“here is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ.”
1 Corinthians 12:12 ESV
Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College
Dear Parents/Carers,
After a number of delays due to inclement weather and COVID restrictions, the MLC centre was fully operational as of Monday 22 February. The majority of the facility has been in operation since the start of the year and its students have been thrilled to be learning in an incredible environment that meets their needs and offers them autonomy combined with the responsibility to complete their own learning.
Many community members have asked me about what might be next in our building program and I can say to the whole community that we are not expecting to have a major building project in the next three years. We have now completed all of the works we had planned and with our enrolments at 1500, we are pretty much at the capacity we feel balances enrolments while offering a comprehensive learning program for all students through the Kindy to Year 12 journey.
The MLC team are working incredibly hard to overcome some of the teething issues surrounding the opening of the facility. No matter how much time is spent planning for the introduction, there will be challenges to overcome which have previously been unseen. I thank them immensely for working tirelessly to provide our students with a wonderful experience in the first weeks of this year.
Choral Excellence Camp
I wish also to commend to you the Choral team who are taking our Choral students on their annual camp over the weekend. More than 100 students participated in the Choral Excellence experience and for many, this camp is the highlight of the year. Hillcrest has a long and distinguished history in Choral performance and often we do not take the time to reflect on the amazing difference that our Choral program creates in our school. The work of Jenny Moon, Nerida Reinecker, Renee Battle, Anthony Kissick, Sam Fiddes and many others enable an incredible number of our students to achieve excellence in an area that is a lifelong skill. These students learn skills that they will have for a lifetime and will then use to honour God and provide joy to others in many different environments in their futures. For the efforts of our Choral team, we are truly grateful.
Strategic Plan
The Executive Team have been working on the finishing touches to the new College Strategic Plan and we are excited about the priorities and goals that have been established to frame the next five years of development at Hillcrest Christian College. By the end of this term, we will have the Strategic Plan fully developed and published for you to consider. We are united and confident that these plans will support the Vision and Mission of the College and in turn, will continue to transform Hillcrest Christian College into a leading Christian educational institution.
Community Involvement
Please consider how you might become more involved in our community throughout 2021 and the P&F are looking for more volunteers to help this year. We want to continue to build a caring culture for all our families and your involvement is encouraged. We know that those who get involved are truly blessed as they support the Vision and Mission of Hillcrest. If you are interested you can attend a P&F meeting or visit the Facebook Page for further details.
Jeff Davis
Executive Head of College
From the Director of the ELC
We have had a lot of fun in Kindy over the last couple of weeks and look out for more fun activities coming up:
- Wednesday 3rd March
- World Wildlife Day – Wild Call Wildlife Show
- Wednesday 10th March
- Crazy Hair Day for Leukaemia – – Bring Gold Coin donation to support research and families facing blood cancer
- Monday 22 March
- Harmony Day – Celebrate and awareness of Australia’s cultural diversity. Classroom Curriculum
- Friday 2nd April
- Easter Friday
- Monday 5 April
- Easter Monday
- Thursday 8 April
- Go Blue for Autism – wear blue to raise awareness for Autism
We look forward to the rest of Term 1 as we learn and grow together.
Alicia Shields
Director of Early Learning Community
From the Head of the JLC
Dear JLC Families,
Welcome to Week 5, it is hard to believe we are nearly half-way through Term 1.
Since our last newsletter, the JLC community (P-4) have been coming together each Monday afternoon to attend the Junior Gathering. Each week we share bible stories, scriptures, worship, and prayer that relate back to our College theme ‘Know Thy Impact’. It has been wonderful seeing the students engage in this special time and come together as a community with Christ at the centre.
In Week 3, we also began our first JLC Community Celebrations on Friday afternoons, classes alternate fortnightly to formally celebrate their achievements, recognise those students who are outliving the values of the Shield and sharing important information relevant to their year level and the JLC community.
Upcoming JLC Community Celebrations
- Week 5: Year 3 and 4 classes
- Week 6: Year 1 and 2 classes
Our Prep classes meet in their rooms separately. Parents will be invited to these celebrations if their child is receiving an award as we adhere to the regulations imposed by COVID-19.
In Week 4, the Castle Library began formal lessons. The Prep to Year 2 classes enjoyed their music and library lessons from the new facility. We are looking forward to our new furniture arriving soon to complement the learning that is taking place in this new space.
Thank you to all the parents who attended our I Love Reading (ILR) sessions last week. Our Deputy of Alignment, Mike Collins guided parents through the program. Parents enjoyed learning about early literacy and becoming aware of the coding rules, vowel sounds and other helpful hints to assist with reading at home.
We are looking forward to our first Year 3 and 4 swimming carnival this week at Somerset College. Our Year 3 students will experience it for their first time. It looks to be a great day of swimming and fun!
Have a wonderful week
Christy Gittins
Head of Junior Learning Community
Bus Library Open
God is amazing. What some would intend for evil, God can always turn to good!
The JLC Bus Library had its first full week of classes in week 4. The large space has allowed us to use it as both a Library and for Music lessons (this gives Mrs. Kilpatrick and the kids so much more time for Music, instead of walking up and back). While we are still waiting for our ordered furniture, it is such a blessing to be able to use some furniture from the MLC for a little while.
Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 classes will have a library lesson once a week where we will read stories, discover new books and do the borrowing and returning for the week. This week we read “Don’t Mention Pirates” by Sarah McConnell. The greatest thing you can do as a parent to enhance your child’s love of reading (and ultimately their skills in literacy) is read to and with your child.
Open Times
The Bus Library will normally be open from 8am on Monday and Thursday, as well as morning tea and lunch each day (Mon-Fri). The students will be able to borrow at any of these times as long as they have their Library bag and don’t have any outstanding books on their account. At break times the last two days, a multitude of students have already been filling the Library. They’ve not just been reading books, but also playing chess or connect 4 and building railway track circuits. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be adding more appropriate activities to engage their active minds and bodies in this space.
Year 3/4 Lumos
Thanks to Dr. Cameron Stelzer for visiting our Lumos students on Wednesday 17 February and facilitating a special writing workshop. Author, Dr Cameron, encouraged our students in their creative writing and used various examples and activities to develop their skills. Some of the activities included writing to describe our five senses within the story and creating a “what if” challenge for students to write about. Students had a great time and look forward to the amazing creative stories students will create. (Also posted in MLC for Year 5-6 Lumos images)
From the Head of the MLC
Our renovation has reached the next stage of opening with students and staff now accessing the external undercover area. The opportunity for outdoor learning and extra space for play have been warmly welcomed with many students on the first day of opening remarking how excited they were to finally be able to play in the space.
Over the next few weeks, we will work to open the spiderweb play equipment, new access ramp down from Terrace Hall and stairs down from Level 2 so students in Years 5&6 can access the outdoor space more easily.
On Friday 12 February we celebrated Appreciation Day as a College and the MLC students demonstrated their care and love for each other through a variety of activities on the day. Possibly the most popular activity was the Wall of Appreciation where students could write a short note to thank someone who had impacted their lives. It was amazing to see how many students wrote notes thanking their teachers for their efforts which I know was well received by all staff involved.
A reflection from the first four weeks that has created a lasting impact on me personally has been my time spent in MLC Gathering. It is incredible to watch young adolescents share their testimony, celebrate their faith and love for Jesus Christ, and get up and dance and sing to worship music with no hesitation. We are so lucky to be able to grow together through our faith in a Christian College and I look forward to being inspired by more of our students in Gathering through the rest of the year.
Darren Rackemann
Head of Middle Learning Community
MLC Outdoor Area Opens
As the heavens open to some heavy rain it was great timing the MLC outdoor area was able to be opened enabling students additional areas to play, eat and socialise. Students enjoyed sitting on the new outdoor settings or took to the courts for some ball sports during the morning break on Friday, 19 February as a heavy downpour drenched the open areas. We look forward to the various uses this flexible space offers both the MLC and the College.
Surf Smart
Our Year 5-6 students have participated in a range of Surf Life Saving activities as part of the Surf Smart Program. With weather forcing students inside our Year 5 classes focussed on beach safety including putting people in the recovery position and safety procedures along with the steps for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Thanks to Dr. Cameron Stelzer for visiting our Lumos students on Wednesday 17 February and facilitating a special writing workshop. Author, Dr Cameron, encouraged our students in their creative writing and used various examples and activities to develop their skills. Some of the activities included writing to describe our five senses within the story and creating a “what if” challenge for students to write about. Students had a great time and look forward to the amazing creative stories students will create. (Also posted in JLC for Year 3/4 Lumos)
From the Head of the SLC
In the Senior Learning Community, we aspire to deliver young people to society who are:
- Educated and prepared for success in their personal, professional and spiritual life
- Equipped with the knowledge to discern what is good, the skills to demonstrate self-discipline and integrity, and the spirit to live with compassion
- Empowered to commit themselves to action for a better society
- Energised to live the truth of the gospel of Jesus in the service of God
We do this through the programs we implement which are underpinned by our culture of care. The College’s Strategic Plan provides us with the key focus areas and priorities on which we are developing our improvement agenda for the next few years and the 2021 SLC Annual Operational Plan. Based upon the feedback from the parent and student surveys last year, there will definitely be a focus on learning and the student experience.
Speaking of the student experience, I watched a rehearsal for the musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. The students were amazing. Tickets are on sale and are selling fast, I recommend you purchase your tickets now to avoid disappointment.
I encourage all students to get involved in the co-curricular program at the college. We have a range of activities on offer including the Duke of Edinburgh program, Kokoda Challenge, a plethora of music, choral and sporting groups. I believe that you get out of life what you put in and the same applies to College life; You get out of your school experience what you put in.
I trust your child has settled into their routines and if you have any concerns, please contact your child’s Life Group Teacher as we want to ensure your child has a great experience and would like to address any concerns as they arise.
Jason Day
Head of Senior Learning Community
Year 12 Jerseys
You may have noticed a slightly different uniform being paraded by our Year 12s as our Class of 2021 recently received their Jerseys. The Year 12 Jerseys, which are seen as a right of passage for our Year 12s in their final year at the College, were presented their jerseys by Mr Day, Mr Colefax with the Heads of House on Monday 15 February. Our seniors proudly posed for their traditional jersey photos to mark the milestone. We trust they will wear them with pride and be a keepsake from their last year at Hillcrest, our Class of 2021.
College Uniform
At the start of each year, it is important to be reminded of the expectations surrounding our College Uniform. At Hillcrest, we see our students as ambassadors for our College and therefore ask students to dress and act in a manner that positively reflects our College community. Our uniform policy is available on our website and will soon be updated for a 2021 version to reflect some minor corrections and to provide greater clarity. Our 2021 uniform policy will include some clarifications that have been made regarding our hat policy which are mentioned below.
When wearing the formal uniform, it is compulsory for Years 9-12 students to wear the supplied College Formal hat to and from school. (The College is aware of a delay in the supply of Formal Hats for our Year 9, 10 and new students. We hope to have this rectified as soon as possible. All other years should be adhering to the requirements.
Students must wear a College hat or cap during outdoor practical Physical Education lessons, sporting activities and when participating in activities that are held in the sun. It is compulsory for all students to own the College bucket hat which is to be worn at all major carnivals, however, students may also purchase the College sports cap which can be worn during all other activities that are not house-based.
Thank you for your support
James Colefax
Deputy Head of Senior Learning Community – Pastoral
SLC Appreciation Day
Performing Arts
College Musical Interview
(“Make sure to buy tickets to this years musical”)
Over the next couple of weeks, we will post a couple of interviews from cast members from the upcoming College Musical, Joseph and the Technicolour Dream Coat.
This week we feature one of our narrators, Grace Purnell.
College Musical – ON SALE NOW!
Tickets for our 2021 College musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat” are NOW on sale. This incredible production features outstanding singers, actors, dancers and musicians from Years 8-10, and will be spectacular. Don’t miss this production with modern twists and local Gold Coast influences. Use the QR code in the poster or CLICK HERE to order tickets.
Choral Camp – Slideshow
On Friday 19 February, nearly 100 students from Years 7-12 attended the annual Choral Excellence Camp in Mt Tamborine. This cherished event unites and strengthens the bonds between our Choral students along with some intensive workshops.
The Sound of Music
Our halls, tutorial rooms, practice areas have been beating with the sounds of various melodies, rhythms, and songs as our performing Arts departments have been practicing their various arrangements. In contrast to a quieter 2020 where COVID put many restrictions on practises, it’s wonderful to see and hear our students practicing with fewer restrictions. We look forward to various performances throughout the year.
SLC House Dodgeball Competition
Following on from House Camps and the SLC Swimming Carnival another House competition has been highly anticipated… the legendary SLC Dodgeball competition. A fast and furious competition, this House event was held during the two breaks on Wednesday 18 February.
Final points and ranking will be announced early next week in the SLC Community Celebration (Assembly) but students had a great time either participating or cheering their House or peers and Greene House were the last ones standing for both the Years 9-10 and Years11-12. Please see some of the Year 9-10 & Year 11-12 images below.
Head into the danger zone for the SLC 2021 Dodgeball competition.
Music: Kenny Loggins – Danger Zone
Student Achievements
Kaela Tapper
It’s always interesting and welcomed to hear from Hillcrest students and families and this week we received an email about Kaela Tapper.
Kaela Tapper has gained a place at the prestigious German ballet school, John Cranko Schule in Stuttgart. Kaela has studied ballet since she was 4 years old and moved to part-time Ballet classes whilst studying at Hillcrest. “Thanks to the school’s flexibility, Kaela was able to pursue her love of ballet whilst still achieving top marks at Hillcrest” – Cassy Tapper.
Kaela currently studies at the Amanda Bollinger Dance Academy while continuing to achieve with her studies online. After sending an audition tape to various ballet schools in Europe, Kaela was honoured to receive an invitation to join John Cranko Schule which she will take up in September.
We wish Kaela all the very best as she continues to pursue her passion for Ballet.
If you have a student achievement in or out of school we would love to hear about it. Please email the College at news@hillcrest.qld.edu.au
Below images from Amanda Bollinger Dance Academy
General News
New Parents Dinner
- Wednesday 17 March 2021
- 6.30pm for a 7pm start in the SLC Courtyard
- Please RSVP by Friday 12 March 2021
Key Dates
Supervised Study Sessions (with Teachers)
Teachers in certain faculties will offer supervised study sessions for their classes on a weekly basis, and will communicate this with their individual classes. These sessions will run from week 5 to week 8 in the Resource Centre.
Tutoring (University Student Tutors)
The Senior Learning Community provides a ‘Tutoring Program’ for students in Years 9-12. This is a free service and an excellent opportunity for small groups to support and learn from each other with the guidance of Student Tutors. The Tutors are some of our top academic Hillcrest Alumni who are currently studying at various Universities. During Term 1, Student Tutors will be available for assistance with Mathematics, Science, English and Humanities subjects predominantly. ‘University Student Tutor Sessions’ will take place from week 5 to week 8 in the Hillcrest Resource Centre as follows:
- 1:00 -1.40pm – Lunchtime (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)
- 3:00 – 4:30pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
- 3:00 – 5:00pm Thursdays
Online Tutoring (University Student Tutors)
Tutors can include 1 x student via Teams online while in a group session. The ‘online’ option will be set up with the ability to book 20-minutes during the afternoon sessions as outlined above. Mr Wotton (SLC Tutoring Coordinator) will advise as soon as the booking system is active. If you have any questions regarding the Student Tutors, please contact Mr Paul Wotton in the Resource Centre or email pwotton@hillcrest.qld.edu.au
Peter Fernance – Deputy Head Senior Learning Community – Academics
Paul Wotton – Head of Resource Centre / SLC Tutoring Coordinator