"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:18
Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College
Executive Head of College, Jeff Davis shares an update from the last two weeks of Term 2.
Culture and Wellbeing
Dads Tuning in to Kids
This week, 14 Hillcrest dads have finished an exciting six-week parenting course called Dads Tuning in to Kids. Dads Tuning in to Kids is an adaptation of Tuning in to Kids, a suite of evidence-based programs that teach parents skills in emotion coaching.
Emotion coaching is a way of responding to emotions that can help children and adolescents to understand, regulate and work through their emotions so they can manage their behaviour and respond in socially appropriate ways.
The Culture and Wellbeing Team signed-up to take part in an exciting men’s mental health research project called ‘Scaling What Works,’ funded by Movember. This government initiative is hopeful to raise awareness to men’s mental health, while equipping up to 800 Australian dads in emotion coaching skills to complement their existing parent tool kit. Hillcrest will reach 24 of those dads. While it may seem like a small fraction of 800 dads, our dads have reported life-changing breakthroughs, which has impacted their families in positive ways. Hillcrest would like to thank our first group of 14 dads for their 98% attendance rate (held over six weeks and 20+ hours), and their willingness to learn about a remarkable parenting tool.
Since implementing these programs at Hillcrest one year ago, 90+ Hillcrest parents have participated. College Counsellors Natalie Daugherty, Imogen Zaharis and Emily Townsend have been facilitating these groups throughout different days and times during the last four terms, including some evening groups. The goal is to offer these groups as often as we can, but that will take time as we train and equip staff.
Hillcrest is one of a few schools that offer Tuning in to Kids programs. Additionally, we offer this as a complementary course for our parents. Groups fill quickly once advertised to the College community. For more information for future parent groups, please email Natalie Daugherty on ndaugherty@hillcrest.edu.au.
Natalie Daugherty
College Counsellor

From the ELC
It is hard to believe that we are already halfway through the year with our precious ELC children! We feel so incredibly blessed to have been entrusted to educate and care for our ELC children. Over the last 6months we have watched the children grow and develop into confident and competent children who love to explore and discover the world around them. We have engaged in some really rich learning experiences and revelled in the moments of excitement and joy throughout the ELC. It has been such a beautiful journey so far and we are all so excited to see what the next half of the year brings.
This week we have ended Term 2 with a bang! On Tuesday we were blessed to have Sunday from Hello Africa join us for an incredible show! The children enjoyed a lively introduction to the culture and lifestyle of African people. Sunday shared his African culture by teaching through an interactive show of African dancing and drumming. Learning and development happens rapidly during early childhood, as the brain has higher plasticity. So, the critical years from birth to the age of eight are ideal for introducing the concepts of cultural diversity. We place high importance on educating our children about cultural diversity as we believe exposing children to multiculturalism at a young age helps to support new generations to continue to celebrate and show appreciation and respect for all.
Early Learning Community
From JLC Leadership
Dear JLC Families,
It is always an honour to partner with you in shaping your child’s academic and personal growth journey over Semester 1. Formal reports will be available to all parents via the Parent Lounge, in the first week of the holidays. If you have any questions regarding reports, please be aware that all staff will be on holidays and responses may be delayed until after 6 July.
We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for your active participation in our College community. The support we have received from parents has been truly heartening, and we appreciate the effort many of you have made to attend our fortnightly Assemblies, Cross Country events, and Under 8’s Day. We firmly believe that parents play a crucial role in a child’s educational journey, and we are grateful for your commitment to being a part of it.
We would also like to take this opportunity to commend our students for their hard work and dedication throughout the first semester of this term. We have witnessed remarkable progress and growth in many of them, both academically and socially. It brings us great joy to see our little ones achieve their personal learning and social goals, and we are immensely proud of their accomplishments.
We look forward to the remainder of the school year with great anticipation. There are many exciting events and learning opportunities planned, and we can’t wait to share them with you and your children. Together, let’s continue to foster a strong and supportive community where every child can thrive and reach their full potential.
Thank you once again for your ongoing partnership, and we wish you a wonderful and fulfilling journey ahead.
Christy Gittins
Head Junior Learning Community
What’s been happening in the JLC
Preppies at Paradise Country!
This term, Prep have been learning about Living and Non-Living things, particularly Australian animals. On Monday, 12 June and Friday, 16 June our Preppies left the classroom to explore Paradise Country as a culmination of their learning this term. Once we arrived at Paradise Country our excited students were greeted with freshly made damper. The students had the opportunity to interact with some sheep and goats during the farmyard feeding frenzy. We then attended a number of presentations where the students learnt about a variety of Australian animals, ranging from cuddly koalas to slithering snakes. We had some scaly fun with a snake, and our Preppies showed courage when they all had a turn to pat our scaly friend!
Prep have had a wonderful first semester in the Junior Learning Community. We pray that our families have an opportunity to rest and recharge over the holidays and we look forward in seeing you all in Term 3.
Year 2 Term Wrap up and Minibeast Day
Year 2 has been a ‘hive’ of activity this term! It has been such a joy to see the children’s engagement during our Minibeast Unit! We have nurtured curiosity and wonder as we have observed, classified and studied minibeasts from the land, sea and air. We hardly need to tell you about the children’s learning this term, because, using their SECRET Skills, the students have shown the parents themselves! The children’s pride and excitement was tangible as, dressed in our costumes, we opened our classroom doors to families. We shared posters, poetry, models, videos and impressive information reports. As teachers we were delighted to see the children confidently and enthusiastically sharing interesting facts about their chosen minibeast with parents, and also other classes during the morning. It was a truly wonderful celebration of learning!
Sweet Connections: SLC Carmichael House Spreads Joy with Year 2 Girls
On Monday, 5 June, our thoughtful Year 9 and 12 Carmichael House girls brightened up a cloudy day with an act of kindness. During morning tea, they baked scrumptious cookies and paid a heartwarming visit to the Year 2 girls. Together, they enjoyed a delightful picnic, relishing the delicious treats, playing games, and engaging in cheerful conversations. This gesture of friendship brought smiles to the faces of both the older and younger students, fostering a sense of camaraderie and joy within our college community. We applaud our Carmichael House girls for their compassionate and sweet initiative, spreading happiness one cookie at a time.
Learning in Year 3: Spotlight on 3OC
To complete our unit on persuasive writing, our tech-savvy students embarked on an exciting journey into the world of advertising. Each student was tasked with creating their own product and a persuasive advertisement using green screen technology. It was a joyous sight to see their imaginations come to life as they transformed into spokesperson for their innovative products. The laughter and applause were contagious as everyone celebrated their classmates’ fantastic presentations.
In our science class we dived into the fascinating world of astronomy and explored the phases of the moon. But what made this experience truly special was our unique approach – using Oreo biscuits. By carefully scraping off the cream filling and arranging the cookies in different shapes, our young astronomers created their own edible representations of the moon’s various phases! Not only did we expand our knowledge of celestial wonders, but we satisfied our taste buds!
We wish you a wonderful holiday break with your families and look forward to another fun-filled Term 3!
Year 3 Term 2 Wrap Up
We are halfway through Year 3! It was not as busy as Term 1 but we filled it with lots of engaging, enriching learning. We celebrated good behaviour and hard work in class with Assembly awards, and mini value cards. The children are really working towards being better SELF MANAGERS and building skills to take responsibility of both their belongings and their behaviour. You can continue to help build these important skills at home by giving your child jobs like packing and unpacking their bags, knowing which day is sport and library and putting their books in their bags themselves. These skills are vital moving into the MLC which will be here before we know it. We had such fun learning about SPACE and how incredible God is in how he created our universe for us. Quiz your child on what they learnt about our planet Earth and the Sun. You will be impressed! The children really aced persuasive writing and learnt to use the language devices to be more convincing and engaging. DIGI TECH challenged us, and we had to use our ‘experts’ in each class as we learnt to create a green screen video. As teachers we are very proud of all the student’s efforts and focus in class. They have earnt a well-deserved break and we pray you have some quality connection time with your precious children during the winter break. Thank you, parents, for your ongoing support in your child’s education.
Term 2 Learning in 3/4 Lumos
This term, 3/4 Lumos have enjoyed expanding their knowledge and appreciation of Australia’s First Nations peoples. Students created informative board games with the aim of teaching others about the culture of Indigenous Australians. It was a fun and engaging unit and student’s games were creative and educational. Throughout the term, students had the opportunity to connect with First Nations people from our local area to find out about local traditions, customs and values. Students enjoyed sharing their games with their peers and achieved their purpose in developing a greater knowledge and appreciation for First Nations peoples within the community.
Learning in Year 4: Spotlight on 4MM
This term in Year 4, students have gone back in time to explore Australia’s early history, from the industrial revolution and overcrowded prisons in London to the early settlement of the First Fleet. Within this unit, students have examined the impact of colonisation on the First Fleet using the texts, “Somebody’s Land: Welcome to Country” by Adam Goodes and Ellie Laing and “Sorry Sorry” by Anne Kerr and Marda Pitt. In Week 8, students had an incursion with the Biren Cultural Group. In Week 7, the group had performed a number of dances to the JLC students as part of Reconciliation Week. Under the heading “Sharing Emotions”, the members of the group shared their thoughts, experiences and culture. They spoke of Intergenerational Trauma (resulting from family members who were part of the Stolen Generation) and the impact it has on their lives. We would like to thank the Biren Cultural Group for sharing their culture and experiences with our students.
Year 4 Wrap Up!
This term in our Design Centred Learning Unit (Establishing a New Colony) our students delved into the events and the profound impact of the arrival of the First Fleet and convict ships in Australia, including their effects on Australia’s First People. They researched the transportation of convicts by the First Fleet and the far-reaching consequences of colonization. The highlight was the creation of engaging dramas that depicted the experiences of children connected to the texts studied in class. We had such an interesting time learning all about the ‘First Fleet’ and crafting some captivating dramas. Why not encourage your child to put on a performance during the holiday break encompassing all that they have learnt about Australia’s First People and the First Fleet?
We pray you and your family have a delightful and safe mid-year holiday break. Looking forward to seeing you all again in Term 3!
From the Head of the MLC
Dear Parents/Carers
As we approach the end of Term 2, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the progress and achievement of our students. It has been an exciting and productive term in the MLC and I am proud of the student’s hard work and commitment to learning. They have engaged in a range of challenging and thought-provoking tasks across all key learning areas and committed to many co-curricular and cultural events such as the following;
- Instrumental Music Concert
- Winter Choral Concert
- Duke of Edinburgh
- QLD Futsal Championships
- Torres Strait Islander Art Incursion
- ANZAC Day Service
- Year 5 Camp on Burleigh Hill
- Crazy Sock and Hair Day raising money for Dolly’s Dream
- Da Vinci Decathlon
- Reader’s Cup
- Reconciliation Day
- AFL Q Schools Cup
- Regional Cross Country
- Gold Coast Schools Mountain Biking Competition
- Basketball Excellence Camp
- Science and Engineering Challenge
- Fuse Cup Competition
- Junior Ethics Olympiad
- Year 6 Halfway Dinner
- Student clubs during breaks
- ISS for Years 5-6 and Thursday Sport for Years 7-8
- Finals for Gala Sport Days in Years 7-8
- Gatherings and Assemblies
- Oasis Youth Chapel
The above list is a true testament to our dedicated staff in the MLC who go over and above to support student’s interests and strengths. I constantly challenge our students to take part in these opportunities and I congratulate those who have represented our College in multiple events over the past nine weeks.
Our students have also been working hard academically in the classroom and in the past fortnight, Year 5-7 have both opened up their classrooms to parents to come in and see their ideas as part of their Design Centred Learning projects. It is always great to have a real-world audience to give feedback on our work and these interactions help develop crucial communication skills in our students. We look forward to offering further opportunities for parents to attend the College in Semester 2.
Results from Semester 1 have been shared via our progressive online feedback system; however, students will still receive a semester report card that can be accessed via the Parent Lounge on Tuesday, 20 June (first week of holidays).
Next term, we start with a Student Free Day so the first day back will be Tuesday, 11 July. I pray you have a safe holiday period and look forward to seeing you back for another amazing term in the MLC.
God Bless
Darren Rackemann
Head of Middle Learning Community
What’s been happening in the MLC
MLC Student Leadership
Year 7 Design Thinking
From the Head of the SLC
At the end of every term, I stop and reflect on the achievements I have made personally and through my leadership. The end of term Celebration Assembly has been an idea that has blossomed beyond what was envisaged. Over the years we have transitioned to student-led Assemblies (and Gatherings). Our College Captains, and other student speakers, are so articulate and can capture and hold the attention of the audience. This week I want to share their reflections on Term 2:
Good morning everyone! As we say goodbye to Term 2, we would love to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve had together. There’ll be some photos coming up on screen which you can view as we recap what has happened throughout our Community.
At the start of this term, the Year 12 Future Film Makers Festival took place at Bond University where students got to explore the film making industry and learn more about potential job opportunities in the business such as acting and writing. We’ve heard it was an amazing opportunity and encourage you all to keep an ear out for next year’s event at Bond.
We also had the opportunity to send six of our Year 10 and 11 students to Brisbane Valley Rail Trail for their Duke of Edinburgh Silver qualifications. It provided a great outlet for students to test their limits, riding 115km over the course of three days. We look forward to more Duke of Edinburgh events throughout the year.
In Week One, our amazing Mountain Bike students got the chance to display their skill and talent at the Brisbane Schools Mountain biking competition. With over 30 schools and 300 riders in the competition, Hillcrest managed to make podium positions. It was a testament to their perseverance and determination to succeed, regardless of the intense competition and challenging tracks.
We’ve also had a heap of amazing extra curricular activities organised by Mr. Du Toit this term. In particular, the Bond University Model United Nations and Senior Ethics Olympiad. Both events enabled students to work through thought-provoking scenarios and deal with complex ethical dilemmas which showcased analytical thinking and ethical reasoning.
It was an exciting and eventful term for our Sporting programs here at Hillcrest as students competed in the Border School’s Cross-Country competition. This provided a great opportunity for them to prepare for Districts and get soaked in the rain (it wasn’t fun). The following week students headed off to the Hinterland District Cross Country trials which challenged their endurance and skill. Our community here at Hillcrest was also privileged to continue in the AGCC sports competition, competing in netball, soccer, tennis, oztag and volleyball. It was amazing to see that a large majority of our teams made finals!
Of course, we also continued in our inter-House events. There was dodgeball, trivia and more recently, inter-House choir. Big shout out to the House Captains and Year 12 leaders for their help putting the event together. As Mr Davis said, every house could have easily won this year’s competition and the involvement from all students was amazing to see. Congratulations to Carmichael for taking home the W.
Another amazing event organised by the Year 12 Prefect team was the Crazy Sock and Hair Day. This event brought together the MLC and SLC communities for some fun games like ‘chocolate bed’ and ‘pie the teacher’ with lots of prizes to win. A special thanks again to the incredible Prefect team for organising this fun event in order to raise money for Compassion.
This year’s Musical, Pirates of Penzance was an amazing production organised by the incredible Performing Arts Department here at Hillcrest and demonstrated the insane level of skill and talent amongst our community. It was a great night, and we strongly encourage you all to get involved next year.
As we say goodbye to Term 2, we just wanted to encourage everyone to seize the most of more opportunities like this coming our way, especially the Year 12s who only have 10 weeks of normal school days left. A big thanks to all the staff and students for making this term possible and we can’t wait to see what Term 3 has in store.
A great reflection Sophie and Jayden and thank you for your leadership this term.
As the term ends, for others it continues. I ask that you keep the following groups of students and staff in your prayers:
Year 9 Cooktown Mission Trip – 30 Year 9 students serving the Cooktown community in Week 9 of Term 2.
Singapore Trip – 17 SLC students and three staff departed Wednesday of Week 9 for seven days to explore the sights of Singapore.
Japan Trip – 18 SLC students and three staff departed Thursday of Week 9 for 17 days to explore Japan. As part of this cultural exchange program, students will spend three days attending school in Japan.
Sherwood Cliffs Mission Trip – 20 Year 12 students and three staff serving the Sherwood Cliffs Christian Community and their outreach programs. This group left on Thursday of Week 9 and return Sunday night.
Choral Trip to Hobart – the Bel Canto choir has been invited to participate in the Festival of Voices in Hobart in the last two weeks of the school holidays.
Choral Trip to Brisbane – Manchoir has been invited to participate in the Pemulwuy National Male Voice Festival in Brisbane during the last week of the school holidays.
I wish all the students who are participating in these programs all the very best and thank the staff attending for volunteering their time so that students can have these experiences.
Have a great holiday everyone.
Jason Day
Head of Senior Learning Community
What’s been happening in the SLC
‘Think You Know’ Cyberbullying Presentations
Hillcrest’s Spiritual and Social Emotional Learning (SaSEL) program continues to provide invaluable experiences for our students, and the recent Queensland Police ‘Think You Know’ presentation to each Year level across the Senior Learning Community has been a remarkable addition. Aimed at empowering and educating our young minds about online safety, these sessions have proven to be both informative and engaging. Led by experienced police officers, the presentation covered crucial topics such as cyberbullying, online privacy, and responsible social media use. By equipping our students with the knowledge and tools to navigate the digital world safely, we are ensuring their well-being and fostering a culture of responsible online behaviour. We are grateful for the partnership with Queensland Police in enhancing our SaSEL program and nurturing our students’ holistic development. For more information and resources that can be useful at home, check the website out here.

Sweet Connections: Carmichael House Spreads Joy with Homemade Cookies
On Monday, 5 June, our thoughtful Year 9 and 12 Carmichael House girls brightened up a cloudy day with an act of kindness. During morning tea, they baked scrumptious cookies and paid a heartwarming visit to the Year 2 girls. Together, they enjoyed a delightful picnic, relishing the delicious treats, playing games, and engaging in cheerful conversations. This gesture of friendship brought smiles to the faces of both the older and younger students, fostering a sense of camaraderie and joy within our college community. We applaud our Carmichael House girls for their compassionate and sweet initiative, spreading happiness one cookie at a time.
Year 10 Business Students Make a Splash in the Shark Tank: Solving Real-World Problems
Our Year 10 students recently participated in a thrilling Shark Tank-style event, showcasing their entrepreneurial prowess and problem-solving abilities. Armed with innovative ideas, they pitched their business concepts to a panel of five judges, who consists of members of our local universities (Dr Haroon Iqbal Maseeh and Brendan Howard), business owners (Michael Ha and Angela McMahon) and Head of SLC (Jason Day).
The students focused on solutions that tackle pressing issues. From parking, beach towels to healthy eating apps for pregnant women, their ideas were both impressive and impactful. This event not only nurtured their creativity but also instilled essential skills like teamwork and communication.
Congratulations to all participants for their hard work and dedication in making a difference through entrepreneurship. We eagerly await the positive impact they will continue to make as future business leaders and changemakers.
Year 11 QLD Firefighter Road Safety Presentation
On Monday of Week 8 during SaSEL, Year 11 students were given a impactful presentation from Senior Fire Fighters Mark and Kristee around the important topic of Road Safety. Mark was able to share his own experiences of losing a loved one on the road and equip the students with important skills to remain safe behind the wheel and in the passenger seat.

Year 12 Disco
We are thrilled to share the fantastic success of our recent Year 12 disco, an unforgettable event that exemplified the incredible initiative and organisational skills of our student leadership team. Led by a dedicated group of student leaders, the disco was a resounding triumph, bringing together our graduating class for an evening filled with laughter, dance, and cherished memories.
The student leadership team, with their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts, flawlessly orchestrated every aspect of the event. From securing the venue and coordinating decorations to selecting a lively resident DJ and organising pizza and drinks, their attention to detail ensured a seamless experience for all attendees.
The energy and enthusiasm of our students were infectious, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration that will be remembered for years to come. The leadership team’s ability to rally their peers, inspire creativity, and manage logistics showcased their exceptional skills as future leaders.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the student leadership team for their extraordinary dedication and passion in making the Year 12 disco a resounding success. It is through events like these that our students learn valuable lessons in teamwork, event planning, and effective communication, preparing them for future endeavours beyond the walls of our school.
We would also like to acknowledge the staff who supported this initiative by providing encouragement, resources, and supervision of the night. Your unwavering support is instrumental in empowering our students to take charge of their own experiences and create memorable moments together.
Drama Workshop ‘The Suzuki Method’ – How to Discover Stage Presence as an Actor
The Year 10, 11 and 12 Drama students recently attended a workshop by Zen Zen Zo Theatre company, in our Black Box Theatre (MPC Drama Studios). They were taught by two teaching artists to allow maximum interaction with students. These teaching artists are passionate educators and professional artists with national and international performance and teaching experience. The Suzuki Method is a unique actor-training method that draws from Japanese Martial Arts traditions and develops extraordinary energy, incredible focus and absolute commitment to performance, allowing the students to discover the elusive concept of stage presence.
SLC House Choir Competition: A Melodic Trip Down Memory Lane!
Our Senior Learning Community’s recent House Choir Competition was a resounding success, filled with harmonious melodies and nostalgic tunes that transported us through the decades. The event kicked off with an impressive rendition of the set piece ‘Oh Happy Day’ by each participating choir, showcasing their vocal prowess and unity. The stage was alive with vibrant voices, synchronized harmonies, and infectious energy, leaving the audience in awe.
Following the powerful opening, our talented students took the reins, organising a spectacular mash-up of songs from a chosen decade. The House Captains were tasked with the exciting responsibility of picking which decade their respective houses would perform songs from. Earlier in the term, they diligently researched and selected songs from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, or 1990s, curating a diverse and captivating musical journey.
As the first notes of the mash-up filled the auditorium, the atmosphere was instantly charged with excitement and anticipation. The familiar tunes evoked a wave of nostalgia, not only among our students but also among the Hillcrest staff who found themselves transported back to their own formative years. The performances were a wonderful walk down memory lane, igniting fond memories and sparking conversations about the cultural significance of each era.
From the soulful sounds of Motown in the 1960s to the disco beats of the 1970s, the infectious pop hits of the 1980s, and the iconic anthems of the 1990s, the students’ passionate renditions captured the essence of each decade flawlessly. The choreography, costumes, and stage presence further enhanced the performances, captivating the audience and eliciting thunderous applause.
This annual House Choir Competition served as a powerful reminder of the timeless nature of music. It showcased the ability of songs to bridge generations and bring people together. The event not only provided our students with an opportunity to showcase their musical talents but also allowed them to delve into the rich cultural history of different decades. The passion, dedication, and teamwork displayed by the participating choirs were truly inspiring, reflecting the values we hold dear at Hillcrest. Ultimately, it was Carmichael House that rose to victory in a hard-fought musical battle.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the students and staff involved in making the House Choir Competition a resounding success. Your hard work, creativity, and commitment to excellence shone through, leaving a lasting impression on everyone fortunate enough to witness this memorable musical journey. We look forward to more opportunities to celebrate the remarkable talents of our students and continue creating cherished memories together.
Term 2 Recognition Assembly
We are delighted to share the highlights of our end of Term Recognition Assembly, where we celebrated the outstanding engagement, commitment, and success of our students during Term 2. The Assembly was filled with inspiring moments and achievements that truly reflect the spirit of Hillcrest Christian College.
One of the highlights of the Assembly was a mesmerizing performance by our talented vocal ensemble, Manchoir. Their harmonious melodies enchanted the audience and showcased the incredible musical talent within our school.
We also took this opportunity to recognise our students’ participation in various prestigious activities including the International Duke of Edinburgh Award, a renowned program promoting personal development and community involvement, saw our students demonstrating resilience, leadership, and a commitment to making a positive impact.
Our representative sports play a crucial role in nurturing our students’ physical abilities, teamwork, and sportsmanship. We celebrated the remarkable achievements of our student athletes who represented our college in various sporting events, showcasing their talent and commitment.
We also acknowledged our Year 9 RISE students, our academic enrichments events and a number of our talented art students who were announced as finalists in the prestigious The Doyle’s Art Awards. Their creativity, artistic prowess, and dedication to their craft are truly commendable.
Congratulations to all our students for their hard work, determination, and passion. The End of Term Recognition Assembly was a testament to their accomplishments and the supportive environment at Hillcrest Christian College.
Visit from St Xavier’s Collegiate School, India
This past term we had the absolute pleasure of welcoming St Xavier’s Collegiate school to Hillcrest for a five-day study tour.
St Xavier’s is an all-boys school from Kolkata India, known for its prestigious academics, rating number 2 in all of India.
St Xavier’s seamlessly connected with our Hillcrest buddies who took great pleasure in integrating them into their usual school classes and activities. The students participated in an Assembly, teamed up with the Year 9 Coolangatta Rise project enjoying beach volleyball and soccer, performed traditional songs and dances, effortlessly helped out with the production of our annual World Culture Day and finally, participated in an exciting cricket challenge to wind up their fantastic tour. Still two weeks later our Hillcrest buddies remember their time together with fondness, and hope to one day soon reciprocate the visit.
Sincerest thanks go to Mr Gill, Mr Coetzee and Mr Gemmell for helping to organise the friendly T20 cricket match.
At the culmination of the Tour, Hillcrest challenged St. Xavier’s to a friendly Cricket Match. The visitors were sent in to bat first and after losing an early wicket settled into a nice rhythm. However, the triple leg spin attack of Jed Gregory, Cameron Dungey and Kooper Ransome, supported by the other bowlers were able to take regular wickets and restrict St Xaviers to 96. The best bowling figures went to Jed who took 4-10 off 4 overs. We then opened with Year 12 pair Lachlan Kerry and Oscar Hardy who did their best to lay a strong foundation. However, Hillcrest was soon in trouble and despite a fighting 36 from Captain Jono Rouse, we required 16 from the final over. Kooper hit a 6 first ball and along with young batter Aidan Santosh were able to reduce the equation to 4 off the final ball. Despite a great, fighting effort, we could only manage 2 and so fell short of the target by 1 run. Congratulations St Xaviers, a thrilling end to a fantastic match! We look forward to the next one!
Hillcrest Student Leaders visit Queensland Parliament
This week, representatives of our College student leadership team embarked on a memorable trip to the Queensland Parliament, accompanied by the Deputy Head of Senior Learning Community, Mr James Colefax. The students were thrilled to explore the political heart of our State and gain invaluable insights into the democratic process. Due to unforeseen circumstances, our local representative Ms Ros Bates (Member for Mudgeeraba), was unable to meet with our Hillcrest students, but did arrange for Mr David Crisafulli (Leader of the Opposition and Member for Broadwater) to catch up with our group. They engaged in lively discussions and witnessed firsthand the inner workings of parliamentary debates. This eye-opening experience allowed our young leaders to deepen their understanding of civic responsibility and the power of active engagement. A huge thank you to Mr Colefax for organising this enriching excursion, fostering our students’ passion for social change and leadership.
Annual Year 12 Sherwood Cliffs Mission Trip: A Life-Changing Journey!
We are celebrating another successful Year 12 Sherwood Cliffs Mission Trip, a transformative adventure that continues to leave a lasting impact on our students. Led by the passionate Mr. Steven Gill, this annual mission trip aims to instill compassion and empathy while empowering our seniors to make a difference in the world. Accompanied this year by our dedicated staff members Mr. Dale Adams, Mr. Andy Bogatie, and Mr. Peter Fernance, 20 of our senior students embarked on a meaningful journey of service, immersing themselves in local communities and contributing to sustainable development projects. We commend these remarkable educators for organising this life-changing experience, providing our students with an opportunity to grow, serve, and shine as compassionate leaders.
Pathways News

Future Doctors Australia program
‘The Future Doctors Australia’ program is now open! Please note, the spots in this program are strictly limited.
The Future Doctors Australia program offers a unique opportunity for students (ages: 14-18) aspiring to pursue a career in medicine. Through engaging sessions led by experienced medical specialists, practical learning activities, and insights into the admission process, the program aims to inspire and equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their medical journey. This is an incredible opportunity to gain valuable insights and guidance from medical professionals who are passionate about shaping the future of healthcare.
Dates of upcoming programs:
Sydney: 5 – 8 October 2023
Adelaide: 13 – 16 October 2023
Brisbane: 9 – 12 December 2023
Melbourne: 25 – 28 January 2024
For further information and enrolment details please visit WWW.NIECAREERS.COM.AU
Riviera Information Evening – School based apprenticeships
Riviera Australia will be hosting the Annual Apprentice Program Information Evening NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE BUT THREE TIMES this year!
Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Wednesday, 19 July 2023
Thursday, 27 July 2023
This is for current Year 11-12 Students (plus parents) who would be interested in becoming a School Based Apprentice / Full Time Apprentice for 2024.
There will be some guest speakers of past apprentices, current apprentices, and current school-based apprentices, we will also be conducting a twilight factory tour.
The night is scheduled to start at 5:30pm sharp
Current trades on offer:
Cert III in Polymer Processing (Composite)
Cert III in Marine Craft Construction
Cert III in Timber & Composites Machining
Cert III in Furniture Finishing (French Polishing)
Cert III in Cabinetmaking
Cert III in Engineering – Fixed & Mobile Plant Mechanic
Cert III in Engineering – Fabrication – Welding
Cert III in Engineering – Fabrication – Surface Finishing
Cert III in Upholstery
Cert III in Electrotechnology (Pre-requisite Cert II in Electrotechnology)
To RSVP please use the QRCODE or click on this link.
Be sure to get in quick to book as spots are limited!
School Holiday Health Immersive experiences
Mater Education | High School Health Adventure
Are you a Year 10, 11 or 12 student interested in a career in the dynamic and fast-paced world of healthcare? Mater Education’s High School Health Adventure program is for you!
High School Health Adventure is a program that has been designed to create a realistic experience of ‘a day in the life’ of a health professional. The utilization of simulation with manikins, skills stations, digital technology and case-based scenarios help to create this real-world learning in a unique environment for high school students.
This hands on, immersive experience will cover basic health professional understanding of anatomy and physiology, give students hands on experience of managing patients requiring basic life support and emergency response, supporting patients and their family through medical procedures such as surgery and childbirth.
QIMR Berghofer | Holiday Science Experience
Looking to get a taste of what it’s like working in a medical research laboratory? QIMR Berghofer host a one day science experience program during the school holidays each year. Students can undertake a day of training in practical skills related to genetics, infectious disease or blood biology in our purpose built education laboratory facilities.
The program is open to Queensland high school students in Years 10, 11 or 12 and is free to attend.
Are you interested in a career in fashion? Uni of Sunshine Coast three day workshop over June school holidays
Are you a Year 10, 11 or 12 student interested in exploring your career potential in the exciting world of high fashion? If so, this three-day workshop is designed for you! Come and try out fashion-styling, direct a fashion photography shoot and illustrate your ideas while you create content for digital media just like a fashion influencer on social media! Incorporating the principles of sustainable fashion, you will work with a wide range of vintage clothing kindly donated by Bloomhill, a local not-for-profit charitable organisation.
When: 27, 28, 29 June 2023
Facilitator: Deborah Fisher established an international design career based in the USA, fashion forecasting and designing seasonal collections for major retailers including Bloomingdales and Macy’s. Returning to Australia, she now shares her knowledge and skills as an innovative fashion educator and researcher. Deborah’s qualifications include an Honours degree in fashion and fine arts from the prestigious Pratt Institute, New York.

Defence Forces Event – A Night in the Army Reserve

Interested in an overseas working gap year?
CCUSA facilitates summer camp work, work experiences, volunteer programs and intern placements in the USA, Canada and UK for young travellers.
This can be done during a gap year, or before, while at, or after you finish university, college or TAFE.
Download all programs brochure HERE
Camp Counsellors USA and Canada programs:
These are open to those who are 18 and over by 1 June of each year. The program runs from June to September (northern hemisphere summer) allowing you to spend nine weeks living and working at an amazing summer camp in the USA or Canada. Aussies are always high in demand to work as camp counsellors/leaders at the 1000+ camps that CCUSA work with across the USA and Canada. This program can be done, before, during or after Uni/TAFE/College. Applications for 2024 open in June.
- CLICK HERE for the electronic brochure for Camp Counsellors USA program.
- CLICK HERE for the electronic brochure for Camp Counsellors Canada program.
Here are two videos with some really good information:
- This is a short video explaining all of our programs on offer.
- This video is a little longer and goes into our most popular program of Camp Counsellors USA and Canada. This was a live zoom call so there are questions asked throughout.
CCUSA‘s unique programs are designed to teach leadership, professional development and work-related skills. In today’s society, communication, collaboration and creativity are critical for success in the work force. Many Australians believe a GAP year experience between high school and tertiary studies – or after graduating university, before entering the work force – is an effective way to gain these important skills. Working or volunteering overseas is also useful in guiding students in personal growth and deciding on a study or career path.

Academic Enrichment
Gold Coast Science and Engineering Challenge
Hillcrest Mountain Biking team places 3rd in closely contested Gold Coast Schools competition
Yr9/10 Boys: Padjua Torres 7th, Preston Robinson 9th
Yr9/10 Girls: Sienna Crews 4th, Elle Hallam 5thFantastic effort from everyone; so good to see so many exhausted faces at the end of a tough but rewarding day. Also nice to see so many parents out in support as well as many 1st time competitors.Looking forward to the next competition in Ipswich in August… Let’s go!!
AGCC Grand Final Week
Thursday Activities wrapped up with the grand finals of the AGCC in Week 6 of this term. There were plenty of exciting wins and a few disappointing losses. However, the overall feel from students and staff was the AGCC was a welcomed addition to the sports program and already selections and trials have started for Semester 2. Congratulations to the following teams who won their grand final:
AFL 9s Girls: Year 7-9 (Hillcrest Blue)
Basketball Boys: Year 8 (Hillcrest Blue)
Basketball Boys: Year 11/12 (Hillcrest Blue)
Futsal Girls: Year 7-9 (Hillcrest White)
Netball Girls: Year 10-12 (Hillcrest Blue)
Tennis Boys: Year 7/8 (Hillcrest Red)
Tennis Boys: Year 10-12 (Hillcrest White)
Vicky Wilson Cup/Shield
We are thrilled to share the exciting news from last Wednesday’s Vicky Wilson Competition at Firth Park. Hillcrest, once again, showcased their outstanding netball skills and left a lasting impression on everyone present. Two Hillcrest teams participated in the competition, representing our school with utmost pride and determination. Despite narrowly missing out on the finals, both teams displayed exceptional competitiveness, leaving their opponents in awe of their talents.
Throughout the day, our Hillcrest netballers demonstrated remarkable leadership skills and an unwavering commitment to teamwork. They worked together seamlessly, executing strategic plays and supporting one another on and off the court. Their impressive display of unity and camaraderie exemplified the spirit of our Hillcrest netball community.
It is essential to recognise the invaluable role played by our coaches and supporters in guiding our teams towards success. Their commitment to nurturing not only athletic skills but also character development was evident in the players’ exceptional performances. As we reflect on this memorable event, we celebrate our Hillcrest netball teams for their remarkable achievements and outstanding sportsmanship. They may not have claimed a spot in the finals, but they emerged as true winners, earning the admiration and respect of all those in attendance.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the players, coaches, and supporters who made this journey possible. Your dedication and commitment have made Hillcrest shine brightly in the Vicky Wilson Competition.
Year 4-6 Boys AFL: Hillcrest through to Regional Finals
Our Hillcrest Year 4-6 AFL team competed in the Primary AFLQ Schools Cup. They lost their first game and Coach Matt Lappin had to lift a very flat and disappointed team after the game. His words hit the mark and the boys comfortably won the next two games to reach the grand final and force a rematch against Guardian Angels. The boys got the hard-fought victory in a tight final to secure their spot in the regional finals at Carrara on 21 July. Congratulations boys!
Cross Country: Matilda and Vincent through to State Titles
Matilda Duhig (Year 9) and Vincent Churches (Year 10) competed in last week’s Regional Cross Country. Vincent placed 3rd in the event and Matilda placed 4th. Both runners have progressed to the State Titles in July. Congratulations to these two very talented runners!
Year 4 eSports Win
Congratulations to our Year 4 eSports teams who recently competed in the interschool competition through The Fuse Cup. They have been training hard throughout the semester and demonstrated both skill and sportsmanship. It was a first time for Year 4 to compete in the competition, and not only did we make it through to the finals, we won! Congratulations to all students who competed.
Year 5/6 Mario Kart eSports Competition Success
Congratulations to the Year 5/6 Mario Kart students who competed with energy and enthusiasm at Emmanuel College on Wednesday, 14 June. Hillcrest had two teams in the event, which served as a selection round for the Fuse Cup eSports competition. The Green team made the Semi Finals. Special mention must go to Monica Heywood for being awarded MVP of the day! The MVP is awarded to a student who demonstrates the values of integrity, strength, inclusion and teamwork. Congrats Monica, you made Hillcrest proud.
Speech and Drama news
Jack was invited to attend the 77th Barbara Sisley Awards on 3rd June 2023 at the Premiers’ Hall in the Parliamentary Annexe, Brisbane. He also entertained the audience with a fun poem.The Guest of honour was Matthew Semple – Musical Director of the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. He began his address with a 2008 quote by President Barack Obama,“One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if it can change a city, it can change a state, and if it can change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world.” This is part of a core belief that ordinary people working together can change history. It is an opportunity to inspire people to take action, empower them to change their world for the better, and connect them so they can achieve more together than they can alone.
With this in mind, all the Speech and Drama Award recipients were encouraged to appreciate and develop the gift of their voice and the embrace those opportunities no matter where their circumstances take them. Well done, Jack!

Student Achievements
Ivy Thompson – State Victory
Ivy represented South Coast in the Queensland School Sports event over four days recently in netball at Caloundra. All teams from the 12 regions in QLD participated. Her South Coast team went undefeated taking home the shield from Met East who held it last year. It was a huge achievement to be part of best team in the State. Well done Ivy!
Matilda Duhig Qualifies for National Cross Country Championships
Matilda, Year 9, recently qualified for National Cross Country Championships to be held in Canberra on 25 August. She came 2nd at the All Schools Cross Country Championships on 14 May at Victoria Park, Herston. Well done to Matilda!

Student Achievements
We love celebrating the achievements and success of our Hillcrest students. If you have a child that has reached a state or national level in their area of interest – anywhere from sport, the arts and more – we would love to hear from you and celebrate this success in our College News. Please fill out the form here.
Parents & Friends
Other News
College Uniform Shop Hours
The Uniform Shop will be open for extended hours during Week 1 of Term 3.
We will be open for Click & Collect, regular trade and fittings. No appointment is required. Please see the website here for more information.
School Holiday Trading Hours
Friday 7th July 7:30am – 12:00pm
Extended Hours Term 3, Week 1
Monday 10th July (student free day) 7:30am – 12:00pm
Tuesday 11th July 7:30am – 12:00pm
Wednesday 12th July 7:30am – 12:00pm
Thursday 13th July 7:30am – 12:00pm
Friday 14th July 7:30am – 12:00pm
We will resume regular trading hours from Week 2.

Bus Services
We have come to the end of another busy and wonderful term and thank you for traveling with us throughout Term 2. Among several victories this term such as the travel to the Coolangatta Campus – Rise, we are also delighted to share that we have two new coaches to expand our existing fleet. We value our travellers and continue to build on an excellent service for our community.
As we close for Term 2, we would like to provide the following reminders:
- Please check your booking for Term 3 and ensure they are correct and include a stop.
- If you are changing your child’s travel pass, please ensure you have notified the bus team on buses@hillcrest.qld.edu.au by 9 July 2023.
- Student cards are required to tag on and off the bus for travel. If a replacement card is needed, please visit our College website to order a replacement. Hillcrest Christian College Bus Services
- All fees are due and need to be settled for Term 2 by no later than 16 June 2023 to avoid travel suspension in Term 3. Term 3 fees are due no later than 9 July 2023.
- Casual travellers must maintain a positive balance on their account.
- Payment for bus travel can only be paid through the RollCall App. We kindly ask you to please ensure you have engaged with Rollcall to manage your bus travel account.
Payment through RollCall can be made by following steps:
- Log in to your RollCall Parent Portal.
- Click on the “My Transaction” tab located at the top of the page.
- On the right-hand side of your “My Balance,” click on the green “Add Credit” button.
- Select the student for whom you would like to add credit. Please note that you can only add credit to one student at a time.
- Enter the desired credit amount.
- Click on the blue PayPal icon (note that the name may vary depending on your banking provider).
- In the PayPal pop up tab, sign in with your PayPal account or choose the option to pay with a card.
- Enter your payment details and click “confirm” once you are satisfied.
We wish you and your family a wonderful holiday period.
Please feel free to contact us for any further information or assistance.

Can Your Business Help our Students
The Pathways Team is looking for opportunities for our students. Can you offer:
- Work experience?
- A school based
- Traineeship/apprenticeship?
- Other opportunities to
- Benefit our senior students?
Contact Lucinda Crews, Pathways Engagement Coordinator lcrews@hillcrest.qld.edu.au.