Hillcrest News

17 September 2021

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

Hebrews 11:1

Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College

Executive Head of College, Jeff Davis shares an update reflecting on Year 12 Formal, recent NAPLAN Results, Hillcrest being a Microsoft Showcase School and proposed building developments for the College.


Please note College Scholarships are currently being promoted for internal and external applicants for students entering Year 5 in 2022, and Year 9 in 2022. Please refer to your College email for further information and a link to apply.


Early Learning


Junior Years


Middle Years


Senior Years

Sports & PA


Other News

Other News & Key Dates

From the Director of the ELC

So many exciting things have been happening over the past few weeks in our Early Learning Community.

Our Kindy children have recently participated in R U OK? Day on Thursday, 9 September 2021. R U OK? Day is about raising awareness of checking in with those around you and to offer a listening ear when needed.

As last week was National Child Protection Week our Pre Kindy and Kindy children participated in Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson (ABCSL) ABCSL is a live streamed event that engages children across the country in a vital personal safety education during Child Protection week. This event is run by the Daniel Morcombe Foundation and focused on help seeking, a crucial element of personal safety for all children.

Our Pre Kindy and Kindy children also enjoyed participating in our wider College community storybook week dress up day. We had so many creative  and fun book character dress ups within our Kindy community.

Alicia Shields
Director of Early Learning Community

From the Head of the JLC

JLC: Newsletter Article – T3: Wk10

It is Week 10! and Term 3 is about to be wrapped up.   While it has been a big term full of many unknowns, staff have continued to provide and deliver brilliant learning programs whether online or face to face. Over the last few weeks, we have all enjoyed celebrating the culmination of learning across the JLC. Where each class has had an opportunity to showcase their integrated DCL projects to other year levels and dress up in the varying themes explored in Term 3.

To support, recognise and raise awareness for mental health for our younger generation, we held R U OK? Day across the College in Week 9.  Research approximates that in Australia each year 14 per cent of children aged 4 – 17 experience mental health problems, this amounts to 560,000 Australian children and adolescents in any one year. On the day students in the JLC wore something yellow and learned how to support their peers and talk about their feelings while teachers shared the importance of being a good friend and a great listener.

While initially postponed, it was wonderful to be able to celebrate Book Week in Week 9. It was exciting to walk through the classrooms and see the effort and creativity all students had gone to dressing up on the day. The theme this year for Book Week was based on ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’. While everyone’s efforts were recognised the following students from each year level were selected for their originality and creativity:

  • Prep Mandarin: Boston Barnes – Indigenous character
  • Year 1AM: Olivia Macdonald – Pippi Longstockings
  • Year 2SR: Rocco Pack – Dog Man
  • Year 3EK: Ivy Cunneen – Bin Chicken
  • Year 4 LUMOS: Millie McClure – a handcrafted book dress

In Term 2, our Year 3 cohort participated in NAPLAN. It was also great to get our results back recently and see our Year 3s perform consistently high in all areas measured. These results are some of the highest results we have seen for a while. Even with the advent of COVID we have been able to continue to deliver excellence as we build the foundations of learning in the JLC.

As you can see there is much to celebrate in Term 3, it has been a big term. As we enter the September holidays, I pray that each family has time to rest, relax and spend some quality time together while staying safe.

We look forward to welcoming you all back in Term 4.


Christy Gittins
Head of Junior Learning Community

What’s been happening in the JLC

3EK and 3KM DCL

In Term 3 the Year 3s have been working on a DCL Unit about ‘Life in the past and how it differs to the present’. At the beginning of the term, they visited ‘Beenleigh Historical Village’ and learned firsthand what life was like in the past. They continued to investigate what life was like in the past and how many aspects have changed over time through videos, research, feedback from grandparents and more. The Year 3 students chose a topic to focus on: Cars, Computers, Trains, Washing Machines, Phones. Then they created an Information Report and a small replica of what a future invention of their topic could look like. Overall every student learned what life was like in the past and all were very grateful to be born post 2010s.

Year 1 Rascals

Year 1 have enjoyed reading and learning about the adventures of different rascal-like characters. We’ve studied Pippi Longstockings, as well as some other mischievous main characters and the amazing events which befall them. To celebrate the learning and fun from this theme, a dress up celebration day was held on Monday, 13 September with activities happening across the school and in classes to fit the theme. Students were invited to dress up as one of the rascals we have looked at in our stories this term or a ratbag of their choosing from other stories. The day included a treasure hunt and the watching of Pippi Longstockings, our favourite little rascal!

Year 4HC DCL

Year 4HC have been learning about the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling this term. They enjoyed presenting their design technology projects and sharing their new knowledge.

Year 4 Recorder Group

In Year 4 music, students learn the recorder, violin or cello as part of their classroom music. Students focus on learning how to read music and play their instrument. The recorder students work their way through a Karate belt system with ‘White Belt’ music being the easiest, through to ‘Black Belt’ music being the most difficult. Some students who progressed quickly through these levels were selected to join a Recorder Group that rehearses every Thursday at morning tea. These students have learned to perform a number of two-part pieces and they hope to share this achievement through a performance in a JLC Community Celebration. Congratulations to these fine young musicians!

Year 2 Minibeasts

Spiders, butterflies, ladybeetles, scorpions, bees and many more minibeasts were abuzz in the Castle last week! Year 2 proudly presented their research on minibeasts to Kindy to Year 4 students. Year 2 also participated in an incursion where they learned how to catch minibeasts with an umbrella and then used a variety of different microscopes to look at these beasts up close. Many fun facts were shared.

Gold Coast Show Art Competition

JLC Specialist Visual Art had great success in the 2021 Gold Coast Show Art Competition. First place ribbons were awarded to Year 1 student Laila Ritson and Year 2 student Jack Ruming. Emily Hook also received a Highly Commended for her beautiful patterned fox created in 2020 art lessons. It is wonderful that the artistic talent of these young people had a chance to shine in the wider community.

Year 4 read to Prep

Following on from narrative writing last term, 4JF wrote Fairy Tales with a twist for our Preppies. Each story was coded with ILR to help preppies read the stories. Year 4 students wrote their own version of familiar fairy tales and added illustrations including many that were hand drawn. These will continue to be available for preppies to read in the future on our Seesaw platform. It was wonderful to see our older and younger JLC students reading a story together through ILR. Both our Year 4s and our preppies loved the visit.

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Our top performers for each Year level who received an ‘Encouragement’ voucher of up to $20 to spend each, except for the Overall Top performer who received a $50 voucher spend. Well done to all of our students for participating.

From the Head of the MLC

Term 3 Wrap-up
Term 3 has provided another interesting 10 weeks of learning with COVID adding to the twists and turns along the way. We are so thankful to have our MLC staff and students back onsite and it has been great to see the smiling faces of our friends who were locked down across the border for several weeks.

Outside of COVID, it has again been a busy term with just some of the highlights being:

  • Continued success for our Futsal teams
  • Our AFL teams competing successfully at the recent Livingston Invitational, our girls still remain unbeaten
  • State Cross Country representation
  • Our first MLC Athletics Carnival at Griffith Uni
  • QAMT Maths Quiz success
  • Health presentations from Real Talk
  • Year 5/6 Camp, the mud may be with us forever
  • Participation in the Reader’s Cup
  • Outstanding results from the Write a Book in a Day challenge
  • Participation in R U OK Day

The final Celebration Assembly this week was so full of student participation, it almost went for an hour. If the assembly had a theme it would have been Courage and it is fitting that as one of our College values, Courage is such an important value to be outworked in our everyday lives. When I think of this value it reminds me of the verse from Joshua that reads,

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid: do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

There has been a lot of courage demonstrated by students in our community in so many different ways over Term 3 and the challenge is to come back for 8 weeks in Term 4 and finish off strong so we can feel content with the efforts and results from our hard work during 2021.

I pray you have a restful holiday break. Please take the time to relax, enjoy time with friends and family and we will see you back in two weeks ready to celebrate the success of 2021.

Changes to device usage in Term 4
Each year McCrindle, one of Australia’s leading research companies, releases a report entitled The Future of Education which focuses on current data and predicts trends in education for the future. The infographic below is part of their current research and it paints a fairly negative picture of The Screen Dilemma. In a separate report, Common Sense Media suggests that teens spend an average of 7 hours and 22 minutes on their phones a day, and tweens (aged 8-12) are not far behind at 4 hours and 44 minutes daily.

The teaching team in the MLC have been debating the use of devices over the past few weeks and we have decided that we are going to trial some changes in Term 4. In simple terms there will be no use of College devices before the start of the day or during either break. Students will still be able to use their device if they are receiving support from a staff member at any time but in general, devices are to be shut and not used outside of the classroom.

In parallel with this change, there will be the introduction of an optional eSports club during Thursday activities to reflect the healthy use of devices for gaming and fun. As a College we support ventures such as the Fuse Cup, that teaches students about the safe use of devices while promoting concepts such as digital wellbeing, inclusion and social values. The fact that Kids Helpline is one of their major partners, speaks volumes of their positive approach in this area.

As mentioned previously, this is a trial for Term 4 while we work with the community to find the healthy balance to device use, we will seek student and parent feedback towards the end of the term to see the response to the changes that we are making.

Darren Rackemann
Head of Middle Learning Community

What’s been happening in the MLC

MLC Clubs Club

This term, the 5/6 Leadership club have launched the “Club Club” to make Mondays, “FUN Days.” Each Monday at lunch Year 5 and Year 6 students have lead their peers in activities, planning and facilitating each session. Coding Club has been a hit with Tinker and Minecraft Agent Coding. Not only are students teaching each other new skills, but they are making new friends and enjoying being together at lunchtime. Sewing Club has also been incredible with students making their own patterns and hand sewing little creatures. It’s a hive of activity as the students share creative ideas, problem solve and make new friends along the way. These clubs are open to all Year 5 and Year 6 students. They look forward to continuing these into Term 4.

MLC – Mentoring in JLC

The Year 5/6 Leadership Club has launched mentoring and activities in the JLC in partnership with Mr. Damien Taylor (JLC Deputy). Students in MLC Leadership Club have such a heart to see JLC students feel included and have fun at their break times. Students in the MLC Leadership Club have self managed their time, rosters and activities to run activities every lunch time on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at either the oval, the Cow Shed or the Bus Library. Students have run skipping, handball, hoola hoops, races, vortex throwing and running games. This venture has seen Year 5/6 students develop their leadership skills or communication, organisation and teamwork and it is an absolute delight to see these students out and about at breaktime encouraging the younger students.

MLC QAMT Success

Hillcrest Christian College recently took part in the prestigious QAMT Mathematics Competition, at both the Year 5/6 and 7/8 levels. We are very pleased to announce that three of our teams have made it through to Round 2, where the following students will compete to win a place at the State finals. Congratulations to: Serena Zhang, Marley Pacific, Evie Mackenzie, Olivia de Silva, Ella Henderson, Madden Rancie, Ella Kerry, Mark Bekker and Matthew Sabot. We wish you all the very best and look forward to hearing how you go in Round 2.

MLC Book Nook

As part of our recent MLC Book Week Celebrations, the MLC ‘Book Nook’ was officially opened on Monday, 23 August. The Book Nook, containing a range of fiction and non-fiction reading material, is designed so that MLC students on Level 1 have a convenient mini-library space where they can easily access reading material at any time of the week. During Book Week, we had a number of MLC students who acted as a ‘big brother’ or ‘big sister’ to the JLC students by reading with them at lunchtimes in the JLC Bus Library. We also hosted a ‘Blind Date with a Book’ competition, which literally focused on ‘not judging a book by its cover’. The winners of this competition were Cleo Hadi and Emma Potts, who each walked away with two new-release books to read. Finally, teachers shared their favourite books to read through a series of QR-coded book reviews, which are still available to read in the Book Nook. If you haven’t already had the chance, pop by and pick up a book next time you visit the MLC!

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Here are the Top Performers for each Year level who received an ‘Encouragement’ voucher of up to $20 to spend each, except for the Overall Top performer who received a $50 voucher spend.

Surname First Name Year level Books
Goedhart Estelle Year 5 180
Hawley Cameron Year 6 135
Lawford K’Gari Year 7 15

Well done to all participants involved in this challenge.

Surname First Name Year level Books
Cain Ryder Year 5 16
du Toit Joscelyn Year 5 16


Rao Yichen (Ethan) Year 5 115
Kim Minseo Year 5 51
O’Connor Emily Year 5 15
Wight Lola Year 5 40
Goedhart Estelle Year 5 180
Ruming Emily Year 5 10
Davison Jake Year 5 23
Noda Sakura Year 6 95
Lee Sasha Year 6 15
Hawley Cameron Year 6 135
Morris Matea Year 6 35
Piggott Taliyah Year 6 100
Lawford K’Gari Year 7 15

6 Lumos work on World Peace

The World Peace Game is a hands-on political simulation that provides players the opportunity to explore the connectedness of the global community through staged economic, social, and environmental disasters and the imminent threat of war. The goal of the game is to remove each country from each dangerous crises and to achieve global prosperity with the least amount of military intervention.

Each students has a specific role in the game as a Prime Minister, Secretary of State, Defence and Finance, as well as a World Bank, an Arms Dealer, a World Court, and the United Nations. There are also mystery roles such as the Saboteur that tries to work against world peace and the Weather Goddess who determines fate.

As their teams venture further into this interactive social setting, highly-charged with philosophical issues, they rapidly learn that reactive behaviour not only provokes antagonism, it can leave their country defeated. Instead, by drawing upon their Secret Skills of communication, compromise, critical thinking, humility, self-reflection and teamwork, they can strive to achieve world peace.

R U OK? Day

“R U OK? Day” is our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” and support those struggling with life’s ups and downs. The MLC and SLC conducted an awareness event during an extended morning tea. There was live music form the MLC and SLC Rock Bands, a sausage sizzle, games run by the SLC leadership team and an R U OK? Day Guest Speaker Justin Geange. This event provided a wonderful opportunity for the MLC and SLC to unite and share in a fun morning. There was so much joy, dancing and singing along to the Rock Band music and loads of fun and prizes as kids played the games set up by Year 12 leaders. With glorious weather in the MLC Courtyard, students gathered and listened to our guest speaker, Justin Geange from the “R U OK? Day” team. Students were encouraged to support their peers by looking for the signs, asking the question, listening to understand, encouraging action and checking in. Special thanks to Justin, the MLC and SLC Rock Bands, as well as the MLC and SLC Leadership teams for putting together such an incredible event!

From the Head of the SLC

A Time for Everything

“There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time.”  Ecclesiastes 3:1

How well does this verse summarise this term? There has been a time of certainty, and a time of uncertainty.  There has been a time of learning from school in classrooms, and a time of learning from home. There has been a time when we did not need to wear face masks, and a time when we do (and still do). There was a time that we could move freely around the Gold Coast, and a time that we had to spend in lockdown. I could continue to add to the list but according to the scripture, everything on earth will happen at the right time. As is written in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

The staff at Hillcrest Christian College aspire to provide all students with an outstanding experience. While we may have faced some unexpected challenges, I have appreciated the agility and dedication of the staff at delivering a future-focussed educational experience, underpinned by a biblical world view central to what they were doing. Despite the challenges, staff and students have toiled hard throughout the term. Teachers have planted seeds in each of the students and spent countless hours tending to and nurturing them and now as the term concludes, both the students and staff see the fruits of their labour.

At the end of the term, we have had opportunities to celebrate. We were able to celebrate with our graduating class at their Formal which we had to move on site once the lockdown was implemented. We were also able to provide these students with a safe space to party after the Formal at The Happening. I wish to express my sincerest thanks to the huge team of staff who contributed to making this such a successful event. We were also able to acknowledge numerous contributions of students at our final assembly.

We have also had the opportunity to serve. A large team of Year 10 students left early on Saturday morning as part of the Cooktown Mission Trip. These students lead Gathering in Week 9. It was so inspiring to see so many students with a heart for spreading the Gospel and serving. Their enthusiasm was infectious.

In Week 1 of the holidays, we have a Year 11 Mission Trip to Townsville and Palm Island. I wish these students God’s richest blessings as they go and do His work in the Townsville and Palm Island Communities. I am in awe that we have so many students who have the courage to share their faith and serve others.

This week we also celebrated the easing of the border restrictions and the return to campus of our New South Wales staff and students. It is so awesome to have you back on campus again.

I have seen how hard our staff and students have toiled and the impact that COVID has had on the community. Matthew 11:28 states “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Now is the right time for rest. I wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday. I encourage you to make time to take a break and rejuvenate and restore your tired bodies.

I thank you for your ongoing support this term and look forward to working with you and your student’s next term.

Jason Day
Head of Senior Learning Community

What’s been happening in the SLC

R U OK? Day

R U OK? Day is a national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to ask, “Are you ok?”. Today the JLC, MLC and SLC celebrated R U OK? Day with the JLC wearing something yellow to raise awareness. The MLC and SLC enjoyed a combined time together during morning tea to participate in some games, a sausage sizzle and some live music provided by the MLC and SLC Rock Bands.  This was  followed by an outdoor assembly with special guest and R U OK? Ambassador, Justin Geange.  Justin spoke to students about the steps they could each take to check on a mate, sharing his own experience of his boss asking him if he was ok when he wasn’t. He finished by sharing a catchy tune, telling students that if they could sing that, then they could ask someone, “Are you ok?”

Write a Book in a Day

This week we had a further group of students from the SLC participate in the Kid’s Cancer Projects ‘Write a Book in a Day’ to create an illustrated book in 12 hours. These teams were mainly from Year 11, with a few Year 10s and 9s joining in. Each team was given a number of parameters and random words to include in their story, with each team having between 5-10 team members. It was a long day that started at 7:40am and finished after 8:30pm; where they spent hours developing their story, writing, editing and illustrating. Quite a few moments of tension, some frustration, but a wonderful sense of accomplishment at the end.

They are all to be congratulated for their efforts. Thank you to Renee Boots and Jacques du Toit for supporting our students.

Year 9 Mathematics

Students were given the challenge of measuring the distance across a “raging river” (MLC Courtyard), without crossing over to the other side. They had to apply their knowledge of trigonometry to the real world. Each group devised different methods, with some students using their smart watches as compasses.

The actual distance across the courtyard was measured and students compared this with their estimated results. The depth of discussion around why some groups were more accurate than others was fantastic to listen to as it demonstrated what they had learned.

Sports, Performing Arts and Co-curricular

2021 Sunshine Coast Schools MTB Comp

Last week our Mountain Biking Team competed at the Sunshine Coast Schools MTB Comp hosted by Rocky Trail Entertainment at the Sugarbag MTB Trails in Caloundra. With over 300 students from mostly Sunshine Coast schools our students put their heart and soul into trying to better their time on each of three trails. Final individual placings: Intermediate Boys: (100 riders) 7 – Kai Pyyvaara (TOP 10) 61 – Liam Fothergill 64 – Noah Smith 89 – Jet Parks Junior Boys: (120 riders) 20 – Preston Robinson 38 – Elliot Let 66 – Lincoln Smith 80 – Ben Bogatie. Well done to Ayden Ebert who unfortunately couldn’t ride due to existing injury but still came along on the day to support his team mates! It was fantastic to see the encouragement and enthusiasm shared between our riders. Big thank you to our parent helpers Paul Pyyvaara, Tony Bogatie and Michael Robinson who setup our team tent, encouraged our students, helped with mobile bike repairs and rode along side our kids in support on the trails. Thank you too to OntheNet and WildEarth for the use of your gazebos. Keep riding!

Speech and Drama section of GC Eisteddfod

Congratulations to all the Speech and Drama students who participated in the GC Eisteddfod from 31 August to 10 September. You all did so well and your parents were so proud of the encouraging reports. The following students received placings: 

Orhan Ozturk Prep: Nursery Rhyme 5yrs & under Highly Commended, Humorous Poetry 5yrs & under Very Highly Commended 

Mila Perri Yr 1: Humorous or light poetry 6yrs 2nd Place, Australian poetry 6yrs 2nd Place 

Laila Ritson Yr 1: Prose (Memorised) 6 & 7yrs Very Highly Commended 

Oliver Yu Yr 1: Australian Poetry 7yrs 2nd Place 

Max Sun Yr 2: Humorous / Light Poetry 7yrs Highly Commended, Australian Poetry 7yrs Highly Commended 

Sienna Perri Yr 3: Individual Mime 10yrs & under Highly Commended 

Madeline Ley Yr 3: Australian Poetry 9yrs Highly Commended 

Charlize Flanagan Yr 3: Individual Drama 8 & 9yrs 3rd Place, Humorous or Light Poetry 9yrs Highly Commended, Poem In Pairs 12yrs & under 1st Place  

Drishaana Sharma-Nair Yr 4: Verse (Not humorous) 10yrs & under Highly Commended 

Osella Yangzom Yr 4: Individual Drama 8 & 9yrs 2nd Place, Humorous / Light Poetry 9yrs 2nd Place
Australian Poetry 9yrs 1st Place, Poem In Pairs 10yrs & under 3rd Place 

Audrey Schuurs Yr 4: Individual Drama 8 & 9yrs Very Highly Commended, Humorous or Light Poetry 9yrs 1st Place, Australian Poetry 9yrs 3rd Place, Poem In Pairs 10yrs & under 3rd Place  

Viola Chen Yr 4: Prose 8 & 9yrs Very Highly Commended, Humorous / Light Poetry 9yrs Highly Commended, Australian Poetry 9yrs Highly Commended 

Ivy Thomson Yr 5: Verse (Not humorous) 10 Yrs & under 3rd Place 

Ava O’Connor Yr 6: Verse (Not humorous) 11 Yrs 1st Place, Prose (Memorised) – 11 & 12yrs Very Highly Commended 

Trisong Yangzom Yr 6: Verse (Not humorous) 11yrs Very Highly Commended, Individual Drama 11yrs 1st Place, Prose (Memorised) 11 & 12yrs 2nd Place 

Jack Flanagan Yr 6: Individual Mime 11 & 12yrs 3rd Place, Humorous / Light Poetry 12yrs 3rd Place, Poem In Pairs 12yrs & under 1st Place 

Lana Waldmann Yr 9: Verse (Not humorous) 13-15yrs Highly Commended, Prose (Memorised) 13-15yrs 3rd Place 

Young Composer’s Competition

Earlier this term, Senior Music students Marnie Rienecker, Noah Krenske and Whitney Prior entered the Australian Society for Music Education’s Young Composer’s Competition. The competition is open to music students of all school year levels and is adjudicated by professional composers. It also provides entrants the opportunity to participate in an online workshop with their adjudicator to further develop their skills. Marnie Rienecker, who studies both Music and Music Extension, was awarded Highly Commended in the highly competitive Senior Instrumental/Vocal section. Congratulations Marnie!

Hillcrest Netball Club

Congratulations to our Knights U12s and U14s who have both finished the season in the top 4 and have made it through to Semi Finals. We wish you all the best next Term.

Congratulations to Sarah Geddes who received her National C Badge on Saturday for Umpiring. You have worked so hard all season Sarah and we are so proud of your achievement.

Hillcrest Knights Basketball

Congratulations our Hillcrest Knights Senior, Freshman and Junior Basketball Teams for their games on Saturday against Brisbane Boys Grammar. Our Seniors came away with a decisive 100 vs 34 win and our Freshman and Junior teams also won their games. Coaches were very proud of the teams efforts and It’s great to be back competing again.

Student Achievements

Yr 11 student to attend National Science Youth Forum

Chau, Alexis

Year 11 student, Alexis Chau has been invited to attend the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra in January 2022.

After completing the rigorous application forms and attending an interview on 5 September, Alexis Chau, has been selected and invited to attend the National Youth Science Forum from 10-25 January 2022, as part of the Year 12 program. Click here to learn more about the program.

The event will enable Alexis to rapidly learn more about STEM fields and be inspired by various academic and industry experts. In 2021 the opening panel consisted of some of Australia’s brightest minds discussing the role of future STEM professionals in helping build our national resilience. As last year demonstrated, the world faces significant challenges, with COVID-19, climate change, energy, food and water security and an ageing population posing some of the most urgent issues of our time. The discussion focussed on the tools students will need in the future to solve these problems and contribute to national resilience. Read more.

Key Dates