"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
Philippians 4:6
Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College
Executive Head of College, Jeff Davis shares an update from the last two weeks.
Culture and Wellbeing
Tuning in to Kids
Parenting can seem like riding an emotional roller-coaster. Everything from climbing a steep hill and feeling like you are on top of parenting, to quickly plummeting in fear, sadness, anger, rejection, or other emotions. Emotions are at the driving wheel of our lives, including the lives of our little and young people. “Tuning in to Kids is a suite of parenting programs that focus on the emotional connection between parents and caretakers and their children, from pre-schoolers to teenagers. The evidence-based programs have proven success in improving parenting, parent-child relationships and children’s emotional competence and behaviour” Tuning In To Kids
Hillcrest Christian College is excited to announce we are offering Tuning in to Kids programs. These programs are facilitated by our College counsellors Natalie Daugherty and Emily Townsend.
Natalie and Emily recently delivered a successful Tuning in to Teens to 18 amazing parents and caretakers this term. One parent commented, “I wanted to say what an amazing job Nat and Emily did with the Tuning in to Teens Workshops. The material was really helpful, and it was good, very good, to hear raw experiences from other parents and realise that while each of our situations is unique, many of our struggles, challenges and weaknesses are shared; particularly our tendency to dismiss rather than engage with emotions, and to jump straight to problem solving. This is a really valuable course and would benefit every parent who is open to accepting their own failings and is willing and eager to learn and change. The feedback from everyone on the last night showed positive changes already occurring in families. Thank you for the providing me with the privilege and opportunity to attend.”
If you would like to express your interest in attending one of these amazing parenting programs in 2023 – Tuning in to Kids, Tuning in to Teens, and Tuning in to Kids/Teen for Dads, please click here.
From the ELC
My name is Taylor Wells-McFarlane and I, with such a warm welcome from everyone, happily joined the Early Learning Community this term. I have had the pleasure of working alongside Michelle and sowing the seeds of connection with our lovely children, families and staff.
It has been such a blessing to experience the community’s genuine culture of care and participate in honouring this philosophy over the last fortnight. This Early Childhood Educator’s Day, we acknowledged our teachers and celebrated with Morning Tea. The families kindly filled our Gratitude Jar with notes of thanks and by doing so, filled their hearts too! We are so grateful to have a team of teachers who continuously share their love and guidance, and a community who honours them.
On R U OK? Day, we wore yellow to raise awareness for mental health. In our Pre-Kindy and Kindy classrooms, we used this as an opportunity to place a sincere focus on kindness and friendship. The children were encouraged to reflect on how they can be a good friend, and share their light with the world like Jesus. It was a heart-warming learning journey, that inspired many special conversations and connections, which we trust will carry through to the weeks ahead.
Early Learning Community
From JLC Leadership
Dear JLC Community,
Term 3 has been jam packed with events and lots of learning. It has been lovely to see our parent community sharing in all our learning and special events. Starting with Grandparents Day in Week 2 and finishing with our culmination of learning across the JLC. This week, I have been in and out of the Year 2 Mini Beast Day, asking lots of questions and celebrating their learning. Each Year 2 room was full of excitement as students share fun facts about their mini beast project.
After much feedback, the JLC community have made some changes to the way we communicate with families. Each week, each year level and 3/4 LUMOS will be emailed out a weekly snapshot e.g., ‘Prep Weekly Snapshot’. At the beginning of the term this will provide you with the curriculum overview and events for the term. Then each week the communication will be more specific to the week of learning and events. The Facebook pages will continue to be a place where we showcase photos from special events.
It has been a big 10-week term, and many students are ready for some much needed rest. Before Term 4 commences, I hope you have time over the September holidays to spend time with family and friends and enjoy the beautiful Spring weather.
Have a lovely break and stay safe.
Christy Gittins
Head Junior Learning Community
What’s been happening in the JLC
Prep Flare English
This term Flare English Prep students studied the amazing author: Pamela Allen. They discovered how Allen uses literary devices such as rhyming, repetition, onomatopoeia and punctuation. The highlight was definitely learning all about onomatopoeia and finding and creating our own examples. Way to go Preppies!
Year 1 Lego WeDo
We have had an exciting week learning with our LEGO WeDo creations. In HaSS this term, we have learned about changes from past to present. Toys that our grandparents had, computers, TVs, phones, cars, planes, and ships. Students worked in pairs to design a pirate ship with LEGO and use an iPad to code their creations to make movement, sound, and lights. Students used the Secret Skills of team worker, self manager, and reflective thinker during their builds, incorporating problem solving skills as well. We learned “Flearning” is attempting a new concept or challenge, and made adjustments to improve our designs without quitting. Way to go Year 1!
Year 2 Minibeast Day
Year 2 was a ‘hive’ of activity as we celebrated Hillcrest’s iconic Minibeast Day! There was a real ‘buzz’ as the children excitedly prepared their posters, information texts and minibeast sculptures at their individual stalls. On Tuesday we were greeted at the school door by children dressed as jellyfish, praying mantises, octopus, bees and butterflies, to name a few! A real highlight of the day was an unexpected visit from a large group of SLC students. They had heard that Minibeast Day was happening and enthusiastically made their way down to relive their experiences from Year 2. There were smiles all round as these large teenagers shuffled onto tiny seats to listen to their younger friends share interesting facts and minibeast poetry. This was followed by enquiring questions and educational chatter as they toured the different stalls in the classrooms where they could learn all about the different minibeasts presented. This heart-warming experience was a poignant reminder that learning experiences such as these make lasting memories and connections that last way beyond Year 2!
From the Head of the MLC
As we head towards the end of another term in our Learning Community, it is good to reflect on what we have achieved in Term 3. The interest in where we are heading at Hillcrest continues to grow demonstrated by last month’s record enrolment applications, the highest monthly total in our 40 year history. This term we also hosted a national teaching and learning conference entitled Humans Matter, which saw 170 visitors to our campus from across Australia and New Zealand. Their feedback on our progress was very positive and it is always encouraging to have other educational leaders validate our unique learning platform and our focus on a values driven experience underpinned by a biblical worldview.
Our amazing staff have once again given their own time to drive a large number of cultural and co-curricular events over the term that have underpinned the personal interests and strengths of our students. These include:
- Tara Mission trip
- We do Wednesday activities
- R U OK? Day
- Regional Debating
- Eisteddfod Season
- Year 8 Medieval Day
- Year 6 visits to Currumbin Community Special School and Josiah College
- Write a Book in a Day raising awareness for The Kid’s Cancer Project
- Crazy Sock and Hair Day
- MLC Mash Up
- Co-curricular Dance Concert
The various clubs and leadership opportunities that are offered during both morning tea and lunch breaks are also a highlight for me as the Head of Community. We encourage our students to come back next term with some new ideas for opportunities that we can create with you in Term 4.
We are currently working hard to plan an incredible Celebration Evening for the MLC on Monday 17 October. This year will be the first MLC only Celebration Evening and it will wonderful to acknowledge the success of our students together as a Learning Community. Parents are asked to attend with your students as our goal is to sell out the MPC and we can’t wait to showcase the individual talents and strengths of our amazing students.
I wish everyone a restful and restoring holiday break and look forward to coming back to continue our growth as a Learning Community.
Darren Rackemann
Head of Middle Learning Community
What’s been happening in the MLC
R U OK? Day
On Thursday, 8 September, it was national R U OK? Day. This is the national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.
At morning tea, the MLC and SLC communities joined together to celebrate caring friendships and to raise awareness of this very important social skill. Students were reminded in Life Group sessions to look out for their friends and to be aware if their friends started behaving in ways that seem different. The 4-step guide to checking in with your friends is to Ask if they R OK, Listen with an open mind, Encourage them to get help, Check in later to make sure they are doing ok.
Students were treated to amazing musical performances in a battle of the bands including a stellar performance from the staff rock band. There were cupcakes, other baked goods and a sausage sizzle available. All the proceeds from this day will be put back into the college to support further mental health initiatives within our community.
Year 8 Service Project
Secret Skills and Christian Living
This term in Year 8, students demonstrated Christian values and the Secret Skills through service. The students took action around the Hillcrest community and beyond. Our students coached soccer and basketball during break times, delivered first aid instruction, and provided the first music lesson to some of our youngest learners. The students took risks, communicated to staff around the College, and glorified Jesus in the process. While some of these projects are ongoing, others were completed this week. These students are beginning to reflect on how they can change the World around them, and we are excited to see what they are capable of in a new environment next year.
Last week we set up a fun soccer workshop for the Year 4s. This workshop ran for a week and was led by about 20 Year 8 students. We asked the Year 4 students to come down to the oval at their break time and we had drills and rotations set up for them. We also had a game for them to play at the end. It was super fun and all of them seemed happy with the workshop, and they looked like they learned a thing or two to improve their skills. The game at the end was super fun and they were very energetic. All of them demonstrated the Effective Participator Secret Skill ‘I am involved in extra-curricular activities in my own time.’ I think our small group did as well.
-Ashton Blakey
First Aid Group
During this project we used the Team Worker SECRET Skill as we had to efficiently co-operate so that we could work out how to successfully deliver to a younger audience whilst still providing the content that they required to effectively complete the activity. 1 Corinthians 12:14 teaches us that the body of Christ, or the people that are the whole of humanity, are a team. The body is not supported by one person, but by all of us. We are one, and we are strongest working together in unity. Through this activity we worked together well, and it was exciting to teach the kids what to do in an emergency. We learned first aid skills in Cadets, and it was awesome to pass on our knowledge.
-Angus Boydell
2 Timothy 4:7. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. We have demonstrated this scripture from the determination we had to complete our service project. We had to email several teachers to see if they would be willing to participate in our project. The head of year 6, Mrs Seton and Year 5 leader Mrs Coutts responded with interest. We planned meetings with them and explained our service project thoroughly, persuading them to get their class involved. Our service project was dedicated to teaching kids how to play basketball and teaching them teamwork and effect participation. We were focussed on the Level 4 Secret Skill in effect participator, which focuses on acting positively and setting an example for others by getting involved in activities without complaining. If anyone was negative, we helped them to be more positive without criticising their behaviour.
-Caitlin Orth
Year 6 Culminating Event – Currumbin Special School Visit
The Year 6 students have been attending Currumbin Special School this Term, building relationships with the students at the school and gaining an understanding and empathy for students with special needs. They have learned how students communicate, what they like and the challenges these students face on a day to day basis. After this excursion the assignment was for students to chose an existing game and make modifications to the game, removing any barriers that might exist for a student with special needs. The best games in each Year 6 class were chosen by the teachers. Then on 5 September the students from Currumbin came to the College and participated in the games led by our Year 6 students. There was smiles on everyone’s faces students and teachers as they participated in the games lead by our students.
“The kids from Currumbin were so happy that we had come to their school and that we were hanging out with them it made me happy too.” – Willow
“This is the first time a lot of these students have ever been to another school, they look forward to the Hillcrest students coming every week.” Teacher Currumbin Special School
“No matter the disability we are all the same and made by our creator God and made for a unique purpose on this planet.” – Vihaan
From the Head of the SLC
Screen Time and Social Media
Recently there has been considerable reporting of the students who were expelled from an elite boy’s school in Sydney for acts on social media that were contrary to the values of the school. Online learning communities that I am part of have been sharing articles and advice on how to manage social media and mobile phone use in school. Ultimately, it comes down to the values of the individual and how they resolve a dilemma. The following article was published in an American Newspaper, the Star Tribune:
“Come,” said the pencil to the boy, “and draw with me.” So the boy reached for the pencil, about to touch it to his sketch pad. “But I can show you a three-hour drawing condensed into three minutes,” said the Smartphone. So the boy watched the drawing of a world map, complete with oceans, seas, and capitals, finished in three minutes.
“Come,” said the paintbrush to the boy, “and paint a river with me.” So the boy picked up the paintbrush, about to dip it into the sky-blue watercolour paint. “But I can show you a river in India, one in Alaska, and the largest waterfall in the world,” said the Smartphone. So the boy watched videos of the Rivers Ganges and Alsek, and clips of Victoria Falls tumbling 5,600 feet into volcanic dikes.
“Come,” said the books, “and read about a lion that battles a witch and a ship’s journey into heaven.” So the boy opened one, curled up on the couch and began reading. “But I can give you the movie,” replied the Smartphone, “and a soundtrack that stirs your soul.” So the boy closed the book, got up from the couch, sat at the counter, and watched the video.
“Come,” called the trees and birds outside. “Climb us, and listen to us sing.” As the boy stepped outdoors, the Smartphone called, “But with me you can play a game where you scale mountains while dodging man-eating vultures.” So the boy stepped back inside to play the game. With his face glued to the Smartphone, the iPad next to him dinged: a text. The boy glanced at the message. Returning to his game, he heard a ping: an email in his inbox. He read it and returned to his Smartphone, where a flashing Snapchat announcement obscured a bloodthirsty vulture.
Next to his iPad, the pencil lay motionless, and next to the computer, the paintbrush untinted. And beside his Smartphone, “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe” lay with uncreased pages, the lion’s roar stifled, the witch’s cackle silenced, and the gate into Imagination closed.
What do you value as a family? Is it screen time or is it drawing, painting, reading, playing games, going outside? You value what you give your time to.
Associate Professor Wayne Warburton, a researcher at Macquarie University’s School of Psychological Sciences, recently published an article titled: How too much screen time is hurting our kids: study. In his article, he discusses Internet Gaming Disorder and the effects on students.
During these holidays, I encourage you to limit your child’s screen time and encourage them to be involved in other activities. Allow them to be bored and find activities, other than screens, to occupy themselves.
It has been a very busy end to the term. There have been several concerts where our students have showcased their gifts and talents. The College Captains led their final Celebration Assembly, one of the largest, if not the largest we have had. It showcased how involved our students are in a range of activities. The Year 12 students have their Formal at QT tonight and the photographs from this event will be published in the next newsletter.
I thank you for your support of myself and my wonderful staff again this term. We aspire to create an outstanding experience for every child.
Term 4 is a busy term with many end-of-year events. Celebration Evening is on Thursday in Week 2 and this event is compulsory for all students and at least one parent. The program is taking shape and I look forward to seeing you there.
Have a safe break and I look forward to working with you and your children next term.
Jason Day
Head of Senior Learning Community
What’s been happening in the SLC
Online Gaming
Games are an integral part of human behaviour. It is normal and healthy for young people to engage in play as a part of their daily lives, including playing games online. And like most activities, online gaming can have both positive and negative outcomes. It can be intimidating and confusing for carers trying to understand a young person’s online experiences with many considering that staring at a screen is an unhealthy habit. However, the World Health Organisation does believe that as well as the risks, there are also many positive benefits associated with online gaming and these could be key in nurturing bonds with others.
During the pandemic, there was an explosive growth of gaming as people sought much needed connection during isolation. In the media, gaming often gets bad publicity because most coverage tends to concentrate on the minority of gamers who play to such an extent that it compromises all other areas of their life. However, online gaming can teach young people many skills including teamwork, concentration, communication and problem-solving. It requires a level of interaction and skill from the player; unlike watching television, which is more passive.
Online communities provide opportunities for young people to feel socially connected and have a sense of belonging. At healthy levels, gaming can increase their self-esteem and social acceptance. However, any behaviour, when taken to extreme, can also have a negative impact on a young person’s everyday life. Understanding what your young person experiences online and knowing the warning signs if they are at risk, will help nurture a more positive relationship with online gaming and help your family find the right balance.
If you are concerned about your young person’s online gaming habits, it’s important to consider a number of factors. This article will provide strategies in how to deal with any issues you may be experiencing. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered. If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to this newsletter’s article.

Originals Assembly
This week our Year 12 Originals were celebrated. Originals have completed their entire schooling at Hillcrest and they were each presented with a gift by a current Hillcrest Prep student. They put on some music and performances for the students and were celebrated by teachers they have had over their years here. We wish them all the best as they enter a new season of their lives.
Recognition Assembly
The Senior Learning Community this week recognised student involvement in a number of co-curricular activities across Term 3 in a Celebration Assembly. The community was also blessed by an inspiring performance from the SLC Rock Band. You can see some of the photographed moments here!
R U OK? Day
On Thursday, 8 September, it was national R U OK? Day. This is the national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.
At morning tea, the MLC and SLC communities joined together to celebrate caring friendships and to raise awareness of this very important social skill. Students were reminded in Life Group sessions to look out for their friends and to be aware if their friends started behaving in ways that seem different. The 4-step guide to checking in with your friends is to Ask if they R OK, Listen with an open mind, Encourage them to get help, Check in later to make sure they are doing ok.
Students were treated to amazing musical performances in a battle of the bands including a stellar performance from the staff rock band. There were cupcakes, other baked goods and a sausage sizzle available. All the proceeds from this day will be put back into the college to support further mental health initiatives within our community.
Design Awards
It is with great joy to announce the following students are Regional Winners for the 2022 QLD Design and Technologies Teachers Association Student Subject Awards. These three students will proceed to member voting for State Champion in their respective categories. Well done!
Year 9 Design and Technologies
Allessandra Mastaglia
Vincent Churches
Year 12 Design
Mikayla Hawi
Year 11 Geography
The Year 11 Geography class visited the local Op shop to investigate how donating clothes and buying second hand clothes helps with sustainability in city living. The students donated clothes and bought some new outfits.
Year 11 Accounting
On Wednesday, 14 September, our Year 11 Accounting students visited the company Findex in Bundall. Findex focusses on accounting and offers financial advisory services to businesses nationwide. It was a fantastic opportunity to listen to Senior Financial Business Advisors talk to the students about the future of accounting and how technology has changed the financial sector. Students asked questions regarding entry requirements into the financial industry and future career opportunities. The day offered our students a very unique experience of Accounting in practice.
Student vs Teacher Games
The Year 12 students took on the teachers in three sports over the week. The students had two close wins in the netball and basketball and the teachers had a convincing win in the touch game. Both teams played in good spirit.
Year 12 Formal
Last Friday, the Year 12 students attended their Year 12 Formal. Everyone looked stunning and had a wonderful time celebrating their schooling years. Afterward, Hillcrest hosted The Happening where students can safely continue their celebrations after the Formal, finishing off at catching a sunrise at the beach. Thank you to all staff who made this event wonderful.
Capture Film Festival
This week Film and TV held the annual Capture Film Festival where students walked the red carpet, presented their work and awards were handed out to many for their impressive work in this field. Well done to our Film and TV students.
Pathways News
Griffith University Engineering Program
Griffith University is excited to offer Year 11 students the opportunity to take part in GRIFFITH ENG Program commencing in late 2022. The program is designed to encourage students interested in pursuing a career in engineering to study the equivalent of a first-year first trimester Griffith University course during their senior years.
GRIFFITH ENG is a two-stage program. Stage one, A Taste of Engineering, consists of an intensive Experience Day offered to Year 11 students, covering the practical components of various engineering disciplines. Students who successfully complete the Taste of Engineering will be invited to enrol in GRIFFITH ENG in Year 12 to continue with stage two of the program in Trimester 1, 2023. The content of the program in Stage 2 introduces students to the engineering design process and professional aspects of being an Engineer or Industrial Designer. The course takes into consideration the increasingly complex interactions between engineering systems, project stakeholders and the environment, including the positive role of engineering in sustainable development as well as the potentially adverse impacts of engineering activities. Exposure to engineers and designers who are in the workforce will be a feature of this course.. Students who successfully complete this course and choose to study Engineering at Griffith will receive full credit for Engineering Design Practice (1022ENG).
High school students who complete the program can:
- Gain credit for a first-year engineering course, saving thousands of dollars in HECS bills and reducing the essential workload of the first-year in university.
- Be awarded an adjusted selection rank
- Access it all for FREE! All costs are covered by the University.
How to Apply:
Interested students can apply online,
- Select Program: GUESTS At School (9933), Part-time, Trimester 2, 2022, relevant campus (Gold Coast or Nathan)
- Add Course: Griffith Eng for Year 11 (9000ENG). Select relevant campus (Gold Coast or Nathan)
Applications close on Friday 30 September 2022
Save The Date
Southern Cross University Discovery Day
Friday, 21 October 2022
For the new Year 12’s graduating class of 2023
10am – 2pm
Southern Cross University Gold Coast Campus
Students will participate in campus tours, student panels and a free lunch.
Careers Advisors, Deputies and Principals are invited to a professional development session hosted by the University Executive and a networking lunch.
More details to come but for now, please save the date.
Year 12 Students – What happens next when you leave school?
Let us help you find your next! Simply register with the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT)
- Click here to join our Connected to Jobs & Training school leavers service.
- Enter your personal email – not your school email.
We will email local job opportunities, funded training opportunities and the 2023 School Leavers Resource with quick web access to local job boards, Government School Leaver Career Guides, and training.
*Please see attached the 2022 ‘School Leavers Resource’ to raise your awareness about post school services and assist you with career planning.
School Leavers Resource – Flip book – click here
Be smart pre-employment skills workbook – click here
There is also a VET Choices flyer attached.
Art and Choral Extravaganza
You are invited to attend Hillcrest’s annual Art and Choral Extravaganza. This event will be held at Hillcrest on Thursday, 6 October, starting from 5pm in the SLC Courtyard where you are invited to view student artwork that will be on display. From 6.30pm the ticketed Concert will begin in the MPC. See the poster for more details. Buy tickets here.

National All Schools Mountain Bike Competition
Fantastic finish for Hillcrest Mountain Bikers at the 2022 Shimano National All Schools Cycle Challenge last weekend, beginning with the Road and Track and BMX events on Friday and finishing up with Enduro Mountain Biking Stages on Sunday.
Hillcrest finished overall 4th place behind The Armadale School, Moreton Bay Colleges and Highfields State in a field of 260 riders and 98 schools represented.
There were two categories in most events; Category 1 for those newer to racing and Category 2 for the regular race attendees.
Day 1:
Well done Kai Pyyvaara for having a go at the road event placing 11th just 2.5mins behind the winner – as well as giving BMX a try and ending up 12th place less than five seconds behind the Gold Medalist.
Day 2:
Well done to our Day 2 competitors (Aiden, Vincent, Kai and Noah) for braving the mud and slush to complete the cross country and hill sprint events today.
Cross Country (XC)
Vincent Campbell 2nd in Year 7/8 Boys Cat1 (SILVER MEDAL)
Noah Smith 4th in Year 9/10 Boys Cat1
Kai Pyyvaara 4th in Year 9/10 Boys Cat2
Hill Climb Challenge
Vincent Campbell 4th in Year 7/8 Boys
Kai Pyyvaara 1st in Year 9/10 Boys (GOLD MEDAL)
Day 3:
Sunday’s Enduro stages tested our riders’ skills, fitness and determination and medal winners were separated by milliseconds.
Jacob Borrelli and Kai Pyyvaara narrowly missing out on bronze medals in their Category 2 age groups and Vincent Campbell managing to take out a SILVER MEDAL in Category 1 Year 7/8 boys.
Well done to Lincoln Smith, Aiden Doty, and Sebastien Borrelli all of whom put in their best efforts to help Hillcrest finish 4th overall.
So good to see our parents out in full support, Father’s Day and all!!
Special mention to Kai Pyyvaara and Vincent Campbell who both placed overall 2nd in their age and race categories for the entire weekend’s racing after combining all their scores from all events. (Kai raced in Road, BMX, XC, Hill Sprint and Enduro; Vincent raced in XC, Hill Sprint and Enduro)
Gold Coast Eisteddfod – Piano Championships
Piano tutor, Mrs Andrea Deeley is very proud to announce that Year 4 student, Lily Southon, only ten years old, was awarded Highly Commended in the Under 12 Piano Championship at the Gold Coast Eisteddfod. Lily commanded a beautiful performance of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, followed by a lively rendition of Midnight Ride, to place in the top 5 of a field of 24 other students, many of whom were playing at Grade 7 and 8 level piano. Lily is to be congratulated on her bravery and her magnificent achievement.
Year 3 student, Alek Lacey is also to be commended as he played extremely well on piano and was the youngest competitor on the day. His rendition of Debussy’s ‘Clair De Lune’ “brought the house down”.
Instrumental Tutor Concerts 2022
On Tuesday, 13 September and Thursday, 15 September, our expert and experienced instrumental tutors provided a wonderful opportunity for their students to celebrate their individual musical accomplishments and perform for audiences within our own community. Family and friends also attended to support the students in their performances and musical successes.
A most deserved thank you and acknowledgment of our wonderful instrumental tutors and their contribution to the College and to the many Instrumental Performing Ensembles they support must be made.
If you wish to enrol your child in instrumental lessons with one of our expert and talented tutors, please click here.
All students are to be congratulated and honoured for their musical contributions and performances, alongside their respective tutors that have guided them every step of the way.
Speech and Drama Gold Coast Eisteddfod
From 1 – 11 September 2022, many of the Speech and Drama students participated in the 40th GOLD COAST EISTEDDFOD. Congratulations to all of you because it is not just about placings but growing in skills and confidence. The preparation, effort and experience were definitely worthwhile. The adjudicators were extremely impressed by the excellent standard of polished communicators in all age groups. Well done.
Below are the awesome Speech and Drama results:
Hannah Litton Kindy – Nursery Rhyme 5yrs and under Very Highly Commended, Humorous Poetry 5yrs. and under Highly Commended, Poem in Pairs 6yrs and under 2nd Place
Abby Litton Prep – Nursery Rhyme 5yrs and under 2nd Place, Humorous Poetry 5yrs and under 3rd Place, Poem in Pairs 6yrs and under 2nd Place
Amelia Taylor Year 1 – Australian poetry – 6yrs 2nd Place, Prose – (Memorised) – 6yrs and under 3rd Place
Wolf Chen Year 1 – Humorous Poetry 5yrs and under 1st place, Prose – (Memorised) – 6yrs and under 1st place, Poem in Pairs 6yrs and under with Micah 1st place
Micah Woods Year 1 – Humorous or light poetry – 6yrs 1st place, Poem in Pairs 6yrs and under with Wolf 1st place
Archie Crews Year 1 – Humorous or light poetry – 6yrs Highly Commended, Australian poetry – 6 yrs 1st place
Bayes Cai Year 2 – Humorous or light poetry – 6yrs Highly Commended, Australian poetry – 6yrs 3rd Place, Prose – (Memorised) – 6yrs and under 2nd Place
Lily Yang Year 2 – Prose 7yrs Very Highly Commended, Humorous / Light Poetry – 7yrs 1st place, Australian Poetry – 7yrs Very Highly Commended.
Mila Perri Year 2 – Prose 7yrs 3rd place, Humorous / Light Poetry – 7yrs 3rd Place, Australian Poetry – 7yrs Very Highly Commended.
Oliver Yu Year 2 – Humorous / Light Poetry – 7yrs Very Highly Commended, Australian Poetry – 7yrs 3rd Place
Elijah Litton Year 2 – Prose 7yrs Highly Commended, Humorous / Light Poetry – 7yrs 1st place
and The Adjudicator’s Encouragement Award.
Max Sun Year 3 – Humorous or Light Poetry – 8yrs Highly Commended, Individual Drama – 8yrs Highly Commended, Prose – (Memorised) – 8 and 9yrs 3rd Place
Ari McGilvray Year 4 – Australian Poetry – 9yrs Very Highly Commended
Madeline Ley Year 4 – Duo Drama – 10yrs and under with Sienna Highly Commended.
Sienna Perri Year 4 – Verse (Not humorous) 10yrs and under 3rd Place, Duo Drama – 10yrs & under with Meme Highly Commended.
Margot Schuurs Year 4 – Humorous or Light Poetry – 8yrs Highly Commended, Australian Poetry – 8yrs 2nd Place, Individual Drama – 8yrs Very Highly Commended,
Viola Chen Year 5- Individual Drama – 8 and 9yrs, Australian Poetry – 9yrs Highly Commended
Osella Yangzom Year 5 – Individual Drama – 9yrs 1st place, Verse (Not humorous) 10yrs and under 1st place, Humorous or Light Poetry – 9yrs Very Highly Commended
Audrey Schuurs Year 5 – Individual Mime 10yrs and under 1st place, Verse (Not humorous) 10yrs and under 3rd Place, Humorous or Light Poetry – 10yrs 1st place
Ivy Thomson Year 6 – Humorous / Light Poetry 10yrs 2nd Place, Individual Drama – 10yrs 3rd Place
Jack Flanagan Year 7 – Humorous / Light Poetry 12yrs 2nd Place
Trisong Yangzom Year 7 – Prose – (Memorised) – 11 and 12yrs Very Highly Commended, Verse (Not humorous) 12yrs 1st place, Individual Drama – 12yrs Highly Commended
Parents & Friends
Hillcrest Alumni and Friends Gala Dinner
Hillcrest Christian College is pleased to formally invite past and current students, parents and staff to the 40th Anniversary Alumni Gala Dinner.
Join us on Saturday 15 October for a night of reminiscing and celebrating Hillcrest Christian College.
Tickets are now live on the link below. Purchase a single ticket (or two!) or gather a group of friends and lock in a table of 10.
Price includes a three course alternative meal and entertainment at the JW Marriott Gold Coast. Discounted accommodation rates are available.
Feel free to share and tag your friends!
Saturday 15 October from 6:00pm – 10:00pm
At JW Marriot Gold Coast Resort & Spa
Ticket Price: $130 per person
Dress: Formal
Booking information can be found here.
Other News
4th Annual Effective Aid Charity Gold Day
The 4th annual Effective Aid Charity Golf day took place at Tallai Country Golf Club over the weekend. Close to 40 Hillcrest past and present staff members played some golf while raising funds for Effective Aid International. Close to $1400 was raised on the day. We would like to thank all the men who participated on the day and also thank the following organisations who made the day possible donations.
Hillcrest Christian College
Tallai Country Golf Club
Australian institute of learning
Defender Fit clothing
Springbok foods
Stampede Biltong
Studio Xphys
Wotton Honey
Southport Sharks
Jarenco Grazing
Bus Services Update
Thank you for another term of Bus Travel and for partnering with us along this journey. Each term your feedback has been valuable and assisted in improving our service.
As we close the term and prepare for Term 4, we would like to provide the following information:
Hillcrest Christian College | Hillcrest Christian College
- Our website has been updated and provides information for our Bus travellers and includes a sign-up form for new users.
- Existing users booking patterns will be rolled over into Term 4 using the booking pattern from week 9 (5th – 9th of September 2022). Please ensure you check these bookings in the second week of the holidays to ensure your bookings are correct. If your travel requirements change, please email the bus team to update your travel profile and requirements.
- We are delighted to announce that from Term 4 we will have bus route 8 operational. This will be the ‘Northern Express Route.’ The AM Route will start at Runaway Bay traveling north, through Hope Island and Helensvale. It will then proceed to Pacific Pines and Arundel, then express to Hillcrest for an 8 am arrival. The PM run is the same in reverse.
- As a result of Bus route 8 commencing, part of Bus route 6 will change, and the AM and PM routes will mirror each other.
- In addition to these changes, we are extending Bus route 4 to drive to Surfers Paradise with the hope to also commence this in Term 4.
- For information about our bus services, please visit our website or feel free to email buses@hillcrest.qld.edu.au.
With the above-mentioned changes, we look forward to feedback and making positive changes to suit the needs of our families.
Once again, we thank you for working with us to improve our system to provide a user-friendly service to our community.