"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Deuteronomy 31:8
Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College
Executive Head of College, Jeff Davis shares an update from the last two weeks.
Topics covered in this video include:
40 secs – SLC Athletics
60 secs – AFL Girls Cup
1:15 – Futsal
1:26 – Mountain Biking
1:48 – Performing Arts overview
2:14 – GC Drama
2:37 – GC Eisteddfod
3:18 – P&F meeting
5:20 – 7/8 Camp recap
5:50 – Tara Mission Trip
6:40 – Pathways Evening recap
7:46 – Year 12 100 Days
8:00 – The Well
Culture and Wellbeing
Be Still
As families juggle school work, sports, performances, training, rehearsals, chores, jobs, family time and friends… The pace of life can spiral easily. The impact of this pace is evident in our stress levels and indeed our brain structures. This week students and teachers in MLC looked at the research behind the biblical principle of “being still.” Taking time to be still and breathe has a significant impact on the amygdala (where we process strong emotions) and the pre-frontal cortex (where we make logical decisions). Just five minutes a day can reduce stress, improve mood and boost brain processes to make better decisions.
The next time you have five minutes, instead of swiping your phone or device, consider taking some time to breathe, pray and just be still. Better still, build five minutes into your day to do this regularly. Your body, your mind and your soul will all benefit!
From the ELC
If you have ever stepped inside our ELC space on a Friday morning, you will quickly notice from the wonderful sounds and joy on both the children and staff’s faces that ELC Music is one of the highlights of our week. We are blessed to have Miss Tammy share her love of Music with us each Friday during term time. Mrs Tammy Kilpatrick is our Junior Learning Community Music Teacher and has a passion for Music in the early years.
ELC Music does not just share a special place in our hearts, it has many benefits to the developing child. Did you know that music helps to develop fine motor skills? Fine motor skills involve the development of fine muscle control in the hands and fingers as well as the development of hand-eye coordination. A key benefit of using music to foster fine motor development is its intrinsic link to play. Building fine motor skills takes repetition of skills, and music, by its very nature invites repetition.
Action songs, finger play, parachute games, popping bubbles, counting songs and developing hand-eye coordination through instrument play, ribbon and scarf movement are just a few ways that music engages children in fine motor skill development. An added bonus – music is so much fun.
ELC Music really sets our children up for success as they transition into the Junior Learning Community and continue to build on these vital skills necessary for learning. Thank you Miss Tammy for sparking joy and helping us to thrive.
Director of Early Learning Community
From JLC Leadership
My name is Michelle Cecil and this term I have the privilege to step back into the Junior Learning Community as the Deputy Head of Curriculum. I am not new to Hillcrest, having worked in various capacities across the College for the past 16 years. I began my journey at Hillcrest as one of the founding staff members of our Kindergarten. I have taught in the JLC for many years, worked across Prep – 12 as Head of Program Development and most recently completed the full circle returning to the Early Learning Community as Director. I have a passion for early years education and am excited to be working across the Early Learning and Junior Learning Communities to support the development of foundational skills in our youngest of Hillcrest children.
Outworking the vision for the College and building on the great work of the dedicated staff that have gone before me, this term sees the introduction of French to the JLC curriculum offerings. Research indicates that learning a second language from a young age boosts problem solving, critical thinking and listening skills in addition to improving memory, concentration and the ability to multi task. Children proficient in other languages also show signs of enhanced creativity. In Week 4 we say ‘bonjour’ to Mrs Naomi Grosser and look forward to our children engaging in French language and culture.
This week also sees us buzzing with excitement as we bring back a much loved tradition ‘Hillspell’ – a spelling bee. Our busy JLC bees have been setting personal goals and focusing on their spelling over this past few weeks. Our finalists will spell their way through Week 5 and we are set for some un-bee-lievable fun. Stay tuned for the results!
As we journey through Term 3, our weeks are filled with rich opportunities for our JLC children to engage in learning through incursions, excursions, cultural days, fun dress up days as well as our usual learning experiences. Please refer to the Week 2 Newsletter for a full JLC calendar of events. We are excited to share these experiences with our learning community – what a fun way to learn!
Michelle Cecil
Deputy Head Curriculum – Junior Learning Community
What’s been happening in the JLC
Year 4 Camp
Year 4 students travelled to Mount Tamborine QCCC camping site for three days / two nights of adventure, fun and activities. Although the weather was bitterly cold, wet and windy, students did not let this deter their spirit of adventure. Climbing gigantic trees, abseiling back off the climbing wall once they had scaled its heights, building fires and cooking ‘twisties’ (damper on a stick), archery challenges and orienteering were ways in which they challenged themselves and encouraged and supported others. We are so proud of the many ways the Year 4 students demonstrated the College values whilst on camp, and for the many personal challenges that they faced, and overcome.
JLC Pyjama Day
This week we had our annual pyjama day to raise funds for Effective Aid. Students and teachers came dressed in pyjamas and oodies for the day which made for an extra fun day of learning and playing.
Effective Aid is an Australian non-profit charity that aims to provide under privileged and disadvantage people with the basic necessities that enable them to survive, but beyond that to provide development to communities, thus empowering them to take charge of their own futures.
From the Head of the MLC
Over the past two weeks our students have attended year level meetings with an ex-Police officer to learn more about the harmful effects of Cyberbullying and the ways to combat this inappropriate behaviour online. The sessions used real world examples of criminals who had been formally charged for their offences which helped to build a better understanding of how serious the long term effects of this behaviour can become.
Many parents have asked for some follow up materials to be shared so I wanted to direct parents who are interested to the eSafety website. There are some really good examples of the ‘signs to watch for’ in your children so you know if they may be experiencing bullying online and also some handy hints on how to raise this issue with your children.
The Year 7-8 House Camp was held at Kindilan in Redland Bay last week with over 250 students and staff members enjoying an outdoor adventure camp that helped to develop some important SECRET Skills, mainly: Self Manager, Effective Participator and Team Worker. When I arrived on Tuesday evening, many of the students asked me if they could stay all week and it sounded like the most popular activity was the flying fox. A camp of this size (the largest the campsite has ever hosted) does not happen without months of planning and I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Year 7 and 8 Year Level Leaders, Mr Ian Hopper and Ms Holly Stanton for their tremendous work in creating an incredible experience for our students.
On Saturday our first MLC Mission Trip returned home from Tara after three days of shining the light of our Lord, Jesus Christ on a deeply impoverished community. The group had the opportunity to spend time with students of a similar age and serve the community at large by listening to their stories and helping with a number of different service activities. I want to thank all of the staff who gave up a large amount of time in the lead up to this trip but especially Michelle Pohlmann and Chappy Nat who led this incredible experience for our students.
Finally, I encourage you to attend one of the advertised parent forums over the coming weeks to find out more details about the Year 9 Cooly experience next year. Your questions are welcomed at these forums and I am currently compiling a Frequently Asked Questions list (FAQ) to share with community based on your feedback. If you would like to email a question for us to reflect on, please feel free to send it through to mlcpa@hillcrest.qld.edu.au.
Darren Rackemann
Head of Middle Learning Community
What’s been happening in the MLC
Year 7/8 Camp
7/8 camp was a great opportunity for me to get outside my comfort zone and try new things. Through the experience, I made new friends in my activity group and cabin as we collaborated in tasks and had fun together. My favourite activity was the zipline, as it went over the lake and the view was stunning. I had an amazing time on camp and would definitely go again!
Esther Rush
Taylor B, Year 8
This year’s camp theme was Reaching Out. Students did group activities with people within their House colour while also getting to know more people. Activities like team building, night activities, giant swing, quick drop, orienteering, and many more activities, helped students to trust each other and have fun with what they are doing.
Food was provided at different halls and a specific menu was ready for the day. We had delicious food like pancakes for breakfast, wraps for lunch and chicken curry for dinner. “The food was by far the best thing about the camp.” was said by many students.
Trisong Yangzom
Taylor B Year 7
Last week our Year 7 and 8 staff supported 250 students to attend the Kindalin Adventure Camp in Redland Bay. It was the largest camp the site had ever hosted and the leader said it was the best group of students she had ever seen. Many thanks Holly Stanton and Ian Hopper for their months of planning setting up this amazing experience for our students. All of the staff that attended the camp pitched in and it was great to see the teaching staff work as a team and support each other.
Year 8 Mission Trip to Tara
The Tara trip was definitely a trip to remember. I’m so glad I went there as it made me feel grateful for all the privileges I have. A safe home, friends, and beautiful weather. The people in Tara were inclusive and were always willing to be your friend and always had a smile on their faces. The kids were wonderful as we did have to wait for them to open up but they were so loving and generous even with the little they have. They were so grateful when I handed them a sausage and bread and seeing their smile really made my trip. I would love to do it again.
Amelia Genganah
Year 8
A big thank you too all our Hillcrest families who donated clothes for the Tara community, you should have seen their faces receiving warm clothing. Thank you for partnering with us to make an impact in Tara.
Chappy Nat
Year 8 HaSS
Year 8 students are having a lot of fun this week in HaSS by implementing Minecraft into the curriculum, building medieval worlds and going on scavenger hunts through a model medieval town to find information about everyday life.
Students had so much fun and were intrigued that they could use their own personal knowledge of the game as part of a learning experience.
Comments included “I can’t believe they just dumped their waste out the window” Bailey, and “This was fun!” Silas. “Did you know that in medieval times they weren’t allowed to wear masks!” Caitlin
Last week, an enthusiastic group of Year 7 and 8 students took their robots into battle! It was a close competition! Hillcrest teams narrowly missed out on taking home the champion title.
MLC Life Groups
MLC Life Groups are a safe space to build relationships, explore faith questions and talk about wellbeing. As part of Wellness Wednesdays, students in MLC have been talking about gratitude and paying it forward. Greene D Life Group took this opportunity to plan a special surprise for our Sports Coach Mr Lappin. Mr Lappin is appreciated for… knowing kids names (especially their nicknames), making everyone smile, giving kids confidence, inspiring passion for sport and playing on the oval with them at breaktimes. To show appreciation for Mr Lappin, Greene D students prepared a pancake breakfast. All organised and cooked by the students. He was absolutely blown away and delighted! Such a wonderful way to start the day!
Tinker Tuesdays
On Tuesdays students in Year 5 and 6 are giving up their lunch time to ‘tinker’ with electronics. Armed with screw drivers and imagination they are beginning to build with old computers.
Free Webinar for Parents by Elevate – How to Help Your Child’s Essay Writing
Here’s what Elevate will be covering:
✅ The importance of goal-setting in essay writing;
✅ How you can provide real-time support & feedback to speed up the process of improvement;
✅ How students can begin to self-assess their work so they can become independent writers;
The webinar is run live online on Wednesday, 10 August from 6:30 – 7:30pm (AEST) where the presenter will share Elevate’s key research and skills, and will conduct a live Q&A so you can ask them questions directly.
From the Head of the SLC
Outstanding Student Experience
We aspire for all students to receive an outstanding experience while at the College. Academic outcomes are somewhat important with student wellbeing paramount if any success is to be realised. We have strategies in place to identify students of concern and staff ready to support these students.
We learned through the COVID lockdowns how important physical relationships are. Hillcrest has consciously created smaller distinct learning communities so stronger connections can be developed. In the Senior Learning Community, vertical Life Groups and the House structure play a critical role in developing these stronger connections.
On Friday 22 July, after several postponements, we were able to hold the House Day. The Heads of House and Year 12 leaders put together and implemented a program that fostered connections within the House. After several false starts with this event, it was great to see it come to fruition. Our student leaders did an amazing job and it was great to see the students engaged in those cultural activities that would have happened on camp. While this event contributes to the outstanding student experience, we also know that staying connected assists personal wellbeing.
On Monday, 25 July we had our annual Athletics Carnival, another activity contributing to the outstanding student experience. Congratulations to all students who participated and assisted in the implementation of the Carnival. While there is healthy competition between the houses, the students who supported their House through participation are the clear winners. Thank you to the staff who organised and implemented this event.
The College’s aim is to deliver young people to society who are educated, equipped, empowered and energised. On Wednesday, 27 July, we conducted our annual Pathways Evening. We aspired to educate the students on their chosen pathways, equip them with the knowledge to make informed decisions, empower them and their parents in making the correct decision, and provide them with an outstanding experience that energises them about the pathway they have chosen. The Senior Learning Community is about supporting student driven pathways and the Pathways Evening reflected that. I wish to thank Joelle McCully, Lucinda Crews and Peter Fernance for their organisation of the event and all of the staff, parent and guest speakers for assisting and sharing their knowledge and experiences with our students.
Planning has already commenced for 2023. Our current student leaders will hand over their leadership roles at Celebration Evening next term. Having undergone a leadership development program, Year 11 students have been asked to put themselves forward to lead the College and Houses next year. I ask that you pray for each of these courageous students as they put themselves forward to serve and lead the College. I ask that you also keep the current student leadership team in your prayers as they implement the recruitment process to find their successors.
Lots continues to happen in the community. Please take note of the important dates in the College calendar and thoroughly read all correspondence received from the College. There are numerous events this term and assessments have also begun. I wish all students participating in the Eisteddfods the very best and pray that you enjoy the experience.
I am always looking for ways that we can improve the experience for all students. Feedback is a gift that informs us of what we cannot see. If you have any feedback on things we are doing well in or things we can improve, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
I pray you and your family stay healthy as we navigate this current COVID wave and I look forward to seeing you at our next community event.
Richest blessing,
Jason Day
Head of Senior Learning Community
What’s been happening in the SLC
Year 11 Physics Sound Demonstration
Continuing their studies of waves, students in Year 11 Physics had the opportunity this week to explore how the properties of Wave Interference contribute to the the production of musical notes. Students Laila, Jed and Hunter brought in their instruments to show the class the difference between string and wind instruments. We were also lucky enough to hear from Sound Engineer Isaac Ogilvie via Zoom who shared how he uses the Physics of Waves in his role mixing the musical ‘Hamilton’ in Melbourne.
Year 10 Science Volcanoes!
Continuing their study of Chemistry, students looked at the different factors that impact rates of reaction. Students were able to see this before their own eyes as they added various amounts of Bicarbonate Soda and Vinegar to increase the concentration and impact of their Volcano Reaction!
Year 10 Mini Golf
Our Year 10s enjoyed a night out last week playing some mini golf and eating delicious pizzas. This social was a great way for students within Year 10 to enhance existing bonds and unity within their year level.
Pathways News
Pathways News and Opportunities
Pathways Evening
On Wednesday evening, 27 July SLC hosted their annual Pathways Evening. This was an excellent opportunity for students from Years 9-12 to be inspired and to understand more about their subjects, senior pathways and study options for Years 10-12 and beyond. The evening was attended by 20+ RTOs and universities in the Pathways Expo, giving students and parents valuable information about courses, applying, costs, scholarships and student life. The Career Talks filled the SLC classrooms with industry panels of over 40 professionals sharing their interesting and varied career stories and real examples of day-to-day activities in their roles. Students and parents who attended the evening were grateful for the variety of information and expertise available to them at this event.
Ideas Camp – Bond University
Have you got an idea that will set the world on fire? Are you unsure of what career path you want to take, but know that you want to blaze your own trail? Well get ready to unleash your inner entrepreneur!
IDEAS CAMP is a one-day business workshop where you will learn elements of the entrepreneurial process, develop skills relevant to the entrepreneurship and innovation sector and learn the challenges businesses today face in start-up ventures. Click here for more information and sign up here.
Expressions of Interest now Open for Term 4 2022 and Term 1, 2023
Term 4 2022:
Electrotechnology – Wednesday & Thursday classes
Construction – Wednesday and Thursday Classes
Automotive – Friday class
Plumbing – Wednesday & Friday classes
Term 1 2023
Electrotechnology Thursday Class
Construction – Friday Class
Automotive – Wednesday Class
Plumbing – Wednesday & Friday Class
Surfboard Shaping – Friday Class
Horticulture – Friday Class
Open Days
ADFA Open Day 2022
Saturday 20 August 2022, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
The 2022 ADFA Open Day is on Saturday 20th August. There will also be an online / virtual version of the Open Day for people who are unable to visit Canberra on this date.
Can’t make Open Day? Check out the virtual tour. Be the first to hear by registering.
You’re invited to studyworkgrow. This is a great opportunity for students to stay up to date with career facts, jobs, key dates, university information. There are also very helpful articles for students and parents.
Can you or your business offer work experience for our Year 10 students?
We are looking for businesses to partner with us to offer our students work experience in the last week of term (12–16 September).
Students will be getting a taste of work life in their areas of interest and you will be inspiring the next wave of professionals into your industry.
If you can take one or more students, please submit your expression of interest for more information by clicking on this link.
Speech and Drama Students Winning
Between the 25 and 30 July, many of the Speech and Drama students participated in the 89th Murwillumbah Festival of Performing Arts. After two years when this event was not able to go ahead, it was extra special to once again enjoy the friendly festival. Each performer benefitted from the experience and received encouraging reports and excellent marks. Special congratulations to those who were doing this for the first time, you were so brave. These young people did what many people are too scared to do – go on stage under the lights! Congratulations. The excellent results are as follows:
Archie Crews Year 1 – Poems in Pairs 3rd Place, Poems in Pairs 1st Place, Character Recital 3rd Place, Humorous Verse Highly Commended, Mime 2nd Place.
Micah Woods Year 1 – Poems in Pairs 1st Place, Mime 3rd Place.
Wolf Chen Year 1 – Poems in Pairs 3rd Place, Character Recital 2nd Place, Humorous Verse 2nd Place and Poems in Pairs 1st Place.
Amelia Taylor Year 1 – Character Recital Highly Commended, Mime Highly Commended.
Bayes Cai Year 2 – Character Recital Highly Commended, Humorous Verse 3rd Place, Mime Highly Commended and Adjudicator’s Encouragement Award: 6 years.
Harper Price Year 2 – Poems in Pairs 3rd Place, Mime Highly Commended, Verse Speaking – Not Humorous Highly Commended, Drama Highly Commended.
Lily Yang Year 2 – Poems in Pairs 3rd Place, Novice Humorous Verse 1st Place, Memorised Prose Highly Commended, Mime 1st Place, Drama Highly Commended, Humorous Verse 2nd Place.
Oliver Yu Year 2 – Mime 3rd Place, Drama 3rd Place.
Max Sun Year 3 – Verse Speaking – Not Humorous Highly Commended, Humorous Verse 1st Place
Sienna Perri Year 4 – Verse Speaking – Not Humorous Highly Commended, Poems in Pairs Highly Commended.
Margot Schuurs Year 4 – Drama Highly Commended, Novice Humorous Verse Highly Commended.
Charlize Flanagan Year 4 – Verse Speaking – Not Humorous Highly Commended.
Osella Yangzom Year 5 – Drama 3rd Place, Verse Speaking – Not Humorous 1st Place, Memorised Prose 1st Place, Mime 2nd Place, Humorous Verse 1st Place, Duologue 2nd Place and the J.J. Richards Championship Award: 10 years.
Audrey Schuurs Year 5 – Drama 1st Place, Poems in Pairs Highly Commended, Mime Highly Commended, Humorous Verse 3rd Place and Duologue 2nd Place.
Viola Chen Year 5 – Drama Highly Commended, Poems in Pairs 1st Place, Mime Highly Commended and Humorous Verse 3rd Place.
Ivy Thomson Year 6 – Drama Highly Commended, Memorised Prose 1st Place, Mime 2nd Place, Verse Speaking – Not Humorous 3rd Place, Humorous Verse 2nd Place and J.J. Richards Championship Award: 11 years.
Trisong Yangzom Year 7 – Memorised Prose 1st Place, Mime 3rd Place, Verse Speaking – Not Humorous 2nd Place.
Lana Waldmann Year 10 – Drama 1st Place, Verse Speaking – Not Humorous 1st Place, Prepared Prose Reading 3rd Place, Humorous Verse 2nd Place, Sight Reading Highly Commended.
If your child is interested in getting involved in speech and drama, please email jboniwell@hillcrest.qld.edu.au.
Mrs Jan Boniwell
Speech and Drama
Gold Coast Secondary School’s Drama Festival Competition
Come along and support our MLC and SLC Drama students at the Gold Coast Secondary School’s Drama Festival Competition over the next three weeks.
The Gold Coast Secondary School’s Drama Festival is celebrating 50 years this year and is perhaps the largest and longest running Festival of it’s kind in Australia. It includes:
– Over three weeks, three sections and adjudicated by three highly-regarded industry professionals.
– Performed over nine evenings throughout the month of August.
– With over 20 Gold Coast Schools presenting upward of 40 dramatic works.
– Successful since 1972!
– ‘Treading the boards’ are more than 650 individual students.
– Enjoyed by an audience well over 2,000 theatre enthusiasts, parents and friends of the Gold Coast Secondary School community.
‘The Trolley’s – Juniors Yrs. 7-8
Term 3, Week 4
Thursday, 4 August
Robina State School
‘Spontaneous Human Combustion’ – Intermediates Years 9-10
Term 3, Week 5
Friday, 12 August
St Andrews Lutheran College
‘The Fever’ – Seniors Yrs. 11-12
Term 3, Week 6
Friday, 19 August
Somerset College
‘Fuel’ Drama Performance
This week Year 10, 11 and 12 Drama students experienced a touring production of ‘Fuel’ by renowned Theatre company ‘Shock Therapy Productions’. This company has quickly established itself as one of the leading performing arts companies based on the Gold Coast as Shock Therapy Productions aims to deliver Transformative Arts Experiences, and tell stories that are meaningful, thought-provoking, dynamic and entertaining, celebrating both the confronting and cathartic nature of performance.
Students examined a number of performance styles and conventions including Storytelling, Realism, Epic Theatre, Contemporary Theatre, Physical Theatre, Theatre of Social Comment, Multiple Role Playing, Mime and Political Satire.
‘Fuel’ gifted our students the opportunity to reflect on their lives and actions whilst considering more broadly the actions of society and how our worldview as Christians can help others in our ever changing world. Theatre has a unique ability to reflect our own shared stories back to us and allow us to dissect and analyse them in a safe environment. It can present a physical, imagined reality that gives us a deeper insight into our own human nature.
After watching the show and attending a number of Q and A sessions including with the actors and writer, our Drama students are still talking about the impact of this show and can not wait for the next one! Thanks Shock Therapy!
Act I Drama Performances
On Monday, 1 August, three of our Drama Festival competition pieces were performed for all to see during our Act 1 Event. The students were all very excited and very keen to show parents and friends the hard work they have been doing in the many weeks of rehearsals.
Juniors, Years 7-8 performed The Trolleys written by Sara West and directed by Athol Henderson
Intermediates, Years 9-10 performed ‘Spontaneous Human Combustion’ written by Daniel Evans and directed by Kelly Sparke
Seniors, Years 11-12 performed ‘The Fever’ written by Wallace Shawn and directed by Zachary Boulton
Our Year 12 Music Extension students Luke Wilcox, Samara Ballinger, Julia Brand and Anthony Vitetzakis also performed a vocal solo each during the set change overs, making it a memorable night for all.
Eisteddfod Showcase Music Concert
The Eisteddfod Showcase Music Concert is an annual event where we showcase the participating instrumental and choral ensembles as they prepare for their Gold Coast Eisteddfod Competition. This also allows the opportunity for students to be celebrated within their community, and for parents and friends to see students perform when they may not be able to do so when the Eisteddfod events actually take place.
Hinterland Green District Athletics Trials
Somerset College Athletics Track hosted two days of district level athletic competition for over 100 of Hillcrest students. A wet morning on the first day made it a little slippery for many in the first event which was the 100m heats. As this was being run, the first of the field events rotations was being run. We had good representation across all events and age groups. There were some amazing individual results which was a credit to the hard work students put into their training. These, as well as the list of students going through to regional level will be released when we are supplied with the official results.
Year 7-9 Female AFLQ Schools Cup Quarter Finals
An early match in Brisbane meant a very early arrival for our Year 7-9 AFL girls team. Competing against the Sunshine Coast’s strongest team, Saint Teresa’s Catholic College, our girls dominated early and were four goals up by quarter time. Goals kicked by Ella, Sunny, Trinity, Taya, Angie, Ava and Ally as well as a very strong defence meant Saint Teresa’s were never in the game, with Hillcrest winning 61-7.
National Under 15 AFL Championships
Last week three Hillcrest Year 9 girls, Ava Usher, Taya Reeves and Sunny Lappin, made the long trip to Albury to represent Queensland in the National Under 15 AFL Championships. Competing against the best female players in the country, our girls were among the best players for each of the five games against other states. Being undefeated for the carnival, Queensland was crowned National Champions for the first time. Sunny Lappin and Ava Usher were also named in the Australian team. Congratulations on your success girls.
Other News
Alumni Gala Dinner
This year Hillcrest Christian College is celebrating its 40th anniversary and many of our planned celebrations have been limited by the current COVID pandemic restrictions. In conjunction with a passionate group of former students, the Hillcrest Alumni Gala Dinner to be held on Saturday, 10 September 2022 at the JW Marriot Hotel on the Gold Coast.
Alumni students, along with past and present staff, are invited to attend this incredible event where the celebration of Hillcrest Christian College’s 40 years will be the centre piece of all in attendance. I would like to thank Ms Summa Coleman who has stepped up to organise this event for the benefit of all our Alumni community.
Please contact Summa if you would like to become involved in the preparation for this event. Email scoleman@hillcrest.qld.edu.au. Invitations and booking details for this event will be sent out shortly.
Position Vacant – Reedy Creek Baptist Church
Located in Gemvale Road close to Hillcrest Christian College, Reedy Creek Baptist Church is seeking an Office Administrator who has relevant experience and is able to work 24 hours over a 4-day week. Needed skills include bookkeeping, paying accounts, use of databases, reception, able to relate to people, ability to prioritise tasks on a daily basis, computer skills especially the Microsoft suite, and be able to work to a set of procedures. If you are interested, please email bill.horne@rcbc.org.au for a Position Description (PD), or your phone number should you have any questions. Applications to be submitted to bill.horne@rcbc.org.au stating experience against the PD and a CV by COB Tuesday 23 August.
Student Departure Notification for 2022
Our College has gained a strong reputation for innovation and excellence, locally, nationally and internationally. We continue to receive numerous applications from families who have selected Hillcrest as the preferred schooling option for their children. Many of our year levels have now reached capacity, or are nearly full and our waiting lists are growing. The College now only has formal enrolment intakes for Pre Kindy, Kindy and Prep.
Your family is a very important part of our College Community and because of this we will be preparing for your child/ren moving into their new year level in 2023.
Please be reminded that the Enrolment Contract states that you must provide one full term’s notice in writing, before any departure. If the full term’s notice has not been received and the student is outside of the initial six month cooling off period, a full term’s fee will be charged. Whilst we acknowledge and respect the right of parents to withdraw their child from Hillcrest at any time, this policy was introduced to encourage families to think carefully about early withdrawal and to ensure that the College has continuity of enrolment to meet its financial commitments.
If your child will not be returning to Hillcrest Christian College in 2023, please provide your departure notification in writing to registrar@hillcrest.qld.edu.au no later than Friday 16 September 2022 to avoid any financial penalty.
On behalf of the College Executive, thank you for your support with this matter.