want to remind all families that you are welcome to join us on Monday mornings at 8:20 am in Terrace Hall.

Looking ahead, this week marked our first Assembly for Term 4, and we are excited to extend an invitation to all of you each. We hope to see you there as we come together to celebrate the achievements and talents of our students. Assemblies are held each fortnight at 8.30am in Terrace Hall.

Remainder of Gatherings and Assemblies dates for Term 4




Week 2

Friday 13 October

Week 3

Monday 16 October

Week 4

Monday 23 October

Friday 27 October

Week 5

Monday 30 October

Week 6

Monday 6 November

Friday 10 November

Week 7

Monday 13 November

Quiz Worx Christmas Show

Friday 17 November

Year Level Assemblies in classrooms

Week 8

Friday 24 November – combined Gathering and Assembly

Thank you for being an integral part of our JLC community. We look forward to a vibrant and enriching Term 4 filled with learning, growth, and memorable moments.

Warm regards,

Christy Gittins
Head Junior Learning Community

What’s been happening in the JLC

JLC Specialist Art Gallery

On Thursday, 5 October, JLC Art had multiple displays at the Art and Choral Extravaganza. Many classes enjoyed a visit to the gallery during the day. It was wonderful to showcase the skills and creativity from JLC students.

Learning Spotlight: Prep Lime literacy

This term in Prep Lime, we have started learning alternate spelling for our vowel sounds. Last week we focused on sound number 6 (ay) alternate spelling and this week we started sound number 7 (ee). Each morning, we learn our new dittys as a class and practice reading and sorting the words into their correct spelling pattern. Then we consolidate our learning and practice the skills with a range of activities in rotations. The children have loved tackling our challenge boxes this week. starting off at box 1, they race to 22, recalling our 22 vowel sounds. In the second box, they had a chance to create a silly sentence, practicing their sentence structure. in the third, they practiced their sound 7 words and spelling in a puzzle and in the 4th they practiced their reading with a colouring activity. They also had the chance to sort the sound 7 words into their spelling patterns, write some words on the iPads activity and practice their writing with a fun ‘would your rather’. We love learning in Prep and enhancing our skills, ready for Year 1!

JLC Learning in Year 1: Spotlight on 1RB!

Welcome to Term 4!

1RB have been filled with joy and excitement as we commenced learning in Week 1 and 2. As we shine our light, we are growing and expanding upon our English studies by participating in drama, role play and poetry. Using our key concepts of IRL we are focusing on the four levels of comprehension: factual, inferential, creative and critical. Exploring fiction and non-fiction texts we continue to bloom by implementing our Secret Skills of Self-Manager, Effective Participator, Creative Thinker, Reflective Learner, Enquirer, Team Worker. We are learning about Procedural writing, such as: How to Brush our Teeth and How to Wash Our Hands.

On Thursday we were delighted to visit and explore the incredible set up of the Choral Extravaganza. Many students in 1RB were awarded highly commended and awards for their incredible talent, well done! Every child has a precious artwork to take home for families to treasure. A huge thank you to our ART Specialist teacher Mrs. Heidi Parkes for her dedication and providing students with a plethora of materials and opportunities to develop their art skills.

In Maths, students are being challenged with more complex sums and lots of new hands-on manipulatives and games. In Science we are focusing on Physical Sciences learning about Light and Sound concepts. We made our own instruments with rubber bands and other materials had a hands-on session with a variety of musical instruments. DCL subjects integrate Christmas traditions and we have started to build our own Christmas village utilising the Minecraft Education App.

Life Group and Christian Living are intentional lessons dedicated to unpacking the Christmas Story. We are learning to journal as we read our bible using the SOAP devotion focus of: Scripture, Observation, Applying it, and Prayer. Keeping our hearts and minds fixed on the Shield Values we are praying circles around every precious day of learning to glorify Him! Keep up the fantastic work 1RB!

Spotlight on Learning 2SR: The Creative Arts as a Curriculum Teaching Tool

It is no secret that we love the creative arts in 2SR and that this tool is used frequently to help learning come to life in the classroom. One standout example this week was our approach to teaching the watercycle through drama and song. By enacting the process with enthusiasm, our students immersed themselves in the subject matter. They not only learned about precipitation, condensation and evaporation, but also embraced the water cycle as a living, dynamic system. This approach fostered engagement, critical thinking and a lifelong love for learning. As we continue to fuse the creative arts with academics, we’re confident our students will flourish academically and creatively.

Learning in Year 3: Spotlight on 3DJ

We have started the Term with a poem about the interesting animal of the Blobfish. It lives in the bottom of the ocean and is known as the ugliest animal on the planet due to his jelly like body and frown face. It was fascinating to research this animal after reading the poem and it helped us to break down the vocabulary used, which then helped us to comprehend the poem. The children really get excited by poetry, and we look at the importance of how this genre of writing stirs an emotional response in the Reader. It was wonderful to hear the excitement in their voices when sharing their holiday adventures with each other. Week 1 we focused on Team Worker SECRET Skills. The students really impressed me with how they collaborated and wrote X charts on forgiveness and unforgiveness, linked to PeaceWise. Their understanding of the importance of forgiveness was incredible and it was evident the impact learning the PeaceWise strategies have had on the children. Looking forward to the last few weeks with this wonderful group in 3DJ

Learning in Year 4: Spotlight on 4KM

What a terrific start to Term 4 we have had in 4KM. We started the term with a team building activity where students worked in teams to build the highest tower out of cards. The challenge – in order to use a card, they needed to find something the whole group had in common and write it on the card. Only when they had written something they had in common, could they use a card. The room was filled with eager conversations as students tried to find something other than a physical trait that they had in common. Towers were built and crumbled and rebuilt throughout the session with a very tense finish toward the end when we had quite a few towers tumble at the last minute!

From the Head of the MLC

Welcome to our shortest, yet most action packed term for the year. It was great to see the smiling student faces arrive back on campus after a well deserved break and everyone has hit the ground running as the cultural events to end 2024 finalise their planning and begin to take shape. In the first two weeks we have seen a number of exciting new learning projects launch with a highlight for myself being the engagement of Year 7 staff launching their History project by becoming historical figures themselves.

Year 5 students have started their Surf Smart program which is a unique free program for parents that we integrate into our curriculum offering and students in Year 8 are getting excited as they prepare to transition down to Coolangatta as part of the Rise Program in Year 9.

The largest cultural event by far is the upcoming MLC Celebration Evening on Tuesday, 17 October (Week 3). This is a ticketed event this year as we expect a full house and want to make the experience as comfortable as possible for parents and guests who attend. Please reserve your seats quickly, as we expect them to book out and we look forward to celebrating the success of our students together at this community event. A separate letter will be sent out to parents outlining uniform expectations and drop-off and pick-up guidelines to help with our organisation of the event.

Finally, please read through the list of events below to help with your planning and I look forward to seeing you at some of the events before the end of the year.

Week 3
Mon 16-Oct Onsite Year Contemporary Still Life Painting Workshop
Tues 17-Oct Onsite – MPC MLC Celebration Evening (ticketed event)
Wed 18-Oct Offsite Yr 7/8 Esports: Fuse Cup RL Competition
Week 4
Wed 25-Oct Offsite Yr 5/6 LUMOS Primary Schools Robotic Competition
Wed 25-Oct Onsite Yr 5 2024 Information Evening
Thurs-Sun 26-29 Oct Offsite Yr 7/8 CBSQ Basketball State Tournament
Week 5
Thurs-Sun 2-Nov Onsite – Terrace Hall MLC Finale Concert
Fri 3-Nov Offsite – New Life Yr 6 Crossroads Church Service
Week 6
Thurs 9-Nov Onsite Yr 8 Leadership Dinner
Fri 10-Nov Offsite – New Life Yr 6 Crossroads Church Service
Week 7
Tues 14-Nov Onsite MLC Co-curricular Awards
Wed 15-Nov Onsite 2024 Yr 7 Induction Day (new students)
Week 8
Tues 21-Nov Online Yr 7-9 Middle School Ethics Olympiad
Tues 21-Nov Onsite MLC Domain Awards


Darren Rackemann
Head of 5 – 12

What’s been happening in the MLC

Fuse Cup Festival

As part of Hillcrest’s involvement with the Fuse Cup, students are invited to continue training and building on their skills at the upcoming eSport Fuse Cup Festival. Check the flyer for details.

Learning through Experiences – Economics in Year 8

As part of the Economics and Business program in Year 8, the students participated in “The Chain Game”. This game simulates world markets with countries having resources to match their GDP eg. USA received lots of resources and Ethiopia received very few.

The aim of the game is to make chains a certain length and width and sell them to the World Bank. Due to market forces and supply and demand, the prices for the chains vary. Technology is also introduced which makes the process more efficient. The students learn through their own experiences the value of specialisation of skill, the concepts of supply and demand along with the skills of working in a team and self management.

100 Ideas in 10 minutes

In the vibrant world of Year 8 students, creativity knows no bounds. Recently, a dynamic project, led by Lauren Johns and the Year 8 teaching team unfolded in the MLC, where students embarked on a whirlwind session of idea generation. Tasked with generating 100 ideas in just 10 minutes, the room buzzed with energy and innovation. The ultimate goal? Selecting a concept for creating a product to sell at the upcoming Funtastic Fete. From quirky inventions to eco-friendly solutions, the students embraced the challenge wholeheartedly. This exercise not only honed their ideation skills but also fostered teamwork and entrepreneurial spirit, setting the stage for an exciting venture at the school fair.

Smart in the Surf

For four weeks, Year 5 students will be attending our Surf Smart program. Students travel to Tallebudgera Creek or Palm Beach Surf Club to further develop their understanding of surf and water safety. So far the water has been beautiful and the weather perfect. Developing these skills has been a load of fun. We all hope that you too know how to recognise a rip, how to signal for help and how to get back to shore in a rip. These are just some of the skills Year 5 are learning.

From the Head of the SLC

Welcome back to Term 4 and the shortest yet potentially most important term of the year for students in the SLC. There have been a flurry of last events for students in Year 12 with last Life Group, last Assembly, last Co-curricular Awards, last House meeting and last Celebration Evening all occurring in the first two weeks of term.

The highlight of Week 1 was undoubtedly the Art and Choral Extravaganza which featured the Capture Film Awards for the first time as well. This was a great community event attended by many and attendees witnessed a broad range of artwork and passion projects on display from our students. The following concert from our Choral students was equally impressive with our choirs of angels performing unique and memorial pieces of music that touched our hearts. It was wonderful to see the creative giftings of our students on display over the night and our thanks goes out to our amazing Arts staff, Choral staff and Performing Arts team for their tireless efforts in supporting our students during the year. It was also touching to welcome back pioneers of the Choral program at Hillcrest, Mrs Jenny Moon and Mrs Nerida Rienecker for the event.

Co-curricular Awards were held in Week 2 and again this was a wonderful celebration of the personal interests and strengths of our students outside of the classroom. It was incredible to see the hundreds of students who received half and full colours for their dedication to their pursuits. The video interviews with students highlighting their passions and journeys in their area of interest was also a highlight of the event. A big thank you to Mr Dave Gemmell for his work in supporting the Co-curricular program this year, we have definitely seen an increase in the opportunities for our students and results show that our students are excelling in these events across the year.

Finally, we finished off Week 2 with another huge cultural event, the SLC Celebration Evening. There are too many winners to mention from the event but I would like to highlight the most prestigious of our award winners, the Shield Winners for 2023. The Shield Award is the highest Award in recognition of student’s ability to reach their full potential at Hillcrest Christian College. The lens of our shield encourages students to exhibit the values of the College, and take advantage of opportunities to grow and engage academically, spiritually, emotionally, and physically; and act globally to lead with a shared sense of vision, purpose and voice.

The Shield Winners for 2023 are listed below.

From Year 9:
Year Level Shield Award        Kyla Baylosis
Year Level Shield Award        Fleur Hammersley
Year Level Shield Award        Joel Luxton

From Year 10:
Year Level Shield Award        Brian Diep
Year Level Shield Award        Yasmin Karlovecz
Year Level Shield Award        Poppie Thomson

From Year 11:
Year Level Shield Award        Bradley Adams
Year Level Shield Award        Shayla Evans
Year Level Shield Award        Oliver Miles

From Year 12:
Year Level Shield Award        Sophie Collins
Year Level Shield Award        Torrek Elbeb
Year Level Shield Award        Sarah Geddes

The Overall College Shield Recipient is awarded to the student from the list above who is most;

–        Educated and prepared for success across all educational domains
–        Equipped with knowledge and skills
–        Empowered to commit to action and,
–        Energised to serve and live the gospel of truth in the world we live.

This year, the Overall College Shield Award is presented to: Sophie Collins. Congratulations to all of our award winners above.

Finally, please read through the events listed below to help with your planning during Term 4.

WEEK 3 Year 12 Study Week
Mon 16-Oct on campus Year 12 Student Leadership handover
Tues 17-Oct on campus SLC Academic Assembly
Wed 18-Oct off site 2024 SLC Student Leadership camp
on campus Tuning into Teens
Thurs 19-Oct off site 2024 SLC Student Leadership camp
off site Years 9-10 CBSQ Basketball State Tournament
off site Years 9-10 eSports Fuse Cup RL Competition
on campus Academic Enrichment Celebration Evening
Fri 20-Oct off site 2024 SLC Student Leadership camp
off site Years 9-10 CBSQ Basketball State Tournament
off site Bel Canto & Bella Voce QPAC Performance
off site Years 9-10 CBSQ Basketball State Tournament
WEEK 4 Year 12 QCAA Exams – Week 1
Mon 23-Oct on campus P&F General Meeting
Wed 25-Oct on campus Tuning into Teens (Bonus Session)
Fri 27-Oct World Teacher’s Day (QLD)
off site Year 10 Semi Formal
WEEK 5 Year 12 QCAA Exams – Week 2 / World Scholar’s Cup USA Trip – Tournament of Champions
Tues 31-Oct on campus Years 10-12 Brecht Drama Workshop
Wed 01-Nov on campus Tuning into Teens
WEEK 6 Year 12 QCAA Exams – Week 3 / World Scholar’s Cup USA Trip – Tournament of Champions
Wed 08-Nov on campus Years 10-11 Assessment Period
on campus Tuning into Teens
Fri 10-Nov off site Duke of Edinburgh Gold Qualifier Adventurous Journey
on campus Years 5-11 Remembrance Day Service
Sat 11-Nov Remembrance Day
WEEK 7 Year 12 QCAA Exams – Week 4 / World Scholar’s Cup USA Trip – Tournament of Champions
Mon 13-Nov on campus Years 10-11 Assessment Period
on campus SLC Pathways Celebration Event
Tues 14-Nov on campus Year 12 QCAA External Exams last day
Wed 15-Nov off site World Scholar’s Cup team returns
on campus Year 12 Reflection Day
Thurs 16-Nov off site Year 12 Wet n’ Wild Day
Fri 17-Nov on campus Year 12s last day
on campus Year 12s Valedictory Breakfast
on campus Year 12s Graduation Ceremony
on campus Year 12s Guard of Honour
Sat 18-Nov on campus Funtastic Fete
WEEK 8 Last Week of School for 2023
Tues 21-Nov on campus SLC Recognition Assembly
Wed 22-Nov on campus SLC Final Life Groups
Thurs 23-Nov on campus SLC Final House Meetings
Fri 24-Nov on campus Prep – Year 11 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 2023
on campus SLC Christmas Celebration
off site Years 9-11 Beach Day

Darren Rackemann
Head of 5 – 12

What’s been happening in the SLC

SLC Co-curricular Awards 

Students, staff, and parents gathered together for the 2023 SLC Co-curricular Awards Assembly in Week 2; acknowledging students who have been active in our College Community, participating in a range of activities and events beyond the classroom.

These awards mark the recognition of excellence in co-curricular, cultural, service activities and the demonstration of our values within these community activities. The emphasis is on individual student achievement and fall under the following categories:

  • Performing Arts
  • Sport
  • Cultural and Community Service
  • Co-curricular pursuits, and
  • Academic Enrichment

Each co-curricular area has unique measures for achieving a Colour Award, yet each one is a visible testament to the hours of dedication that the student has committed to the activity, and that student’s ability to exemplify the school values through their activity. Most importantly, these students have expressed the wonderous gifts and talents that God has given them– honoring Him by sharing those gifts to our Hillcrest and Gold Coast community.

Especially powerful were the wonderful vocal performances and the words expressed by Hillcrest students in the highlight videos, as they shared how their own co-curricular involvement has improved their overall social, emotional and academic lives.

Congratulations to all our awards recipients and thank you for sharing your talents with us this year. Keep on being amazing!

*It is important to note that student’s involvement in some activities has already been acknowledged in previous Senior Learning recognition assemblies at the end of each term throughout the year, and there will be further co-curricular participation recognitions held at the end of this term, as well as current Year 12 students receiving Full Colours presented at the Celebration Evening on Thursday.

Pathways News

Gold Coast Marine Careers Open Day – Saturday 21 October

Date: Saturday, 21 October, 2023
Time: 9am – 2pm
Location: Multiple locations with live activations including:

  1. 27-35 Waterway Dr, Coomera | The central muster point for 45-55 businesses hosting six 30 minute Marine industry information sessions surrounding the following topics:
    • Superyacht careers
    • Defence pathways
    • Local careers and Apprenticeships
    • Marine science
    • Advanced manufacturing / design

With guided tours running every 30 minutes of:

  1. Gold Coast City Marina
  2. The Boat Works
  3. Riviera Australia
  4. Maritimo

Do you know that there are over 20 different trade and tertiary professions that exist within a career on or near the water? The crazy thing for the Marine/Maritime sector is the diversity of careers is relatively unknown. Its more than just boat building and fibreglassing!

School-based Traineeships at The Club at Parkwood Village

Gain QCE Points and boost your employability while getting paid to work in a fun environment with a great team.The Club at Parkwood is offering school-based traineeships to students in Hospitality, Business, Horticulture, Commercial Cookery and Events. Senior students are invited to apply for the Club’s Traineeship program, alongside study of a certificate II (Horticulture) or III (Business or Commercial Cookery). For more information and to apply, visit the Club Parkwood Village Traineeship Page

School-based Traineeships and Casual Employment at Boost Juice Burleigh Heads

Two vacancies – School-based traineeships
Boost Juice Burleigh Heads are actively looking for new team members (Year 10 or 11) who would be prepared to complete a Cert 111 Business as part of their employment.

Two vacancies – Casual Employment
Boost Juice Burleigh Heads are actively looking for Year 9 or 10 students who may have classes that allow them to start work by 3pm on one or more week days and definitely have full availability throughout the school holidays.

Please see Mrs McCully in the Pathways office to express your interest.

Casual Employment Opportunity – Optus Retail store, Stocklands Burleigh Heads

Sales Assistant position at the Burleigh Heads (Stocklands) store, however additional positions may open in other Gold Coast and Tweed stores soon.Career pathways available from casual staff members into leadership and management opportunities for the right person in the role.More information on SEEK, or see Mrs Crews or Mrs McCully in the Pathways Centre for direct contact details.

Fashion Design 2D & 3D workshops

Please see attached information regarding upcoming Fashion 2D and 3D Design Workshops to be held in Brisbane. 

RSA – short course with GESS Education

Have you ever wanted to get your RSA? If so, please see the attached flyer and contact GESS to enrol in the next enrolment.

First Aid – short course with GESS Education

Have you ever wanted to get your FIRST AID Certificate? If so, please see the attached flyer and contact GESS to enrol in the next enrolment.

Future Doctors Australia program

The Future Doctors Australia’ program is now open! Please note, the spots in this program are strictly limited.

The Future Doctors Australia program offers a unique opportunity for students (ages: 14-18) aspiring to pursue a career in medicine. Through engaging sessions led by experienced medical specialists, practical learning activities, and insights into the admission process, the program aims to inspire and equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their medical journey. This is an incredible opportunity to gain valuable insights and guidance from medical professionals who are passionate about shaping the future of healthcare.

Dates of upcoming programs:
Brisbane: 9 – 12 December 2023
Melbourne: 25 – 28 January 2024

For further information and enrolment details please visit  WWW.NIECAREERS.COM.AU 


Art and Choral Extravaganza

On Thursday, 5 October, the 2023 Art and Choral Extravaganza was held in conjunction with Capture Screen and Media Awards. It was a wonderful College event that displayed the talents of so many of our students from across several learning communities within the Arts. 
We are thrilled to extend our congratulations to all the talented students who had their work showcased. Your dedication, passion, and creativity was inspiring.
Visual Art Award Winners
Year 7 2D Emily Wei
Year 8 2D Piper Malcolm
Year 8 3D Isabel Cummings
Year 9 2D Amelie Miles
Year 9 3D Vincent Mastaglia
Year 10 2D Alessandra Mastaglia
Year 10 3D Sophia Springer
Year 11 2D Tayla Kemper
Year 11 3D Jadan van der Walt
Year 12 2D Imogen Woof
Year 12 3D Chloe Halberstadt
Capture Screen and Media Award Winners

Best Cinematography Cleo Anseline
Best Screenwriting Angelina Veljovic
Most Original Concept Beau Keating
Best Micro-Documentary Ben Stockwell
Best Graphic Design Gabriel Goedhart
Best TV Advertisement David Radloff
Best Music Video Jack Johnson
Best Genre Trailer Cleo Anseline
Best Multi-Platform Film Darian Ebert
Best Stylistic Short Film Georgie Tanis

Silver Duke of Ed Qualifiers Bike it South!

A big thank you to Andy Bogatie and Mel Foster for Leading our Silver Duke of Ed students on their Silver Duke of Ed Qualifying Adventurous Journey recently. Please congratulate the Silvers: Jake Beck, Ricky Cai, Jaimie Cates, Keara Fletcher, Arielle Flowers and Thomas Seton.

We headed off from Hillcrest first thing on Saturday morning. It was threatening some isolated showers but we had high hopes they would disperse (or at the very least be light and intermittent). Murwillumbah was the start of the currently open section of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail. This trail has been created by the various local councils working together repurposing the old railway track (no longer used) by removing the tracks and sleepers and making a safe place for walking/biking or even horse riding. The nice thing is that the grade is typically no more than 3 degrees. One of the highlights on this trail is the number of tunnels – Burringbar Range Tunnel requires riders to have a headlight of some form for the 524 metre length as it gets extremely dark mid-way. Currently, the open section of the rail trail is only 24km long which gave us time once they completed it, to then head to Mullumbimby Show grounds and set up base camp for the duration of our trip.

Sunday we bussed to Brunswick Heads where we rode down the Fire trail (and fire bush-covered track) through Tyagarah Nature Reserve and then back around to Brunswick! After a bit of exploring in Brunswick and sampling some of their fish & chips we headed home and a well-deserved bit of down time.

Monday we packed everything down and headed back to Crabbes Creek where the final leg of our journey would be the Northern Rivers Rail Trail in reverse. Students did an excellent job of setting up tents and cooking their own food over their camp stoves over the three days.

Mountain Biking News: From Child Prodigy to U19 Queensland Champion

From humble beginnings as a 12 year old student in Year 7 at Hillcrest, Kai Pyyvaara began his school mountain biking career with his first school-based competition in Nerang State forest in 2019. Turning up to weekly Thursday mountain biking as well as committing himself to after school Monday hills trainings and getting out on his bike with his dad on weekends, Kai quickly developed a love for the sport.

Kai really stepped into the spotlight last year in Year 10 as he began placing top 3 on podiums in the U17 QLD Superflow series as well as the Rocky Trail Academy Schools Competitions and several other downhill events across Queensland.

Launching into 2023, Kai has taken out a white-wash victory in the Rocky Trail Academy competitions this year placing 1st in every event across Queenslands in the Year 11 – 12 age category. Couple this with the U19 Super Flow series win, several gold medals in U21 Pro stages, and SEQDH series overall winner and you have the recipe for an incredible future for this up and coming mountain biking champion.

It’s been fantastic to have been able to witness the growth in Kai in both his riding and his maturity over the years; we wish him every success in the upcoming 2023 AusCycling MTB Enduro National Championships in Red Hill, Victoria on 12-15 October which is also a UCI World Cup Qualifier.

Speech and Drama

From 4 – 13 September, many of the Speech and Drama students participated in the 41st Gold Coast Eisteddfod. It was a very worthwhile experience. The adjudicators were very impressed with the high standard. Congratulations to all of you. Below are the wonderful Speech and Drama results:
Hannah Litton Pre-Prep: Nursery Rhyme 5yrs and under Very Highly Commended, Humorous Poetry 5yrs and under Very Highly Commended, Poem in Pairs Abby Litton Very Highly Commended.
Daren Wei Prep: Nursery Rhyme 5yrs and under Highly Commended, Humorous Poetry 5yrs and under Highly Commended.
Abby Jiang Year 1: Humorous or light poetry – 6yrs 1st Place, Poem in Pairs with Abby Litton Very Highly Commended, Poem in Pairs with Maya Lee Very Highly Commended.
Abby Litton Year 1: Humorous or light poetry – 6yrs Very Highly Commended, years, Prose – 6 and under 3rd Place, Poem in Pairs with Hannah Litton Very Highly Commended, Poem in Pairs with Abby Jiang Very Highly Commended, Poem in Pairs with Elijah Litton 1st Place
Harrison Chong-O’Neil Year 1: Humorous poetry – 6yrs Very Highly Commended, Australian poetry – 6yrs Very Highly Commended.
Maya Lee Year 1: Humorous or light poetry – 6yrs 2nd Place, Australian poetry – 6yrs 3rd Place, Prose – 6 and under Very Highly Commended, Poem in Pairs with Zoe McDonald Highly Commended, Poem in Pairs with Abby Jiang Very Highly Commended.
Zoe McDonald Year 1: Humorous or light poetry – 6yrs Highly Commended, Poem in Pairs with Maya Lee Highly Commended.
Wolf Chen Year 2: Humorous or light poetry – 6yrs 2nd Place, Australian poetry – 6yrs 1st Place, Prose – 6 under 1st Place, Poem in Pairs with Viola 3rd Place
Micah Woods Year 2: Prose 7 Yrs 2nd Place, Humorous Poetry – 7 Yrs 3rd Place, Poem in Pairs with Archie Crews Very Highly Commended.
Archie Crews Year 2: Humorous Poetry – 7yrs 3rd Place, Australian Poetry – 7yrs 2nd Place, Poem in Pairs with Micah Woods Very Highly Commended.
Elijah Litton Year 3: Humorous Poetry – 8yrs Very Highly Commended, Mime 8yrs 1st Place, Poem in Pairs – 8yrs with Abby Litton 1st Place.
Clara Pay Year 3: Humorous or light poetry – 8yrs Very Highly Commended, Verse (Not humorous) Very Highly Commended, Australian poetry – 8yrs 3rd Place.
Maliah Fernandez Year 3: Humorous Poetry – 8yrs Very Highly Commended, Individual Drama – 8yrs Very Highly Commended, Prose – 8yrs and under 3rd Place.
Lily Yang Year 3: Humorous or light poetry – 8yrs 1st Place, Mime 8yrs 2nd Place, Verse (Not humorous) 1st Place, Australian poetry – 8yrs 2nd Place, Individual Drama – 8yrs 1st Place, Prose – 1st Place.
Derek Wei Year 4: Humorous or light poetry – 8yrs 2nd Place, Poem in Pairs – with Max Sun Highly Commended.
Max Sun Year 4: Humorous poetry – 8yrs, Prose – 8yrs and under Very Highly Commended, Individual Drama – 8yrs 2nd Place, Poem in Pairs – with Derek Wei Highly Commended.
Maddie Stripp Year 4: Humorous or light poetry – 8yrs 3rd Place, Individual Drama – 8yrs Very Highly Commended.
Charlotte Kelly Year 4: Poem In Pairs – with Zoe Parker Highly Commended.
Layla Karamallis Year 4: Humorous or light poetry – 8yrs 2nd Place, Individual Drama – 8yrs Very Highly Commended.
Zoe Parker Year 4: Individual Drama – 9yrs Highly Commended, Humorous or Light Poetry – 9yrs 3rd Place, Poem In Pairs – Charlotte Kelly Highly Commended.
Charlize Flanagan Year 5: Individual Drama 3rd Place.
Sebastian Taylor Year 5: Individual Drama – 9yrs Highly Commended, Humorous Poetry – 9yrs 1st Place, Poem In Pairs – with Alex Taylor Highly Commended, Scenes with Alex Taylor and Maddy Jones Highly Commended.
Maddy Jones Year 6: Humorous Poetry Highly Commended, Scenes – with Sebastian and Alex Taylor Highly Commended.
Neo Mutandwa Year 6: Individual Drama Highly Commended.
Alex Taylor Year 6: Aust Poetry Very Highly Commended, Poem In Pairs – with Sebastian Taylor Highly Commended, Scenes with Sebastian Taylor and Maddy Jones Highly Commended.
Audrey Schuurs Year 6: Aust Poetry 2nd Place, Prose Very Highly Commended, Individual Drama 1st Place, Mime 1st Place.
Viola Chen Year 6: Humorous 10 Yrs Very Highly Commended, Prose Very Highly Commended, Poem in Pairs with Wolf 3rd Place.
Osella Yangzom Year 6: Humorous / Light Poetry 10yrs 3rd Place, Verse (Not humorous) 10yrs 1st Place, Prose Very Highly Commended.
Jack Flanagan Year 8: Mime 13 to 15 Highly Commended.
Trisong Yangzom Year 8: Individual Drama -13yrs Very Highly Commended, Verse (Not humorous) – 13 to 15 2nd Place, Prose – 13 to 15yrs 2nd Place, Trophy for Outstanding Speaker of Verse (Not humorous) 11 – 18 years.

Student Achievements

Cheerleading State Champion Success for Hillcrest Students

Lucia and her 3OC classmate Maliah Fernandez competed at the Cheerleading State Championships at the weekend, coming 1st place State Champion, and overall level 1 Grand Champion. Maliah’s sister Zahli (1JK) also competed, her team placing 4th. Lucia’s sister, Leoni Wilson Yr 11, competed and her team also won 1st place State Champion. Earlier in the year Leoni and Lucia were selected to compete at the Global Games in Hawaii against teams from all over the world, Lucia’s team placing 3rd and Leoni’s team placed 1st, earning the title of Global Champion. The girls are busy training in preparation for the National Championships in Melbourne in November.

Gideon Burnes | 2023 Junior World Swimming Championships

During September, Gideon Burnes (Year 12), travelled to Israel as part of the 2023 Australian Junior World Swimming Team. They were the most successful junior team ever, coming 2nd overall on the medal tally with over 100 countries and 600 swimmers participating.

This was Gideon’s first international meet and he came away with a silver in the 4x100m Mixed Medley Relay and several new personal best times. His race results are as follows:

  • 100m Breaststroke – Finished 6th Overall with a new Personal Best (PB) time of 1:01.59
  • 50m Breaststroke – Finished 7th Overall with a new PB of 28:20
  • 4x100m Mixed Medley Relay – Finished 2nd overall and winning the Silver Medal.
  • 4x100m Men’s Relay – Finished 4th overall


Student Achievements

We love celebrating the achievements and success of our Hillcrest students. If you have a child that has reached a state or national level in their area of interest – anywhere from sport, the arts and more – we would love to hear from you and celebrate this success in our College News. Please fill out the form here.

Parents & Friends

P&F Announcements

There will be a General P&F Meeting – Monday 23 October at 7pm in the MLC. All are welcome to attend.

One of our Fete stalls will be preloved books and we would love any donations from our families. Books are to be in clean and good condition able to be sold. Collection from Week 4 so hold onto those books for now!

Volunteers Needed – We are seeking volunteers to help bake three days before Fete. No experience necessary – any amount of time would be helpful! We bake onsite and all ingredients are supplied – we just need the manpower to make it happen! Please contact pandf@hillcrest.qld.edu.au if you can spare some time in Week 8.

Ride Passes for the rides will be going live shortly. Ride passes enable holders to enjoy unlimited rides from a selection of activities and rides from 2pm – 7pm on the day.

Sponsor Acknowledgment  – This year our major sponsor is Ilona Barry Real Estate Harcourts Coastal. Ilona Barry has sponsored the fireworks and we are very thankful for their sponsorship and involvement in this years Funtastic Fete.

Key Dates