Hillcrest News

27 May 2022

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."

2 Timothy 1:7

Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College

Executive Head of College, Jeff Davis shares the latest update from the last two weeks.



Early Learning


Junior Years


Middle Years


Senior Years


Sports, PA & More

Other News

Other News & Key Dates

Culture and Wellbeing

Welcome to New Wellbeing Team Members

Hillcrest has a strong commitment to supporting the wellbeing of our community and we are delighted to have three new Wellbeing Officers as part of our Wellbeing Team!

Introducing : Natalie (Nat) Daugherty, Zac Smith and Jason Dawkins.

Name – Natalie (Nat) Daugherty (pronounced “Darty”)

Background: I’ve been a school counsellor for the last five years in Orange, NSW – Prep to Year 12. I am married to Andy, and we have two adult children, Noah and Suzie. We recently relocated from Orange, NSW. In addition to working four days per week at Hillcrest, I am a licenced family therapist with the Australian Counselling Association.

Fun Fact: I’ve moved from America to Australia two separate times in my adult life. My kitchen table and chairs have sailed up and down the Pacific Ocean three times!

Areas of expertise and goals at the College: I love to help build student’s character strengths and resilience. I look forward to providing proactive and reactive support to students and families. Additionally, I am passionate about emotion coach training, and I am excited to deliver some exciting evidence-based parenting programs in Term 3 and 4. Stay tuned for future announcements.

Name – Zac Smith

Background: 13 years of elite level AFL, including seven years at the GC Suns and four at the Geelong cats.

Fun Fact: I have travelled to the USA six times

Areas of expertise and goals at the College: Connecting with people from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds. Relationships are at the heart of all I do, and I believe they are the core foundation for any environment. I aim to build quality relationships, connect with people, be a support and create a strong culture at the College.

Name: Jason Dawkins

Background: Dip Youth Work, ACC Pastor, Chaplain. Worked in three different schools and pastored in church for five years over various ministries. Currently at Glow Church and have been teaching in their College for 12 months.

Fun Fact: I have had a pacemaker since I was three months old

Areas of expertise and goals at the College: Encouraging and giving practical advice to young people to better themselves in areas of emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing. I am super passionate about equipping young people to follow Jesus without bending to culture and the fear of what others will say about living their faith boldly.

From the ELC

National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Now in its 22nd successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children’s book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas for children.

This week, our ELC children joined with the JLC to take part in this fun event.

By facilitating NSS we aim to:

  • promote the value of reading and literacy,
  • promote the value and fun of books,
  • promote an Australian writer and publisher,
  • promote storytime activities in libraries and communities around the country,
  • and provide opportunities to involve parents, grandparents, the media and others to participate in and enjoy the occasion.

This year, the children shared in the reading of a book called ‘Family Tree’. It is a sweet book written by Josh Pyke and beautifully illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh.

It started with a seed, and that seed was me.

And, over time, laugher filled my garden …

A heartfelt celebration of family, community and the seasons of life to cherish and to share.

Reading is such a fun way to learn!

Michelle Cecil
Director of Early Learning Community

From JLC Leadership

In the Junior Learning Community (as with all our communities) it functions best when parents are closely involved with both their children’s educational journey and the College overall operation. We can partner with parents who share the same core values and help children grow in a future-focused educational experience; underpinned by a Biblical world view.

Positive parental involvement helps children thrive. Research suggests children whose parents are involved and actively engaged, develop more self-confidence and self-esteem and expect more of themselves. When they are encouraged to challenge their abilities, children strive to perform better. Parental commitment to their children’s education also helps students develop better social and communication skills.

The Bible explains, “Train a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs, 22:6

Parents benefit from being involved in their children’s education by getting ideas from the school and class teacher on how to help and support their children. In addition, they can learn more about the College’s programs and how they work. Perhaps most importantly, parents benefit by becoming more confident about the value of their school involvement. We can develop a greater appreciation for the pivotal roles that we play in our children’s education.

Research shows that by having more contact with parents, teachers learn more about students’ needs and home environment, which is information they can apply toward better meeting those needs. Parents who are involved tend to have a more positive view of teachers, which results in improved teacher morale.

Active parental involvement means a parent’s role does not end with enrolment. An effective two-way communication between families and schools is necessary for your students’ success. Not surprisingly, research shows that the more parents and teachers share relevant information about a student, the better equipped both will be to help that student achieve and have a positive educational experience.

“Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.” Proverbs 1:8-9

Education becomes a partnership between parents and the College where one supports the other. Overall, parents who are present for their kids’ education, help with homework, read to them, and guide them through their learning can see their children thrive at school and beyond.

I encourage you once again to form and build on a connection between home and school. So, feel free to reach out to your children’s class teacher and JLC Leadership as we continue the conversation sharing in the privilege and ministry of raising great children through their learning journey and future-focused educational experience; underpinned by a Biblical world view.

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” John 1:4

Damien Taylor
Deputy Head – Junior Learning Community

What’s been happening in the JLC

Learning in Prep

In Prep we extend from our VAK program in Term 1 by incorporating activities that cater to the different learning styles within our rotations. The children are able to engage in a creative craft to consolidate the focussed sound which engages our visual and creative learners. We also use a “rip the room” activity where they search the room for the words and match them to their picture, allowing our kinaesthetic learners to explore using their whole body in their learning while still practicing the essential skills of reading and writing our focus sound. Our teacher-led group is a more explicit and scaffolded approach where the children are able to practice their writing skills (writing left to right, resting letters on the line and correct pencil grip) while reading, viewing and writing words and sentences. This group allows the children who are more aural and visual to connect with their learning within their zone of proximal development as the teacher scaffolds and differentiates according to their needs. Our wonderful teacher aides work with their own group doing guided reading and flashword practice to assist the children to progress with these essential skills for blending, reading and transferring into writing. We incorporate iPads and ITC by creating read-the-room activities and fast finishers on the iPads too, allowing children who excel in this area to peer tutor others and explore our sounds in an engaging manner, resulting in computer literacy skills too. Our program focusses on creating engaging and meaningful learning experiences for all learners while catering to the children’s various needs and levels of abilities.

Prep – Year 4 Physical Education

This has been a season of creativity and innovation. With unprecedented rainfalls impacting on our classes, we have had to be incredibly resourceful to continue to deliver our program.

Digital workout resources have been a key to keep us huffing, puffing, laughing, and feeling good.

Prep to Year 2 have been participating in whole class games, exploring different types of movement, including using pieces of equipment, and playing movement games.

Years 3 – 4 have continued with their fitness focus. The weekly running of the ‘6-minute challenge’ has seen students put their resolve to the test. With lap counts, distance calculations (in metres/kilometres) each class’s achievement has been encouraging. In Athletics, classes have done an introduction to the field events of shot put and discus. Students are currently assisting to create a series of fitness activity cards to use as class resources.

Sharon Tobler
PE Teacher

Under 8s Day and Parent Connection

What a fun filled Under 8s Day we had today with our P-2 students. Despite the wet weather the students still managed to have a lot of fun with X, Y and Z. It was also great to have our parents on campus for Parent Connection which was postponed from our Easter events. Parents enjoyed hot drinks and a croissant while spending time getting to know other parents.

3KM Green Screen and Australia’s Neighbouring Countries

This term in HaSS, students in 3KM are ‘travelling’ to Australia’s neighbouring countries as part of their studies on these countries. Students will be comparing and contrasting Australia and these countries in relation to natural and man-made features, food, languages, things to do and main industries. We have been engaged in role play activities where we catch a flight to these countries and then participate in a range of learning around them, including food sampling, taking some tourist pictures at some key destinations and exploring the main industries. Students have also put their green screen skills using the app ‘Ink do Green Screen’ on the iPads to the test as they a picture in one of the local destinations. These green screen skills will also be used throughout the term when they create a persuasive video convincing people to visit one of Australia’s neighbouring countries.

Year 1 Teddy Hospital

Year 1 students enjoyed a visit to the Teddy Bear Hospital with their favourite teddy. This event was hosted by Griffith University medical students and featured six rotations for our Year 1 students. These rotations all emphasized our learning in Health of how to keep our bodies safe and healthy. Some of the rotations we visited with our teddies were healthy foods, sun safety, keeping active, dental health, safety with medicine, and what to expect when we visit the doctor. The students were all engaged and very excited to attend. Thank you to the Griffith University students for hosting this event.

National Simultaneous Storytime

National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Now in its 22nd successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children’s book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for our young learners.

This year the book read was Family Tree written by Josh Pyke and illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh. Family Tree shares the beauty of life through the growth of a tree, one that unites families and communities around the world, spreading joy, love and spirit—and it all starts with one seed. Australian singer–songwriter and children’s author Josh Pyke delivers this deeply poignant and lyrical narrative that touches every fibre of our being. Representative of our uniquely multicultural and diverse Australia, Family Tree depicts a society evolving together in unity. We all lay our foundations with a seed, and our roots go deep; we all grow, through good times and bad, ‘feast and famine, drought and storms’.

From the Head of the MLC

The highlight of Week 6 for both the staff and students was the Just Glow disco that was held on Wednesday afternoon in the MPH. Apart from having a great time dancing to the latest tunes, there was also a serious side to the event which raised $500 for Effective Aid. The support of our students was amazing with over 460 students attending which equates to approximately 85% of our student body. I wish to thank our parents for your support and for your patience as we helped such a large group exit safely at the end of the night. I am sure there will be some photos shared in this newsletter that show just how much fun the students had during the event.

On a separate note, several parents have contacted me recently and asked for advice around social media usage in the home. This is a difficult area to give advice on as everyone is different and your children will interact with social media in their own unique way. What I have observed is that many parents are struggling to keep up with the different social media platforms so I thought I would share some comments on TikTok, one of the most common platforms for teens today. The following is a short excerpt from a blog post that was shared here.

Like most social media platforms, TikTok’s algorithm is designed to maximise the amount of time you are on the platform. Algorithms are usually recommended based so they map your regular viewing and recommend similar content but initially what you see is based on who you chose to follow. TikTok is different as it is a recommendation first platform, once you set up your account you have access to millions of 15 second videos created by people you don’t know about topics you didn’t indicate you were interested in. It’s like TikTok guides your viewing profile from the beginning which can be dangerous for impressionable, young minds. Apart from making it very addictive, they can be exposed to:

  • Inappropriate content – from dangerous challenges, sex and nudity, violence, and war propaganda
  • Exposure to sexual predators – either within the platform or through revealing personal identification and location information within videos
  • Cyberbullying
  • Harmful to self esteem

How can you protect your tween or teen on TikTok? There are some simple steps to take to make TikTok safer for your tween or teen.

  1. Set up TikTok’s Family Pairing  that allows parents to link their TikTok account to their child’s and customise their safety settings.
  2. Set an agreed upon daily usage time limit
  3. Disable the Direct Message function
  4. Set the audience that can interact with their posts: everyone, friends only or no one.

Social media by nature can be social, fun, and engaging but also it can be a minefield to navigate especially for parents, carers, and educators when online safety is of utmost importance.  For more information about safety settings on TikTok click here.

Darren Rackemann
Head of Middle Learning Community

What’s been happening in the MLC

Gold Coast Young Leaders Conference

On Thursday, 19 May, seven of our MLC students from 7/8 Leadership Club attended a Gold Coast Young Leaders Conference. Students began the day thinking about the spaces they use to connect, collaborate and learn in, on a daily basis, and thought about how they can redesign these spaces to keep up with society’s ever-changing needs. They completed a Design Spaces challenge and redesigned spaces with a focus on technology, sustainability, and user-centred design. Student re-designed Firth Park and our school pick-area.

After morning tea, students looked around the world to see what other countries are doing to encourage more people to eat fruit and vegetables, use the stairs as opposed to the escalator and even recycling properly. They took inspiration from these quirky innovations as they thought about how they could create solutions to similar challenges faced in our communities on the Gold Coast. After the challenge, students were joined by special guests for a panel discussion exploring their experiences in the workforce and how they make an impact on the local community as part of their jobs.

Tim Gregory – I loved having the guests come in to speak to us. We had businesspeople come in and tell us about their story and how to become leaders. It inspired most of us to follow in their footsteps and take charge and become leaders.

Bridget Henderson – I really enjoyed the talk from the founder of Eggy. It taught us business skills and that often the problem is more important than the solution. I also really enjoyed how the BOP team would have conversations with us about our work and give us feedback in a kind way.

Who is Jesus? Taylor B

Taylor B has been learning about who Jesus is. Is he a teacher, a healer or a protector?

We have had in-depth discussions and conversations regarding questions like Why do you think Jesus healed people? Or How is Jesus a “good shepherd?” We continued to watch videos about the re-enactment of Jesus’ miracles, and how you can find miracles today.

“It’s great to learn and communicate with others in my Life Group, as well as getting a laugh.” Trisong (Year 8)

In the Wellness Wednesday time, we share about what would help us be more confident or less stressed. We watch videos like the kindness boomerang or how to box breathe when we are anxious. Later, we discuss some key vocabulary that can help us through the week and talk about how Jesus would like us to use them. Finally, we finish off in prayer and ask that the Lord would look after us, so we can stay safe.

“In life group on Wednesdays I feel safe but most of all, loved. Mrs Stanton, helps us when we are nervous, like the box breathing or mindfulness colouring.” Isabel (Year 7)

On Thursdays, Taylor B plays games that help us bond as a Life Group. To decide who chooses the game, our life group teacher, Miss Stanton, spins a wheel with all our names on it, whoever is chosen by the wheel gets to select and run the game for that day, this helps with our leadership skills as we get to take turns managing and explaining things to our peers.

Throughout the week, students also undertake in Beat That! games, which are a fun set of activities that all Life Groups compete in to decide the winning House. The activities can range from quick thinking, to accuracy, to performance under pressure. The better students do in the activity, the more points they win for their House. Esther (Year 8)

Year 6 Visit Parliament

On Tuesday, 17 May, 6C and 6A had the chance to go to Brisbane and learn about Queensland Parliament. We had a nice lunch at the botanical gardens, learned about Queensland parliament and took a brief stop at Old Government House guided by our wonderful teachers.

Something that I loved about this trip was that we got to do a little real-life scene in the green room/chamber. The topic was ‘kids should do 1 hour of homework a day.’ – Kingston Taylforth

The thing I most enjoyed was going to Parliament House and learning about the history of Parliament. I enjoyed finding my grandpas name on the honour board for past and present members of Parliament. -Ben Vickery

Year 6 had an awesome time going to Brisbane and learning about Australia’s political history as well as having a beautiful lunch at the botanical gardens. We would like to thank all the teachers, guides and particularly the bus drivers who made this amazing day a possibility.

Squid and Fish Dissection in Year 7

In science, students are studying the animal kingdom, in particular vertebrates and invertebrates. Week 6 saw the Year 7 students completing the dissection practical where they were able to compare the internal structures between a squid and a fish. Students really enjoyed the hands on element this week and will be able to use their learnings to the exam in Week 8.

MLC Glow Disco Mash Up

This week on Wednesday afternoon our MLC students came together as a community to enjoy the first Mash Up of the year. Students came to school dressed in their biggest and brightest disco gear. After school is when the party began with a sausage sizzle,


Reader’s Cup (Years 5-6)

On Tuesday, 24 May, Hillcrest hosted the annual Year 5/6 Gold Coast Regional Readers Cup Competition. This year 25 schools competed, of which Hillcrest was one.

The student had eight weeks to thoroughly read five books and then answer five rounds of question on the night.

Our team received third place and congratulations go to Shylah Coburn, Millie McClure, Nia Rush, Audrey Schuurs and Alex Taylor. Teams are to receive no specific coaching on the books by teachers, but to study the books and question each other independently as a team. We are extremely proud of the way these students worked together both during the preparation process and on the night of the competition.

State Honours Ensemble Program – Middle School

The below young musicians and students were offered places and will be participating in either the June or the July Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University State Honours Ensemble Program South-East QLD 2022. 

State Honours Ensemble Program is an educational program for music students that helps extend and encourage their pursuit of musical excellence.  SHEP is now a firmly established aspect of music learning in Queensland, bringing together young people from all over the State, in regional centres and Brisbane to share their passion for making music. 

The Honours Program gives students the opportunity to:

  • Work in an intensive environment of musical excellence with their peers offering a unique opportunity to extend and develop their musical skills
  • Work with a team of eminent Conductors from Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University
  • Represent their Schools (in full uniform) in a Finale Performance on the Sunday of the Program
  • Receive a Certificate of Participation and Honours Program T-Shirt
First  Surname  Instrument  PROGRAM 
Elay  Ghanbarzadeh  Clarinet  3 – 5 June 
Anna  Hsieh  Trombone  3 – 5 June 
Jonah  Kilpatrick  Cello  3 – 5 June 
Nadia  Sutherland  Vocal Soprano  3 – 5 June 
Jessica  Arden  Vocal Soprano  15 – 17 July 
Fleur  Hammersley  French Horn  15 – 17 July 
Cameron   Hawley  Violin  15 – 17 July 
Isaac  Pitt  Cello  15 – 17 July 
Serena  Zhang  Violin  15 – 17 July 

Congratulations to each student and their respective tutors/teachers.

Elevate Education

On Thursday, 26 May, Year 7 and 8 students hosted the Elevate Education team, where students learned about study skills and memory/mnemonic techniques to aid in assignment and exam preparation. Topics included note-taking, identifying key words and phrases, time management and minimising distractions. Teachers and parents also attended information sessions after school to see how they could further support our students. If you missed these sessions, please keep an eye on future newsletters where we advertise free Study Skills webinars for parents from time to time.

From the Head of the SLC

Every student, every opportunity, every day

As part of the Five-Year Strategic Plan, we aspire to deliver an outstanding student experience, both in and out of the classroom. Feedback from students and parents in 2020 indicated they would like to engage in more year-level based activities. From this feedback, we created many opportunities where students can interact with their peers outside of school hours. This week we conclude the first set of year-level activities with Year 11 students going ice skating, Year 9 students going to Bounce and Year 10 students going to mini golf. I am really pleased with how well these activities are supported with over 50% of the cohort attending. If you have any feedback on how we can improve these offerings, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Colefax.

Mr du Toit, Head of Academic Enrichment, coordinates a variety of opportunities for students to participate in. Current activities include: Debating, SPASE, STEM Ambassadors, Senior Ethics Olympiad, Mooting, DA Vinci Decathlon, Science and Engineering Challenge, Readers Cup and Model United Nations. While numbers are limited for some activities, I encourage your children to become involved in these academic enrichment activities.

There are a variety of co-curricular music opportunities available to students including a large number of choirs targeted to differing ability levels, instrumental ensembles and private singing and instrumental lessons. If your child is interested in singing, they should contact Dr Stewart and Mrs Vadeikis for instrumental.

It is essential that our students remain physically active through Sport. Mr Gemmell and Mr Suter are currently exploring ways we can enhance our current sport opportunities with possible inter-school competitions and through current Gold Coast club competitions.

The College also provides other opportunities including the Duke of Edinburgh program and mission trips for student.

While a student cannot participate in each of these opportunities every day, we are aspiring to provide every opportunity to every student. If you have any suggestions on how we can enhance our outstanding student experience, please do not hesitate to send me an email.

Until the next newsletter,

Jason Day
Head of Senior Learning Community

What’s been happening in the SLC

Respectful Language

In today’s world, it is common to hear socially offensive language on the streets, on social media channels, streaming services and in some forms of modern music. While swearing is becoming more common and less taboo, the use of derogatory language or the act of swearing at someone, or about someone, is a form of verbal violence and not in alignment with our College values and behaviour expectations. It transgresses the usual rules of social interaction by impinging on an individual’s self-image and sense of dignity.

It is becoming apparent that some young people are being influenced by the language they hear. Proliferating the use of swear words can sometimes normalise, glamorise and desensitise their impact for kids who may misunderstand the true meaning of some derogatory terms. Whilst some students may use swearing or derogatory terms as a misguided attempt at belonging, others may use it simply because they are still learning how to moderate their language and are not accustomed to making adjustments to suit different situations.

Although our College has a zero-tolerance to swearing and derogatory language, parents need to also play an important part in enforcing this approach. Parents and carers can be proactive in monitoring what their children are viewing or being exposed to. Discussing the use of words or the origin of some derogatory terms and gaining insight into the reason behind their child’s use of such language can help prevent inappropriate or disrespectful language filtering into the classroom or the school yard, which in turn helps to build more tolerant, safe and connected communities.

This report from School TV, offers a number of guidelines to help manage a suitable approach when discussing the importance of respectful language.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Visual Art Excursion

The Year 10, 11 and 12 Visual Art students attended the ‘The 10th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art’ (APT10) held at the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art that included work by emerging and established artists and collectives. Students navigated their way through time and space, reimagining histories and exploring connections to culture and place. Students’ analyse works through personal, cultural, contemporary, or formal contexts and considered diverse subject matter, developing their understanding of a range of art forms.

Year 12 Geography Excursion

Recently Year 12 Geography visited Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre in Brisbane to conduct their IA2 fieldwork based on their land cover transformations topic. They investigated the impacts of the clearing of reserves for powerlines and what mountain bike trails do to cause erosion. The students will now come up with their solutions on how to manage these issues sustainably.

The students worked with Dr Kimberley Rayner who was able to talk to the students about her career as a microbiologist and demonstrated her expertise in how to collect data in the field. The students learned many new fieldwork techniques and will now use their spatial technology skills to finish their fieldwork report.

Currumbin Wildlife Traineeship

Aurora Training Institute have teamed up with Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and are looking to recruit some lucky students to undertake traineeships at this wonderful facility!

To apply for the traineeships students are invited to attend an information session at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary on Wednesday, 1 June commencing at 4pm at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary.

Students must register to attend the information session by scanning the QR code on the flyer or you can click here.

Attending the information session is essential to apply for the traineeship as they will also be conducting group interviews and initial screening at this event.

Please note, students are to attend from 4pm until 5.30pm, however parents are invited in from 5.00pm only.

Want to try a trade?

If you would like to try a trade, just download and fill out the enrolment form here.


Interested in TAFE at School?

If you would like to consider TAFE at school, please see the attached forms.


Career Pathways – Latest University Information

QUT Open Day is on Sunday, 31 July at Gardens Point campus. Chat to staff and students from all study areas about courses, careers, and uni life. Explore our facilities and see what makes QUT the university for the real world.

A quick guide to QUT: for Year 9 -10 students and parents is on Wednesday 27 April, 5.30pm–6.45pm. This session will provide some tools to help students with course and career decisions.

Pathways to QUT is on Wednesday, 4 May, 6pm–7.30pm. Get tailored advice for post-school and mature-age students about ways to gain entry to QUT and support for success at uni.

Are you a Year 11 or 12 student interested in studying a university subject while in high school? Applications for START QUT Semester 2, 2022 are now open, and close on 31 May. Check eligibility requirements, browse available subjects, and apply on the START QUT website.

Want to go to uni in 2023 but not ready to start a degree? QUT have these options for you to consider …

Diploma in Business


  • 8 months full-time
  • 16 months part-time


  • Kelvin Grove

Diploma in Engineering


  • 8 months full-time
  • 16 months part-time


  • Kelvin Grove

Diploma in Entrepreneurship


  • 1 year full-time
  • 2 years part-time


  • Kelvin Grove

Diploma in Esports


  • 8 months full-time
  • 16 months part-time


  • Kelvin Grove

Bond University
Join us for Virtual Open Day, your exclusive snapshot of life at Bond

Experience Bond’s deliberately different approach to learning at our 2-hour Virtual Open Day broadcast, streaming to you live on Saturday, 14 May from 2pm AEST.

Simply sit back, relax, and tune in on your favourite device to get to know us a little better. From tours of our beautiful campus, to deep dives into our study areas, interviews with current students and academics, and so much more, Virtual Open Day is your all-access pass to life and study at Bond University.

Register now.

Heading to Melbourne for uni in 2023?

A webinar designed specifically for QLD high school students who are considering studying at the University of Melbourne in the future.

There’s a lot to uncover about the University of Melbourne, and if you’re from Queensland, this is your chance.

Join the ‘UniMelb 101 for QLD students’ webinar to hear about your study and accommodation options at Melbourne, how to apply, scholarships, internships, exchanges, and Access Melbourne – the University’s special entry access scheme.

You’ll also hear from current Melbourne students who made the move from Queensland.


Date: Tuesday 10 May 2022
Time: 6.00-7.30pm
To register or find out more: https://go.unimelb.edu.au/ha6e

We look forward to seeing you online.

Diploma of Business – especially for students who like to study virtually
Term 2 intake for Diploma of Business is open and it will start on the 26th of April. This virtual course offers more flexibility to students who are wanting to do the course.

Please click the link to view the course flyer.

Should you wish to enroll, please see enrolment form online and use the code: 2022-DOB-APR-V.

Interested in a career in AVIATION?
Open Day: Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Drone & Cabin Crew

The aviation industry is experiencing a severe shortage of skills and desperately needs a passionate and well trained aviation workforce to support aircraft maintenance and flight safety. Aviation Australia is opening its doors to those looking to pursue a career in Aviation.

Join them for a free guided tour of our Brisbane campus, Saturday 18 June to see what Aviation Australia can offer.

Their expert team will guide you through engineering hangars, cabin crew, and flight crew facilities. Experience a drone racing demonstration, see their planes and so much more! Learn about all course offerings for 2022 – 2023 and the career opportunities that each will open for you. Speak to instructors about what it’s like to study and work in an exciting, challenging and cutting edge industry.

There are three session times available, each session will be 1 hour long.
•    Session 1: 8:30am – 9:30am
•    Session 2: 9:30am – 10:30am
•    Session 3: 10:30am – 11:30am

If you have any questions please contact Lyn.Sank@aviationaustralia.aero

Register now


Basketball State Championships

Congratulations to the South Coast Girls who won the State Championships over the weekend in Toowoomba while the South Coast Boys came away with the Bronze medal.

Congratulations to the following Hillcrest players that were named in the Queensland Schools State Team that will compete at the Australian School Sport Nationals in Bendigo in August: Jade Peacock, Shorna Preston, Tyler O’Neill, Nevarda Ridgeway and Cael Simpson (Reserve)

Well done to Jade Peacock who was named tournament MVP for the girls.

Congratulations to all the players that represented!

Performing Arts – Drama Festival

‘The Trolleys’ by Sara West was the  winner of the 2014 ATYP Foundation Commission Award. This captivating play has got a big heart and asks big questions and our Year 7 and 8 students are so exciting to be working on this play with director Mr Athol Henderson.

The cover of a manhole starts to move and a beautiful glowing jar is pushed over the edge. A small hand follows, then an arm – a girl pulls herself to the surface. She picks up the jar, holds it to her chest and looks to us. Looks right at us. The Trolleys are a gang of six living on the outskirts of the city. They need their light jars to survive the dangerous place they live in but their lights are fading fast and no one knows why. It’s up to Savage Kim and her fiery, soulful, smart, skittish (and sometimes silly) gang to embark on a dangerous journey to figure it out. All they know is that they don’t have much time and if they fail they too will disappear. They will be Dusters.

Our Year 9 and 10 students are producing ‘Spontaneous Human Combustion’ written by Daniel Evans and directed this year by Ms Kelly Sparke. This play is a dynamic, witty and challenging play for high school students that employs theatrical conventions of Magical Realism and Contemporary Performance.

‘Spontaneous Human Combustion’ explores the school captain Astrid Pollard. Ever since she was assigned that oral presentation on Joan of Arc life has sort of, well, spontaneously combusted. People are looking at her funny. Her cake is talking to her. However help comes in the form of school pariah Hadley who convinces Astrid that this might be some kind of divine calling or a mission — just like Joan’s. But something darker is swirling beneath the mysterious vigil, beneath the oral presentation, beneath the playground … and it explains the radical cracks in Astrid’s strangely magical universe.

Year 11 and 12 Drama Festival students are working with professional theatre company ‘Shock Therapy’ this year on a play called ‘The Fever’.

‘Shock Therapy Productions’ was founded in 2015 and is the result of a creative partnership between Sam Foster and Hayden Jones. ‘Shock Therapy Productions’ is a leading company in the delivery of high quality, relevant, multidisciplinary performance and a leader in the Arts and Culture Sector on the Gold Coast as well as Nationally and Internationally. ‘Shock Therapy Productions’ aims to tell stories that are meaningful, thought provoking, dynamic and entertaining, celebrating both the confronting and cathartic nature of art.

‘The Fever’ by Shawn Wallace is traditionally done as a one man play but the student’s Director Zachary Boulton, professional actor and director, from ‘Shock Therapy’ is working with the ensemble to create a physical piece where they all tell the man’s story. The nameless narrator of this blistering monologue lies ill and alone in a dreary hotel room in a poverty-stricken country. As the plays goes on he struggles with memories and his own conscience, which are challenged by the misery and poverty he sees. With compassion, eloquence, and ruthless self-scrutiny, the playwright explores what it means to have good intentions and his own responsibility to care for the downtrodden in society.

Student Achievements

Hillcrest Equestrian Competitors

Hillcrest students were extremely successful over the Labour Day long weekend competing at the SEQ Interschool Regional Championships at Queensland State Equestrian Centre (QSEC) in Caboolture. Hillcrest was represented very strongly with a total of eight members attending the event, all of which placed exceptionally well in the competition.
We are very proud of the efforts of these students, not only in the competition, but also for the ongoing commitment they are showing in looking after their horses week after week. Below is a list of the students’ official placements:

Mia Da Ros

  • 5th place for 60cm AM5 Show Jumping

Kye Hannant

  • 5th place for 70cm AM5 Show Jumping
  • 6th Overall for 70cm Show Jumping


Mia Hannant

  • 5th place for 80cm AM5 Show Jumping
  • 5th Overall for 80cm Show Jumping


Josephine Hermann

  •  3rd Overall for 90cm Show Jumping
  • 4th Overall for 100cm Show Jumping
  • 3rd Overall for 110cm Show Jumping
  • Reserve Champion for 120cm Show Jumping

Olivia Soegaard

  • 6th place Overall for Novice Dressage

Airlie Williams

  • 6th place for 60cm Super 2 Phase
  • 6th Overall for 60cm Show Jumping

Reiya Williams

  • 6th place for 70cm AM5 Show Jumping



Swimming Success for Gideon

With Gideon’s recent results from Age Nationals he qualified to compete for a place on the Australian Commonwealth Swim team.

Gideon competed against existing Olympic athletes, making it through to two of the finals, the 200m Breaststroke (BRS) and the 100m BRS. He also swam a new PB in the 50m BRS. We’re so proud of your achievements – well done!

Noah Kerry wins Silver at Gymnastics Championships

Noah Kerry (Year 7), continues to shine in Gymnastics. Last week, he represented Queensland at the National Gymnastics Championships held on the Gold Coast competing against Australia’s best. He achieved a silver medal for his tumbling pass and 6th for the double mini tramp in the U13 Youth International division. An absolutely amazing achievement and well-deserved for his hard work and dedication to his sport.

Gymnastics and Trampoline Achievement

Grace Chan (Year 5) started gymnastic four years ago and immediately fell in love with the sport. Grace explains, “I started as I needed to do something with my energy. I attend Varsity Lakes Trampolining and Gymnastics and practise six days which is 17 hours a week.”

Last weekend, Grace competed in the Jimboomba Invitational in Level 4, under 10s division. She did an amazing job earning 3 place medals:

  • 2nd Vault
  • 2nd Beam
  • 3rd Floor

Grace says, “My long term goal is to do my best and have fun in the name of God. What I love about it is that I can have fun but it is still a serious sport. It helps me with self-control, resilience and it challenges me to do new things. I like competing with my friends and cheering them on during competition. I love that it is an individual as well as a team sport.”

Grace has now qualified for the Queensland State Championships and we wish Grace every success in the future.

Student Achievements

We love celebrating the achievements and success of our Hillcrest students. If you have a child that has reached a state or national level in their area of interest – anywhere from sport, the arts and more – we would love to hear from you and celebrate this success in our College News. Please email a short write up (approximately 150 words) on this achievement and some images to accompany it, to news@hillcrest.qld.edu.au.

Other News

New Parents Dinner

What a delight it was to share a meal with many of our new parents at the annual New Parents’ Dinner last week. Delicious food was served up as staff, parents and senior student representatives had the opportunity to sit down and talk. The evening started off with a performance from our SLC strings ensemble. We hope that all our new parents had a lovely evening and enjoyed time getting to know other parents, staff and students.

Pots and Vessels Charity Workshop

On Saturday, 14 May, our SLC Visual Art teachers, Lorenna Miles and Jessica Cobb, held a ceramic hand-building workshop to raise money for Effective Aide. We had 20 participants who created a larger pot and decorative vessel. They used a range of hand-building techniques and explored two variations of clay. It was a great afternoon had by all.

Key Dates